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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Facebook is being ruined on a daily basis by every c**t talking about the referendum. We've got fucking months to go! Don't want to hear your faux political knowledge and ramblings every day from now to September!

No, I'd say it's been ruined by people sharing stupid pictures and videos. I'd prefer to see people post about important matters such as the referendum, rather than mind numbing shite.

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No, I'd say it's been ruined by people sharing stupid pictures and videos. I'd prefer to see people post about important matters such as the referendum, rather than mind numbing shite.


The unending pollution of facebook by fat full-time "mommies" posting tedious meme after tedious meme is far, far worse than the independence stuff.

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No, I'd say it's been ruined by people sharing stupid pictures and videos. I'd prefer to see people post about important matters such as the referendum, rather than mind numbing shite.

I'd second that. I seem to spend more time on Facebook hiding pish that other people think is funny or interesting. I've reduced a lot of friends to acquaintance status to try to reduce the amount of crap that I see.

Oh for the good old days of nudging and throwing sheep!

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Someone just wrote on mine that they were proud of themselves for not spending February In the jail this year.

Fire that on your cv then you c**t.

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People (usually wee neds) who's Facebook is nothing but their car. The profile picture is the car. Every post is along the lines of "anyone want to go a drive?" "just washed the car" or the most common "am selling 2 disc pads blah blah blah £400". One of these cretins also posted about writing off their car and how upset they were, all their jakey mates coming out with "aww mate as long as you're okay" then in the comments it turns out he smashed into the back of someone. Nobody asking how the people who he's smashed into while he wasn't watching the fucking road are. Arseholes.

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I just post stupid photos and jokes on Facebook. I occasionally stab myself in the face when I read some of the crap that's written about the referendum on my timeline. In my experience, the 'yes' side post horrid memes whereas the 'No' side have ranty status updates.

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I just post stupid photos and jokes on Facebook. I occasionally stab myself in the face when I read some of the crap that's written about the referendum on my timeline. In my experience, the 'yes' side post horrid memes whereas the 'No' side have ranty status updates.

Basically the same as here then.

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Nostalgic defending, or defending of any kind. For example, someone will post all the things an average 10 year old has now (phone, Facebook, etc) and say something along the lines of "back in my day, we had to play outside" or the even more tedious and annoying "I had a tamagotchi when I was 10".

Music defending basically consists of people moaning about "our generations" music and how much they hate justin bieber.

Each and every one of them are mouth-breathing scumbags.

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Nostalgic defending, or defending of any kind. For example, someone will post all the things an average 10 year old has now (phone, Facebook, etc) and say something along the lines of "back in my day, we had to play outside" or the even more tedious and annoying "I had a tamagotchi when I was 10".

Music defending basically consists of people moaning about "our generations" music and how much they hate justin bieber.

Each and every one of them are mouth-breathing scumbags.

the first one is even more enraging when is done by someone about my age (im 19) so say someone in the 18-25 age bracket. utter cretins

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