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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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Plenty of excitement, twists, turns and close calls there but from an overall plot and feasibility perspective that failed to deliver as it might have, for me. Other than the balance of power come the end game, it's also looking fairly predictable now in terms of how things will go with regards to the Cersei conflict (the only uncertainty perhaps arising from not knowing how many fighting people are actually still alive outside of the Iron Fleet). I can't help but feel that this final season is and will be a bit of a let down overall; in a season, what, ~440 minutes long(?), 120 minutes of that covered very little of what was a lot yet to be resolved. We are now left with probably four hours remaining to sort out everything else. Not nearly enough, in my mind, particularly when the first two episodes were pretty barren of genuine plot development.

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I’ll put it in spoilers in case people don’t want to know about stuff from the preview for next week but a couple of characters are shown to have definitely made it that i wasn’t sure of.


Ghost and both of Dany’s Dragons are alive.


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57 minutes ago, Shotgun said:

Wow. OK, well I'm getting up to fix myself a drink. Send me your orders and I'll make sure everyone else gets what they need.

So, aye right. Who did we lose then? I counted...

Brienne (Yes? No?)
Pretty much all the Dothrakis.
The blue eyed gits

If I kept track (and I'm not confident that I did) Jaime's still with us, right? Also, Sansa, Arya, Tyrion, Bran/The Three Eyed Raven, Jon, Dany, Gendry, Varys, Pod, Sam, Davos, The Hound and most importantly, Tormund. Did he have a line tonight btw?


from my watching i am going for 







Most if not all of the Dothrakis, Free Folk(wildlings) and  Unsullied

Night King


Also that is the Mormont house no more 

And everyones favourite Ginger Norwegian lives to fight another day and get closer to the big woman 

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Loved it, bit on the dark side but my tv’s not great.

The Dothraki getting wiped out in seconds was awesome but ruined a bit with Jorah riding straight back.

Can you imagine what it felt like when the night king raised all the folk you were just fighting with?

How the hell are they going to manage to march down and take kings landing now?

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13 hours ago, MONKMAN said:
The Night King dies at Winterfell, along with a f**k load of other characters.   What's left of the Allies then regroup and head South, to take on the Axis (Cersei/Golden Company) in the Battle of Kings Landing.

Who sits on the Iron Throne? Fucked if I know...


ETA. 8 Hours and 28 minutes until showtime.



Looking good so far.


Outstanding episode, although I'm not sure if it was just me but I thought the ending was fairly predictable. The entire scene with the Night King approaching Bran, I was looking about the trees waiting on Arya jumping out. That said, it was superb.


At some points, the lighting made it too hard to actually see what the f**k was going on. The clean up next week will reveal who’s still there, but as it stands we’ve lost;








Of those, Jorah, Beric, Ed and Theon were certainties after last week. I was expecting more than maybe one of the main characters going, but Jorah had me welling up.

So, the Dothraki are dead, the unsullied are dead, the armies are massively depleted. How do they regroup how to take on the axis in the south. I’m sure we’ll find out in the next week or two.


Edited by MONKMAN
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Absolutely gutted when Lyanna opened her blue eyes. Really wanted someone to declare her the only fit ruler in the end.

Can’t remember who mentioned it, but it wasn’t Wun-Wun she killed, as they’d have burned his body after the BoB.

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I don’t agree that Dany and Jon’s armies are too overpowered for Cersei. They’ll have lost more than half of them in that episode including all their Dothraki which was supposed to be one of their biggest strengths.

If you’d told me that’s how the WW army would be destroyed then I’d have said that’s far too easy. They’ve been built up as this unstoppable force over 7 seasons for it to take a pretty simple trap to kill the main guy. However at the moment I have no idea any other way that storyline should’ve ended as it now seems absolutely perfect. That 5 or 6 seconds from seeing Arya jump behind him, getting caught and wondering whether that was her fucked to her switching hands with the dagger and stabbing him felt like ages.

I think the other deaths were fine. Lyanna went out like a champ, Ed’s was a bit meh but so was the character tbh but Jorahs was perfect. There’s no other way to have killed him off other than being done in protecting Dany. Killing off offscreen would’ve been a huge disservice. I kind of like what they did with Grey Worm. I think most people would’ve thought he’d of died with the Unsullied but you can tell he’s become a lot more human since the beginning off his story as he was terrified during that battle which is the opposite of how the Unsullied usually are.

So aye, top notch tele. 3 episodes left to wrap it all up...

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If you’d told me that’s how the WW army would be destroyed then I’d have said that’s far too easy. They’ve been built up as this unstoppable force over 7 seasons for it to take a pretty simple trap to kill the main guy.

Couldn't agree more, 7 seasons wrapped up in a little Arya sized ribbon.
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4 hours ago, The Golden God said:

Ghost was with the Dothraki at the start and wasn't seen after so he's almost certainly deid. 

He's in the preview for next week, as are the two dragons.

I'm a little bit disappointed with the ending of that episode if I'm honest. 8 years of build up for what turned out to be a 5 second pay off in the end. Surely the army of the dead are a much bigger threat than Cersei? The episode itself was as good as previous battles directed by Saphonik, I just was left a bit cold by the ending and by the plot armour of pretty much all of the main characters. Literally thousands in the army and otherwise died, yet the commanders and anyone of any note survived - just felt a bit too convenient.

Looking back there are clues that Arya would be the one to do it and I loved the knife flick between hands making a return. The ending left me a bit cold all the same.

Edited by Kyle
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Couldn't agree more, 7 seasons wrapped up in a little Arya sized ribbon.

What should they have done? I thought it was actually spot on, Team Winterfell got an absolute kicking, even before the dead were resurrected they were probably going to lose.
Jon could never have got close enough as the Night King had too many hauners.
Also at least it was a highly skilled fighter and not Sam or some other no mark that killed him.
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