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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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oh and S Club 7 suck(I'm ashamed I knew the lyrics, but I did grow up when they were "big" so it's not my fault)

Please vacate this forum at once.

This wasn't a frape; she's being deadly serious in telling everyone on facebook she wants fucked.

Is she tidy?

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When you're a plus size woman, people like to say "yeah, she's cute in the face", as if being full figured is such a disgrace. Honey, I'm cute in the face, and I'm thick in the waist. I look good whether I'm in cotton, leather, or lace. I'm beautiful, vibrant and above all, smart! And there's more to me than my weight, I also have a heart. Yes my clothes maybe a bigger size, that just means you have access to a bigger prize. We all are not self-conscious about our weight, and we never have a problem getting a date. So don't think your small frame gives you more pull, I'm a hot, sexy, curvy woman with a figure that's full!!!

Club 30 regular

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if you can be bothered to read that then you'll have an idea of the annoying (and pretty shocking) things that have been floating around my facebook over the past few days.

i was in the same class as the person who wrote it and the person that the blog is about, and i suppose i would still class the author as a friend.

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It stands to reason that when you're correcting other people's spelling or proving how much better you are than them, you will f**k up. It was all going so well until she started 'airing on the side of intelligence'. Still, I agree completely with what she says and her last line in particular was superb.

Edit because I forgot to say that I await your corrections to this post.

Edited by Mrs M
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if you can be bothered to read that then you'll have an idea of the annoying (and pretty shocking) things that have been floating around my facebook over the past few days.

i was in the same class as the person who wrote it and the person that the blog is about, and i suppose i would still class the author as a friend.

I feel sorry for you. That blog is fucking woeful. Some great responses though.

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More of these its "Sisters week" have appeared this morning to go along with the "You and I are at a Christmas party and there is only one glass of wine left. Using only 4 words, what would you say to me? Note: If you comment, you must copy and post this to your status, so I may comment on yours as well. Be a good sport play along...4 words is hard. Copy to your page..have fun"

Fooking hell blink.gif

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More of these its "Sisters week" have appeared this morning to go along with the "You and I are at a Christmas party and there is only one glass of wine left. Using only 4 words, what would you say to me? Note: If you comment, you must copy and post this to your status, so I may comment on yours as well. Be a good sport play along...4 words is hard. Copy to your page..have fun"

Fooking hell blink.gif

wine mentioned pointlessly why

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Not exceptionally bad considering some of the dross that's been posted, but this has just posted by a lassie I definitely would have...

If u are my friend click the like button & then re-post. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my "Facebook Family" wherever u may be to kindly copy, paste and share this status for one hour to give a prayer of support to all those who have family problems, struggles and worries and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us for no-one is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I know some will!! I did it for a friend and you can too. Share some faith and love for those in need. Life works in strange ways...thank you Jan Slater x

Oh well. That's her off the list (Christmas card and shagging)

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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Mmm tasty tea tonight, spinach, broccoli AND Brussels I love green things ♥


Why would even think of writing this? Why would anybody care?

I really want to make an inappropriate comment about The Incredible Hulk! :lol:

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Two gems from a right horsey lass on my feed:

How do you . . .

To induce labor in a mare? Take a nap.

To cure equine constipation? Load them in a clean trailer.

To cure equine insomnia? Take them in a halter class.

To get a horse to stay very calm and laid back? Enter them in a liberty class.

To get a horse to wash their own feet? Clean the water trough and fill it with fresh water.

To get a mare to come in heat? Take her to a show.

To get a mare in foal the first cover? Let the wrong stallion get out of his stall.

To make sure that a mare has that beautiful, perfectly marked foal you always wanted? Sell her before she foals.

To get a show horse to set up perfect and really stretch? Get him out late at night or anytime no one is a round to see him.

To induce a cold snap in the weather? Clip a horse.

To make it rain? Mow a field of hay.

To make a small fortune in the horse business? Start with a large one.

A horse to its owner:

When you are tense, Let me teach you that there are lions in them thar woods and we need to leave NOW!

When you are short tempered, l Let me teach you to slog around the pasture for an hour before you can catch me!

When you are short sighted, Let me teach you to figure out where, exactly, in the 40 acres I am hiding.

When you are quick to react, Let me teach you that herbivores kick much faster and harder than omnivores.

When you are angry, Let me teach you how well I can stand on my hind feet because I don't feel like cantering on my right lead today!

When you are worried, Let me entertain you with my mystery lameness.

When you feel superior, Let me teach you that, mostly, you are the maid service.

When you are self absorbed, Let me teach you to PAY ATTENTION. Remember, I told you about those lions in them thar woods?

When you are arrogant, let me teach you what 1200 pounds of 'YAHOO LET"S GO" can do when suitably inspired.

When you are lonely, Let me be your companion. Lets do Lunch. Also, breakfast, snack and dinner.

When you are tired, Don't forget the 600 pounds of grain that needs to be unloaded.

When you are feeling financially secure, Let me teach you the meaning of Veterinary Services.

When you want to learn, hang around, I'll learn ya.

Sincerely, Your Horse

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That I did not want to know. Link to the Jeremy Kyle appearance if possible? I'm just here for the lulz.

I doubt it's still available. She's a character though, you can be sure of that. She asked me out when we were ten, and I refused. Turned out to be a good call I reckon.

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When you're a plus size woman, people like to say "yeah, she's cute in the face", as if being full figured is such a disgrace. Honey, I'm cute in the face, and I'm thick in the waist. I look good whether I'm in cotton, leather, or lace. I'm beautiful, vibrant and above all, smart! And there's more to me than my weight, I also have a heart. Yes my clothes maybe a bigger size, that just means you have access to a bigger prize. We all are not self-conscious about our weight, and we never have a problem getting a date. So don't think your small frame gives you more pull, I'm a hot, sexy, curvy woman with a figure that's full!!!

Alright fatty simmer doon.

That's my new FB status.

*does that weird clicking thing fat black burds do*

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