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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Local accident hotspot, every time theres a crash it's because of speeding drivers.

Added a comment and boy racers are triggered. Going faster is safer apparently.

So says some chav from glenrothes who thinks hes Schumacher because he put a noisy exhaust on his schemewaggon


This is despite the fact that the lassie who witnessed the crash said the car who caused it was speeding and on the wrong side of the road.


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It's really fucking weird how many people are desperate for a fictional straw man to be offended by a fleg.

Folk need to start taking the piss out of that more. I LUV BRITTISH SANGWIDGES NO MATER WOT BUDDISTS SAY, R U BRAVE ENUFF 2 LYK & SHARE? 90% OV PEEPLE WONT.

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Facebook has never exactly been a bastion of tolerance but I’ve found the level of ignorance and hatred surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement staggering and depressing. Some people are simply too thick to understand the narrative, others are just blinded by their own hatred.

I’ll post some screenshots later when I’ve had time to hide the names but almost all of the vitriol comes from the boomer generation. It’s sickening.

Edited by Hammer Jag
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I've had a couple appear on my timeline over the past few days, all from the same zoomer who gets repeatedly telt by other folk on his friends list but continues to post utter nonsense




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Local facebook group is convinced that theres some sort of criminal conspiracy by the charity bag people.


When one normal person asked 'maybe they're just trying to make a living' it went ignored.


Thanks for the free bin bags.

Its funny how being stuck indoors gets you a bit scared of nothing. It's been happening for years, probably bought three reels of bin bags since i moved in ten years ago.



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52 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Local facebook group is convinced that theres some sort of criminal conspiracy by the charity bag people.


When one normal person asked 'maybe they're just trying to make a living' it went ignored.


Thanks for the free bin bags.

Its funny how being stuck indoors gets you a bit scared of nothing. It's been happening for years, probably bought three reels of bin bags since i moved in ten years ago.

What kind of criminal conspiracy? Most charities have stopped the kerbside pickups for bag donations, as local "entrepreneurs" (or even other charities) worked out they could zoom round in their white van on the stated day and wheech the bags away before the charity can get there. Then there are the companies who word their bumph like they're a charity but aren't; "good cause" being a nebulous phrase that can include "my beer fund". That's as close as I can think of.

Are Facebook nutters claiming bag runs secretly fund Al Qaida or something?  :mellow:

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What kind of criminal conspiracy? Most charities have stopped the kerbside pickups for bag donations, as local "entrepreneurs" (or even other charities) worked out they could zoom round in their white van on the stated day and wheech the bags away before the charity can get there. Then there are the companies who word their bumph like they're a charity but aren't; "good cause" being a nebulous phrase that can include "my beer fund". That's as close as I can think of.
Are Facebook nutters claiming bag runs secretly fund Al Qaida or something?  :mellow:
It's based purely on nimby principles and that the boy delivering had his hood up.
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Just now, D.A.F.C said:

It's based purely on nimby principles and that the boy delivering had his hood up.

I put way too much thought into that  :lol:

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I'm not sure what they think the conspiracy is? Just that maybe it's a fraudulent company.
If some pikey wants to sell on shite i dont want then no big deal really.
Maybe they think they're rebus or something? Just boredom

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20 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

I'm not sure what they think the conspiracy is? Just that maybe it's a fraudulent company.
If some pikey wants to sell on shite i dont want then no big deal really.
Maybe they think they're rebus or something? Just boredom

The whole 'outsiders on our street!' mentality is just bizarre. I used to meet up with a kid from another school once we'd finished for the day, but he'd sometimes get home late, so I'd wait outside on the street. After a few minutes, some curtain twitcher would inevitably make themselves known and demand to know what I was doing, even if they'd already met me before. One even sent her husband out to try and move me on after I (politely) refused to do so.

Made sure to take an extra large dump on their rug, let me tell you.

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