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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Everyone I've seen this morning on my timeline change their picture is scottish and a quick look shows that they had no celebration or recognition when it was legalised in the country they actually live in.

I'm considering picking one at random and posting the following:

"I'm so proud of you and your decision to finally come out. A difficult thing to do, even though we all kind of knew already"

I'd expect full-on homophobia from all directions within 2 mins.

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Rainbow profile pictures to show how much you support equality and equal marriage.

Despite the fact you have never mentioned any opinions until it became legal in the US yesterday.

Mines is clogged up by this aswell , the three openly gay/lesbian people who I have on Facebook do not seem to have bothered their arse whilst the ones who are doing so tend to be the usual "look at me , I care so much .. Please give me a like" brigade . Arseholes Edited by forever_blue
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I once went near Tunbridge Wells, which has the same first three letters as Tunisia.

Scary how close I came to this tragedy. I'm sitting here shaking.

My old school mate stood as the Labour candidate for Tunbridge Wells about 15 years ago.

It could have been me :(

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These local "sell your shite" pages are always good for a laugh. £40 for a year old Xbox 360 game? good luck pal.

There's always folk on the Perth one "looking to get my money back" on stuff that doesn't fit etc. Why would i buy it from them at the same cost direct from the retailer?

Bought and sold a couple of things from it - selling was a bit of a nightmate. It's worth keeping to wonder at the shite that people sell though, as well as the sob stories/blatant begging that some put up looking for stuff.

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There's a lad on one of the Falkirk ones who's bumped the same shite for about a fortnight now at the same price. Take the bloody hint, mate.

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Also: every second post is some daft woman (it's always a woman) trying to get folk to sign up for the latest multi-level marketing scam. Younique, NuSkin, Herbalife and all that shite. Hilariously they always describe it as "my business".

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