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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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I mean, whatever gets them through it, right? But c'mon to f**k. 

Its like the "white feathers are a sign your being watched over?"  Is it, aye?  Or is it that almost absolutely everything, with the exception of feather dusters, are stuffed with white feathers? And that most birds have white, downy feathers when younger or on their undersides?

It's nice and all if my old dear is up there dropping feathers, but £5 notes would be a bit more practical tbh.

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On 11/08/2019 at 07:33, Day of the Lords said:

Have i missed some sort of new Remembrance-style event? Facebook seems to be awash with sad wankers sharing slavish devotion and thanks to "veterans". 

It seems it's ok to kill innocent women and children as long as you are a soldier.

Still to meet 1 who isn't a shovelheaded tosser but true heroes if I'm talking about them on FB. Arseholes

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Horrific.  Whatever happened to just texting your other half saying 'you're getting pumped when I get home'?
Horrific. Whatever happened to just sending a telegram to your other half saying "you're getting pumped when I get home stop"?
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11 hours ago, Swarley said:
18 hours ago, TheScarf said:
Horrific.  Whatever happened to just texting your other half saying 'you're getting pumped when I get home'?

Horrific. Whatever happened to just sending a telegram to your other half saying "you're getting pumped when I get home stop"?

Horrific.  Whatever happened to writing your other half a sonnet saying "you're getting pumped when I get a dowry together"?

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Have come to realise that Facebook and social media to some is just a way for people to post their fake perfect life so that that don’t have to deal with the reality. It’s not doing society and people any favours. Nobody lives a perfect life, we should stop trying to pretend we are something we’re not. Stop trying to compete with other people’s fake perfect Facebook life. It’s pointless.

I still get annoyed at lost cat pictures though.

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Have come to realise that Facebook and social media to some is just a way for people to post their fake perfect life so that that don’t have to deal with the reality. It’s not doing society and people any favours. Nobody lives a perfect life, we should stop trying to pretend we are something we’re not. Stop trying to compete with other people’s fake perfect Facebook life. It’s pointless.
I still get annoyed at lost cat pictures though.

Lost cats matter.

Meow meow meow.
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