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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Tell you what fucking annoys me, is the number of c**ts giving Floyd Mayweather grief for being an arrogant p***k and flaunting his money like the unlikeable, narcissistic w****r that he is. Then, those same lobomotised fuckwits worship Conor McGregor for the exact same behaviour.

Edited by Vanquinho.
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Tell you what fucking annoys me, is the number of c**ts giving Floyd Mayweather grief for being an arrogant p***k and flaunting his money like the unlikeable, narcissistic w****r that he is. Then, those same lobomotised fuckwits worship Conor McGregor for the exact same behaviour.

Aye but he's Irish so just a cheeky chappy banterlad

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The worst one is the dads of young 0 month-4 year olds posting up statuses saying its from the kids to the mothers. No it isn't you reprobates. Your child can't eat solids yet so I doubt they think they've got the "bestest mum in the hole wide wrld xoxox"

Fucking c***s

If a kid isn't eating solids by the time they are 4 then there is a serious problem. No wonder they have to get their Dad to post a message for them on Facebook.

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Why would you ever use that picture of remembering your deceased parent?

Totally agree. The picture is out of focus, there's some wee dick getting in the way of the shot, it's not at a good angle. Basically, it's rubbish.

My timeline was full of folk harping on about Mothers Day. In fairness a few did actually have their Mums tagged in on posts so they obviously have Facebook but I still think that it was merely a chance for folk to fish for likes for being such a nice person to think of their Mum yesterday by putting up a picture of them.

Wow I'm feeling bitter this morning.

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My timeline was full of folk harping on about Mothers Day. In fairness a few did actually have their Mums tagged in on posts so they obviously have Facebook but I still think that it was merely a chance for folk to fish for likes for being such a nice person to think of their Mum yesterday by putting up a picture of them.

Wow I'm feeling bitter this morning.

^^^^ Yep, I had to stop looking at FB yesterday - every single f*cking picture was a mothers day entry - entries from pets, posts to deceased mums or photos of loads of grey haired grannies eating afternoon tea and drinking sherry.

Was going to rant about it but then my wife put up a picture of her mum and my mum, closely followed by my son (who knows better but was playing the crawler card!) putting up a picture of my wife. FFS. I claimed a small victory by going around correcting the grammar/spelling on the posts.

Can't wait for fathers day...

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I posted recently about my sisters boss being on Facebook and posting shite.

Twice in the last week he has posted the same status -

"Anybody up for the cinema tonight?"

Total replies/likes? 0.

Pleasing. He's also announced that he's decided to move on to Instagram/Twitter more so people should contact him on there from now on.

Edited by The Minertaur
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It was certainly an interesting choice of words

^^^^ Yep, I had to stop looking at FB yesterday - every single f*cking picture was a mothers day entry - entries from pets, posts to deceased mums or photos of loads of grey haired grannies eating afternoon tea and drinking sherry.

Was going to rant about it but then my wife put up a picture of her mum and my mum, closely followed by my son (who knows better but was playing the crawler card!) putting up a picture of my wife. FFS. I claimed a small victory by going around correcting the grammar/spelling on the posts.

Can't wait for fathers day...

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I "think" the message is that you should spend more time praying about it than you do talking about it. No mention of actually doing anything about it.


(Although the picture doesn't specify what "it" is, which I suppose could be an important factor.)

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