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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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I got blocked from her page for saying I'd spoken to Cecil too and he said she's a fucking moron.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh ya fucker! I've probably woken the whole block. Laughed waaaay to loud at that :lol;

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So are you only allowed to be angry if the lion was personally known to you?

Not really what hes saying tbh, its pretty hilarious the amount of folk who've suddenly appeared screaming that this guys business should be run into the ground for killing a lion, simply because it was "famous". Theres hundreds of hunting incidents every year that nobody gives a single thought about.

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Not really what hes saying tbh, its pretty hilarious the amount of folk who've suddenly appeared screaming that this guys business should be run into the ground for killing a lion, simply because it was "famous". Theres hundreds of hunting incidents every year that nobody gives a single thought about.

This one was fucking hilarious.


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To be honest, the most surprising thing about the story was that an American had fired a gun and not hit one of his fellow countrymen.

I don't think there were any black men in his presence m8. Probably explains that tbh :ph34r:

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I had a nosey on that Facebook page. As much as I disagree with hunting for sport. I fucking loath the witch hunt being organised against the guy from people who probably never even heard of this lion until a few days ago.

The witch hunt against the dental practice annoys me more. The fact someone set up a fake twitter account under their name didn't really help matters and River Bluff Dental is now more hated in the US than IS and the Ferguson Police Dept.
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He could've just, not decided to murder an animal for no particular reason? Can't say I have too much sympathy. Don't really care if it was an especially brilliant lion that had loads of mates or not, just think slaughtering animals for sport is the behaviour of an utter bellend.

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Arbitrary anniversaries are starting to do my tits in. Is it not enough to get attention for giving birth once a year. Yesterday I saw a typical '6 months ago I gave birth to...', topped today by '1 year ago today I took a pregnancy test and it was positive and so my child was born 17 weeks ago'.


I'm with you. That fucks me off. Aside from anything else, you can't have a 6 month anniversary. The clue's in the fucking name.

Edited by Sarto Mutiny
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