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The get fit, stay fit thread

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After hitting the 13st 7lb after my holiday, I'm now down to 12st something. Out of the overweight category on the BMI chart, yaaasss.

Some of that may have been from being rather hungover and eating nothing / throwing up throughout Saturday though.

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Having rejoined the gym I'm looking for a HIIT routine to help with the cardio side of things, as well as doing weights,

I used to do a pretty simple one on the stationary bike when I was a member before -

5 minute warm up on the bike, getting heart rate up and keeping pace at 100 rpm.

5 x 30 seconds flat out - 30 seconds back to 100rpm

5 minute warm down on the bike.

I would try and get my heart rate up to near maximum when doing the 30-30 section.

What are people's thoughts on this routine?

This is roughly the same Hiit routine I use twice a week along with weight training and I've had great results. This is with a clean diet during the week and a Sunday of eating a lot of shite.

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Having rejoined the gym I'm looking for a HIIT routine to help with the cardio side of things, as well as doing weights,

I used to do a pretty simple one on the stationary bike when I was a member before -

5 minute warm up on the bike, getting heart rate up and keeping pace at 100 rpm.

5 x 30 seconds flat out - 30 seconds back to 100rpm

5 minute warm down on the bike.

I would try and get my heart rate up to near maximum when doing the 30-30 section.

What are people's thoughts on this routine?

Sometimes I'll do a pyramid HIIT of something like 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 and do say twenty seconds rest in-between. The first ones tend to knacker you more obviously, but you recover enough in time for the last two to go absolutely 'flat' flat-out at the end if you get where I'm coming from.

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Currently I am doing some cardio and lifting in the house as I can't be bothered (too poor) to fork out for a gym membership.

So I do burpees most days a week, I do 20 secs on (can usually managed 8-10) then 10 secs rest, for a combined 2 minutes (and that's classed as a round). Then I do maybe 2-3 more rounds. At a beginner stage right now, but hope to do more/longer rounds as I progress. No need for equipment, full body you get a total arse kicking.

Also lift when I can be bothered, usually 6 days a week (high/low/med sequence). So I'll do some shoulder presses/rows one day and legs another. Not really concerned with getting super buff anymore, but just doing enough to stimulate the muscles and not be a fat pos.

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My routine is all done in the house with a set of dumb-bells and an abs roller. I usually try and do 3 exercises per muscle group and alter what muscles I target each week to vary it up a bit.

Monday - all 3 sets of 12. Triple set.

Usually start with a combination of push ups and crunches (super set) - kind of like a warm up routine.

Bicep curls


Dumbell flys

Hammer curls

Alternate arm extension

Overhead fly

Concentration curls


Chest press

Finish with the ab roller and dumbell side bend (super set)

Tuesday - all 3 sets of 12. Super set.

Usually start with a combination of push ups and crunches (super set) - kind of like a warm up routine.

Shoulder press (sometimes alternate this with an Arnold press)

Wide row

Side raise

Kneeling one arm row

Bent over raise

Dead lift

Finish with the ab roller and shrugs (super set)


Rest day from weights but play 5's in the evening.


Same as Monday


Same as Tuesday

Saturday and Sunday - rest days

The week after I might combine biceps with back and then do chest with triceps and shoulders. Just depends how I feel.

Might seem a bit much but it's working for me and I can see a difference. I also might skip a weight day and do a 15 minute set of 5 push ups followed by 5 squats and try and fit in as much as possible within a 15 minute period. It's a good challenge.

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On the bike theme, can anyone recommend a decent exercise bike to buy for use at home?

Want something available for use over winter and cannot be f*cked joining the gym for 3 or 4 months before cancelling again as I have done the last 2 years.

You really want a spin bike - so much more effective for cardio than other stationary bikes.

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Can anyone recommend any cardio that won't strain my inner upper thigh? Pulled something there and usually always sore when I do cross trainer at too high a level.

Inner upper thigh could be a groin strain, so I would be very careful what you do until it gets better. I say that as someone who spent 8 months in pain and 4 months out due to training too hard when having one.

Edited by BishyTON
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Will raise you from an 8 to a 9 ITUO (in this user's opinion).

Impressing you is the main reason I'm doing it x.

I did it today and it nearly turned from a solid 8 to a straight dead, absolutely fucked.

Sometimes I'll do a pyramid HIIT of something like 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 and do say twenty seconds rest in-between. The first ones tend to knacker you more obviously, but you recover enough in time for the last two to go absolutely 'flat' flat-out at the end if you get where I'm coming from.

I used to do that on the rower, the first time I did it I didn't do a proper warm-down and just stopped because I was so fucked and I almost collapsed when I got up :lol: Minter.

