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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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"The Secret art of Fungus Shuie" aye that. Fucking stupid "share and get money" status that idiots like.

Oh that fucking 'Moneybags' shit. Yes, the ancient Chinese tradition of sharing a photo and some text on Facebook because there's five Sundays in December this year (or was it February? Or November? ) and it won't happen again for another 7000 years.

People actually believe this stuff. Frightening.

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Oh that fucking 'Moneybags' shit. Yes, the ancient Chinese tradition of sharing a photo and some text on Facebook because there's five Sundays in December this year (or was it February? Or November? ) and it won't happen again for another 7000 years.

People actually believe this stuff. Frightening.

Its such a load of complete shite. Here it is:


"To share! This only happens. Every 823 years! Share and you'll receive money in 4 days! If you don't share and look at the image you'll stay poor! According to the Chinese art of fungus Shiue. Just in case gonna share!"

By some twat called Juan Carlos Rodriguez.

Its the kinda moronic shite that makes you stupider for reading it.

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people posting pictures of themselves queuing at midnight for the new gta ..... :(

really dont understand this huge rush to get a game when it comes out , i will probably buy it this weekend or the following weekend once it has died down a bit ... and all the cheats are revealed online

Edited by forever_blue
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What's this whiny shite all about?

So a strike date is set, and tomorrow the smear campaign and hatred towards us will start...but I'm going to put it out there straight, my personal view of why I am striking..... it's not about money, if I wanted to be rich I would not of become a firefighter, I love my job...it's what I've always wanted to do...I don't ever want to stop doing it, but one day my body will start to fail under the extreme stresses the job puts it through, I stay as fit as I can to allow me to do my job but you know what....we cannot stop our bodies ageing....and after years of blood, sweat, tears, loyalty, unquestionable dedication emotional scarring from seeing some truly horrible heart wrenching scenes the day I'm unable to "as 55year old +" wear a BA set in hundreds of degrees of fire to rescue somebody or run up a ladder and pull someone out of a building I will be SACKED....because I'm unable to carry out my job..I will not be able to draw my pension because the government say its my fault that my body can no longer do it, The fire brigade used to put you into office jobs if you could not fulfil your operational roll....well now they can't because its all privatised, so it's easier for them to throw me on the scrap heap, I don't do my job for THEM....I do it for YOU I love "saving people" being part of a team that will be your life line during the worst possible moment of your life...but sometimes that leaves me haunted by the ones we could not save, I don't complain, I don't speak of it...I put on a brave face and pretend it doesn't affect me..but it does, but as of tonight the government and media will make myself and my colleagues across the country out to be vile, greedy, selfish monsters.....all because we don't want to be thrown on the rubbish tip and prevented access to our pensions all because our old bodies are broken.....I can't tell you how heart breaking it is to see your fire service being shredded apart all so a bunch of backhanding barefaced lying politicians can profit from its privatisation.

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To be fair to the firefighters, we are goin through the exact same thing, to be told you'll be expected to work upto an extra 10 years to get a pension which in terms of average value has gone from about 20k p/a to 10k p/a and a final commutation of 120k to around 11k, paying 14.5% of your already overtaxed salary just to get it is a bit of a boot in the bollocks. Add to that would you want a 60 year old cop out running after someone who broke into your house or a younger fitter one? Or a 60 year old fireman who can't carry someone out of a house because their back went ages ago but they can't afford to retire early because they'd be left with nothing? I'm all for modernising the pension structure etc but what has happened has left people facing loosing their homes etc. given that your average worker has rights to be in a union and organise in that way and doesn't work shifts, social media has been useful as it allows shift workers to discuss the issues.

Exactly. We got told when this shit came in, by that wonderful Mr Maude, that "now these workers can relax in the knowledge that they have a guaranteed pension and conditions."

That's what we believed when we signed up to work in Public Service, you cúnt. Contracts are supposed to work two ways, and I'd be out on my arse sharpish if I broke the terms of mine.

No mention of the one group of Civil Servants who not only have not had their pensions raped, but have also gleefully ignored the CS pay freeze for the last few years.

Back in 2006, we fought for our pensions, and many of the services concerned were happy to retain rights for those already serving. Anyone coming in would know they had to work until 65 - fair play, if nonsensical. One Paramedic I met at a rally told me that 40% of his colleagues were leaving, either through ill-health retirement or simple inability to perform, before the agreed retirement age of 60.

Police, Ambulance/paramedics, Prison Officers, Firefighters, Medical Professionals - these are the people who make our society work. They should ALL be given the respect they deserve, and the chance of a decent retirement after serving their country in what, for many, is a thankless task.


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