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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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One of my mates always shares this shite, every time I tell him to stop liking this made up scaremongering shite. He is a grown man for Chrisr sake. It's always the most ridiculous thing as well like this pepper drug one, simply no way this happens in reality.

If I think they can take the pwnage I usually link them to snopes.

If I think they're too unstable and might be a suicide risk I just unsubscribe. This applies to most people posting such shite sadly.

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A guy on my Facebook posted two fucking belters in the last 24 hours. First one was of his pregnant bird on a hospital bed, belly out and upturned smile, hooked up to the machines, with the hashtag #sadface :barf

The next day and girl is born & he posts a cute black & white picture of her in robes with only her eyes on display. Comments such as she`s just like her sister, same eyes!!! Oh and they called her Arya, Game of fucking Thrones! Rangers fan, stupidity wins out.

Edit: another guy is on some insanity training regime and regularly posts up his progress via some sort of tick chart diagram. He has also taken to posting selfies as he loses more and more weight.

Edited by Desert Nomad
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When girls put "feel so ugly" when they know there stunning but just want compliments!!

My missus does this in the house.

Due to the fact she's not stunning I usually just respond with "aye".

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This is stretching it a bit as a Facebook annoyance, but there's a girl from work on mine who has just gotten engaged and had her wean (or 'wein' as her partner insists upon spelling it) christened and the vast majority of males at these magical events seem to wear incredibly tacky-looking shiny suits.

It is all I can do not to comment 'WHAT THE f**k IS WITH THE SHINY SUITS YOU GYPSY WEDDING LOOKING WEIRDOS' to complete strangers. Also, I am the next Gok Wan or Trinny or Susannah, so f**k knows why Channel 4 haven't signed me up yet.

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Someone on my Facebook posted yesterday about the 'home made Nandos' he was having for tea.

That's called eating chicken, mate.

I nearly burnt my fucking tongue off earlier this week when I slightly overdid it with Nando's hot peri-peri sauce on my rice.

Running cold water over your tongue under the tap only works 'til you put your tongue back in your mouth btw.

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:lol: Last status of Garrys I remember reading was of him spewing in his car. Is that them all in Majorca or wherever they went?

All in maga. At least 2 have been tattooed & 4 came home early.

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she is obviously not doing it right, you shouldn't be sober enough to check in on facebook

Indeed, I couldn't even operate my phone north of the river.

On another note. Bucket lists. Anybody who has one has deep psychological problems. Anyhow I digress, there's this guy who's entire list seems to be in Las Vegas. Every couple of hours, that's another one done with a shitey check in somewhere I've never heard of.

Edited by Desert Nomad
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