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Horrific club photos

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The young lady in the camouflage jacket thinks the 's' stands for sandwiches.

Edit: I wish I'd written Snickers now as that would have been slightly more amusing and probably closer to the truth.

One of those ladies in the picture is rather infamous in Dundee for an incident involving a packet of cigarettes. Her sister is also in the picture, who incidentally went to my school.

That camo wearing wildebeest is fucking brutal.

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Left and right are like twins separated at birth, leftie growing up in Slovenia, righty in Alabama. Lefty's far too hot for this thread... though that bellybutton comes out of nowhere.

Dude in the middle tho :)

And your wrong! The one on the left is Spanish/Mexican. Just recognised her there also. :lol:

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I think P&B should have a night out in Montrose. I reckon it would look something like this.


Montrose is a fucking brilliant day out tbf. My work paid for something like 20 of us to go to Hospo, we met at 9am, got jaked up in the train station pub, got to Montrose about 10:45 slightly merry and got to the first two pub doors (which were still locked) to be met by a group of absolute jakes queueing to get in. Fucking brilliant day ruined by the hospitality.

This is what a night out in Montrose is like...

Edited by tongue_tied_danny
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