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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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58 minutes ago, Detournement said:

And they were proven right by the fact that we all watched it. 

True enough but how much have they lost in syndication potential and box set sales? It may have been one of the most watched (or is it the most watched?) TV shows in history but I'm betting a lot less people are interested in watching it a second time.

ETA: Less people? Fewer people? Who's Master of Grammar around here?

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Presumably Auld George has been watching this and planning his next books to suit. I expect it'll be like one of the old Dungeons and Dragons books where you decide how the story goes.


Daenerys stands in front of the Iron Throne. You approach her. Do you kiss her (go to page 69) or brutally kill her (go to page 7,855)?





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Who was always in here claiming "if you think it's a happy ending, you havent been paying attention"?

I'd say all the Starks getting out alive, and ruling over the 7 kingdoms (maybe 8 if Jon is "King beyond the Wall", guess we'll have to wait for someone who's watched every episode and seen a quote that hints it in Season 5 to actually know) is a pretty happy ending.

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22 minutes ago, Swarley said:

Presumably Auld George has been watching this and planning his next books to suit. I expect it'll be like one of the old Dungeons and Dragons books where you decide how the story goes.


Daenerys stands in front of the Iron Throne. You approach her. Do you kiss her (go to page 69) or brutally kill her (go to page 7,855)?

Hes on to a winner, theres almost no ending he can write now that'll be this bizarre. 

And at least if it is, there will be some substance to it, they didn't explain half of what happened in that episode. They spent longer showing Tyrion shuffling chairs for a cheap joke than explaining what actually happened in the weeks after Jon killed Dany :lol:

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8 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:




It's normally "less" for a singular noun and "fewer" for a plural as in "I'm eating less sugar by having fewer lumps".

^^^ Master of Grammar found, or an Edmure attempt if he's wrong!




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11 minutes ago, paul-r-cfc said:

Anyone think Bran told Tyrion something during their chat at Winterfell that won him the crown? Or was that another pointless scene

What would he say?

I'd add it to the pointless scenes. Like Ayra spending a season learning how to wear a face, for her to use it once, against Walder Frey. 

Or us learning that Bran can affect the past in his visions, which is used only once, to destroy Hodors mind.

Or the wildfire clearly starting to burn under Kings Landing last week, which is just ignored and it seemingly manages to not explode, somehow.

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There's absolutely nothing to stop someone raising a rebellion and trying to overthrow Bran or any of his successors. Nothing has changed really. The 'wheel' isn't broken at all; it's just had a stick put in the spokes.

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4 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

There's absolutely nothing to stop someone raising a rebellion and trying to overthrow Bran or any of his successors. Nothing has changed really. The 'wheel' isn't broken at all; it's just had a stick put in the spokes.

It's just an ultra-soft compound tyre. It's gonna need changed every 15-20 laps.

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A few pages back, I said that there were a lot of rattles thrown from prams over this last season and that it was a bit pathetic.

But that was shite. Brandon Stark has been the absolute worst character in the entire programme from the moment he woke up from his coma. Actually got so bored of him that I felt like fast-forwarding the programme every time he came onto the screen. Think Limmy's tweets last night were pretty spot on about the last episode - full of cheap jokes and general pish, with childlike writing in comparison with previous seasons. 

Was going to re-watch the show from Season 1 but it feels a bit pointless now that we know the final outcome. Sadly, a rancid ending to an absolutely incredible show.

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In the unlikely even that I rewatch this I'd probably stop at the end of season 6 because it went off a cliff after that. 

The peak of this entire show was Tyrion's trial, The Mountain & The Viper and Tyrion killing his da. The end of season 4 is head and shoulders above everything else on offer.

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As shite as the last season has been the ending for the characters and where the ended up was really fitting. I called brann ending up on the throne a few weeks back in a post.

The way they've went about putting people into these positions was actually really clever just a bit of a poor ending.

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It's quite amusing seeing the reactions of the far left brigade now the two Westerosi heads of state are a girl and a cripple. Apparently when Daenerys burnt King's Landing it was part of a calculated plan by the writers to denigrate the underprivileged.

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19 minutes ago, quickoverayard said:

The way they've went about putting people into these positions was actually really clever just a bit of a poor ending.

Would agree with this. Teleportation is really clever. Wish someone could invent it in the real world, tbh.

Unless you meant the way in which they placed the characters in to their final situations, in which case I'd one billion percent disagree, and counter that the writing was atrocious, the characters decision making made little sense, and what was shown to the audience (Arya stumbling about in some rubble for 15 minutes) against what wasn't shown (the reaction to the murder of the fucking queen) was completely and utterly baffling.

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