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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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I’m sure Deepwood Motte, seat of house Glover is located quite a bit to the west of Winterfell, on the west coast near Bear Island. If so, the army of the dead would pretty much have to march right past Winterfell to get there.

Saying that, I doubt they’d particularly care for such detail at this time.

After his big “House Glover have stood behind house Stark for a thousand years” speech, I hope Lord Robett Glover gets an absolute shoeing.

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It was exactly what I expected from the first episode. Sansa's about the only character in the whole show who actually has character development and it's nice to see Arya return after years of boring plot with the faceless men. Dany finally being called on her shit and not getting everything her own way was great, too.

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1 hour ago, MONKMAN said:

I’m sure Deepwood Motte, seat of house Glover is located quite a bit to the west of Winterfell, on the west coast near Bear Island. If so, the army of the dead would pretty much have to march right past Winterfell to get there.

Saying that, I doubt they’d particularly care for such detail at this time.

After his big “House Glover have stood behind house Stark for a thousand years” speech, I hope Lord Robett Glover gets an absolute shoeing.

Aye but it's also north of Winterfell, so they wouldn't be going past Winterfell to go there. They had to go out of their way to go to Karhold, so it feels like they're battering all the occupied major keeps and castles before Winterfell.


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I am by no means a massive GoT fan but I am committed to it now.

Underwhelming is a generous description of episode 1 I would say. That scene with Jon on the dragons was cringey as f**k and thrown in for the virgin demographic of its fanbase, surely.

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Was it not the Last Hearth that got done in by the Night  King in the opening episode? The Karstarks arrived at Winterfell and were used as part of one of Davos' anecdotes.

I still maintain that was a good opening episode, admittedly I was probably still a bit hyped up about the show's return and called it great. The first episode in a new season has always been a scene setter and I thought they established what they needed to. The final two scenes were very good, I liked the opening scene parallels between season 1 episode 1 and this episode. The Aladdin-esque magic carpet scene  was totally out of out of place in the wider context of the episode but surely lines up Jon being a dragon rider in the final battle.

For what it's worth, I agree that things are starting to go a bit Robb Stark for Dany now. Even her closest allies are questioning her actions. It started with Varys last season and has continued this season. If Jaime ends up compromised in some way next week, that could push Tyrion away from her too and then she's running out of allies among those who really matter.

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14 minutes ago, Estragon is a fud said:

Have to say I think the 20 month gap in series has contributed to me not enjoying it as much. It was far too long. Really struggling to remember why some characters are where they are and how they came to be there(The Hound, Varys, Gendry, Beric) and where some of the others are that weren't in the episode(Melisandre, Brienne)

Brienne was standing behind Sansa when Jon arrived at Winterfell.

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29 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:

They said that the Jon on the Dragon scene was there to cement the fact that he's a Targaryen as only they can ride dragons, making him more inclined to accept his true parentage once Sam reveals it to him.

That and presumably Jon is going to ride a dragon in one of the battles at some point so it gets him learning to be able to out of the way.

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I'll be disappointed if the big battle is mostly shite CGI of Jon and Dany on Dragons and all the other characters being able to massacre a million enemies before getting their tatties.

Most battles are more gritty than that, but that first episode seems like they'll want to head down a "Hollywood" route.

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31 minutes ago, Estragon is a fud said:

Have to say I think the 20 month gap in series has contributed to me not enjoying it as much. It was far too long. Really struggling to remember why some characters are where they are and how they came to be there(The Hound, Varys, Gendry, Beric) and where some of the others are that weren't in the episode(Melisandre, Brienne)

You having shite memory and neglecting to have a catch up is no ones fault but yours. 

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51 minutes ago, Rodhull said:

The scene was pretty cheesy but I can think of plenty of reasons for it being included as a pretty significant plot point. Guessing you’re just on the troll though so i’ll Not bother going into it.

I thought I might get accused of that.

As I said, I'm not a massive fan by any means but I do enjoy the series and was fairly underwhelmed last night.  

Fair enough if there's a larger context to the dragons scene but it was pish and they clearly put a lot of time and effort into making it significant, including the little romance at the end of it.

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36 minutes ago, Estragon is a fud said:

Have to say I think the 20 month gap in series has contributed to me not enjoying it as much. It was far too long. Really struggling to remember why some characters are where they are and how they came to be there(The Hound, Varys, Gendry, Beric) and where some of the others are that weren't in the episode(Melisandre, Brienne)

Everyone watched at least the last season in prep.

I thought the episode was great. All about positioning people where they need to be physically and the alliances that will form/split going forward.

I thought the politics and scheming has been completely missing in the last few seasons as we basically had a Lannisters bad, WW bad everyone else good thing going on. 

Looks to me like some of the nuance and intrigue is returning and it's not going to be we all come together for a straight dead v living but lots of sub plots that's going to majorly f**k it for some fans favourites.

I have a feeling the "trial" of the Kingslayer is not going to go smoothly for Dany and can see more fracturing of her authority. Basically every person on the room, or at least their houses, took part in Robert's rebellion and I think she's going to make an arse of it.

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Jon and Arya's reunion again flagged the fact that he's already died.  Will that lead to a twist around him taking control of the army of the dead and leading them away like some kind of pied piper?
Or.... Maybe the Night King controls Jon and has done all along.... Maybe Jon leads them all right into his hands.
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Regarding Jaime, why do more folk not get that him killing the Mad King was a good thing? When he's in the big bath with Brienne, not long after losing his hand, he expresses his frustration at that. What he did saved hundreds of thousands of folk. The Mad King was a horrendous c**t and needed to go.

They're a bit too in to their vows, despite the fact that most of them are vow breaking c***s themselves.

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20 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

Everyone watched at least the last season in prep.

I thought the episode was great. All about positioning people where they need to be physically and the alliances that will form/split going forward.

I thought the politics and scheming has been completely missing in the last few seasons as we basically had a Lannisters bad, WW bad everyone else good thing going on. 

Looks to me like some of the nuance and intrigue is returning and it's not going to be we all come together for a straight dead v living but lots of sub plots that's going to majorly f**k it for some fans favourites.

I have a feeling the "trial" of the Kingslayer is not going to go smoothly for Dany and can see more fracturing of her authority. Basically every person on the room, or at least their houses, took part in Robert's rebellion and I think she's going to make an arse of it.

Bran knows that Robert's Rebellion was built on a lie though, and he might fire in with some truth. Of course he might also mention that Jaime shoved him out the window.

Pretty much the only right anyone has to the throne is through arms/might. The Targaryens themselves were usurpers.


Also don't mention Dorne or Mereen. They, along with any associated characters, no longer exist. Daario? Who? You've made that name up.

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28 minutes ago, Estragon is a fud said:

Why are you so angry about it?  20 months is far too long a gap. The 6th series was 3 years ago.  

Would you rather they rushed it and pushed out an inferior product just because you're dense? 



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Or.... Maybe the Night King controls Jon and has done all along.... Maybe Jon leads them all right into his hands.
Ooh ya fucker, that would be some ending. Does he have blue eyes? Like Tormund?
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