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For HIIT I go to the park and do

5 min jog

20 sec sprint (at 100%) + 1 min 40 jog = 2 mins

Repeat another 9 times

5 min jog

Probably been mentioned before but low carb/high fat diet with around 200g protein works well for me for fat loss/strength increase. I keep carbs around the 50-60g mark with fats (preferably coconut oil/fish oils) at around 100g. Tasty way to eat as well.

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Sprints are an excellent way of burning fat and increasing cardio. Did a lot during the summer and noticed large gains, not great for shitty weather now though. If can find small to biggish hill then even better for sprints. Usually find a stretch of straight to sprint flat for 6 seconds and do five sets of five 6 second sprints, jog quickly back to the start point after each sprint. Rest period after each set for a minute.

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I used to do that on the rower, the first time I did it I didn't do a proper warm-down and just stopped because I was so fucked and I almost collapsed when I got up :lol: Minter.

Not being able to do a proper warm down due to a minor hypoglycemic episode is always acceptable, mostly because you get sympathy from the chicks.

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Sprints are an excellent way of burning fat and increasing cardio. Did a lot during the summer and noticed large gains, not great for shitty weather now though. If can find small to biggish hill then even better for sprints. Usually find a stretch of straight to sprint flat for 6 seconds and do five sets of five 6 second sprints, jog quickly back to the start point after each sprint. Rest period after each set for a minute.

Was out in the pissing rain this morning it's never as bad as you think it's going to be and would rather do it in rain than sunshine. Used to do hill sprints but don;t have any good ones near where I am. Sprints on flat ground seem a lot easier in comparison.

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Was out in the pissing rain this morning it's never as bad as you think it's going to be and would rather do it in rain than sunshine. Used to do hill sprints but don;t have any good ones near where I am. Sprints on flat ground seem a lot easier in comparison.

The rain doesn't bother me much. It's rain combined with darkness and mad winds. Just nope. Have a nice warm gym to train in when that shits on.

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You really want a spin bike - so much more effective for cardio than other stationary bikes.

Would probably be my choice, but I'll need to get something that my missus can use on occasion too, and the spin bike won't work for her.

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This is my routine, looking to lose fat - muscle gain not really important. Just want to sustain and not lose any.


30-45 mins on stationary exercise bike. High to low intensity, try to build up a sweat.

45-70 mins weights - have free weights and multigym in garage. Use reverse pyramid system light-medium-heavy and usually do front to back system. (i.e. chest press then back exercise).

x3 sets of leg extensions

x2 sets of calf raises

x3 sets of overhead dips

x3 sets of rows

x3 sets of dumbell press

x3 sets of lat pull downs

x3 sets of bench dumbbell pull ups

x3 sets of bicep bar curls

x3 sets of bicep curls - free weights

x3 sets of tricep extensions

Five min ab crunches workout.


Five min ab crunches workout

Some pressups


Hour of Five-A-Side


Similar to Monday but change some exercises and the order.


Same as Tuesday


30 mins on bike and Ab five mins again, maybe pressups.


Same as Monday - different order.

Sunday - nothing, maybe a flat walk or some stretching.

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For HIIT I go to the park and do

5 min jog

20 sec sprint (at 100%) + 1 min 40 jog = 2 mins

Repeat another 9 times

5 min jog

Probably been mentioned before but low carb/high fat diet with around 200g protein works well for me for fat loss/strength increase. I keep carbs around the 50-60g mark with fats (preferably coconut oil/fish oils) at around 100g. Tasty way to eat as well.

How do you manage to take in 200g of protein a day? Protein shakes or just eating an absolute shit tonne of meat/tuna?

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Today I eat and trained

25g unflavoured whey/30g peanut butter

Went to gym

50g uf whey/100g banana

3 eggs/100g mackerel/200g combined mushroom and spinach

2 homemade turkey burgers with 250g mince

2 beef olives, 250g asparagus, broccoli and sprouts

That'll be well over 200g. Amounts are approximate, havent weighed food or used myfitnesspal in a while but they'll be pretty close.

I'll do HIIT tomorrow so will drop the first "meal" of whey and peanut butter.

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160 grams of protein today for me as a comparison, logged on fitness pal.


Porridge with almonds


Apple and two mandarin oranges


Roast beef and potatoes



Pre gym

Three bean soup with pack of pre cooked chicken slices

After gym

Baked potato, tin of tuna, chicken and noodles

1500ish calories. Not very much but tried to eat more and just got quite fat.

Trying to lose fat until under 10%, at 12 atm. Then will try to pack on lean muscle, will inevitably put some fat back on but don't want to bulk up when I have some fat already, I don't have a big frame really so any fat shows.

Is this viable? Talking about a two year plan, not rushing anything. Any tips on losing the final few percent in fat?

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