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The Pyramids of Mars


Would also throw in The Talons of Weng-Chiang with that, which also had the added bonus of featuring Leela!!!

I did like it when they went all Victorian with the Tom Baker characterisation, and used the more aged, oak-paneled looking Primary Control Room on the TARDIS!!!


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Thought last night's episode was very Midwich Cuckooish (Village of the Dammed in the US) with the storyline so not really one of my favourites of this season. OK there was character development but the story was a rehash.

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Did the Doctor just let the humans that were on the spaceship unconscious die in the explosion?

Didn't like that epsiode. Not really enjoyed the series at all and it's became a chore to watch for me. Can't wait for the new sidekick to come into it as im more than bored with Amy and Karen Gillan. She's an incredibly limited actress and the character of Amy is so dull now.

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Don't agree with that at all, the series has been mostly good so far.

(Edit - though to dismiss as kids' TV programme about a bloke flying through time and space in a police box as "childish nonsense" seems a bit odd anyway.)

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All very anticlimactic for the reason Yoss gives, but a lot of character development there. Anyone see any flickering lights this episode? All the others had them but I never noticed any here...

Didn't it happen on the spaceship?

Think this episode only served to show that Amy and Rory were thinking of leaving the Doctor, have lives outside of him, but decide that they can't stop hanging around with him. All this was done to racthed up the boo-hoo factor for Amy getting her statue based totties next week.

Also the Chikari (or whatever the alien type was called) will surely be around again? Ditto UNIT and Lethbridge-Stewart's daughter.

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I thought it was a good episode in as far as it went, but it was a little bit "here's a quick solution with the sonic screwdriver" at the end. IIRC isn't that the reason they got rid of it (and K9) in the old series as it became lazy writing?

Thoght the last episode was more about building up an exit for Amy & Rory, reintroduce UNIT and bring in Lethbridge-Stewart's daughter. Kind of a filler in many ways, but no doubt later in the series we'll look back and go "aaaaaahhhhh!".

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Hope they do an episode like "the 5 doctors" for the 50th anniversary with tennant, eccleston & smith

I'd love to see Ecclestone back but the reality is he's never coming back to the show. In a way that's probably a good thing. I rewatched Dalek a few weeks ago and I struggle to see how that damaged 9th Doctor can really work effectively opposite the 10th and 11th incarnations especially given how odd Matt Smith's Doctor is prone to be some times.

But even with that said, I really would love to see all 3 of them altogether, gathered around the Tardis console bickering and saving the universe for just for one episode. Hell McGann still looks alright, I wouldn't seeing his Doctor with them too. The likeliest scenario imo is that the most we'll get if they do a multi-Doctor story is David Tennant back. Wouldn't be all that bad seeing Smith and Tennant together, especially considering the way the 10th Doctor went out and his attitude to regenerating by the end.

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Don't forget that there's a half human 10th Doctor with Rose in the other dimension - always a way to have another "Two Doctors" type story.

Enjoyed tonight's offering. Dunno why but I was expecting a two parter. Then I remembered the Christmas special is stand alone.

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Thank f**k the moon faced stalker bint is gone. :D

Shame Rory had to go as well as he has been a far better companion (and indeed actor)

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I didn't think Karen Gillan's acting would hold up but it was a tearjerker. I also have to admit that I was shouting at people in Dundee City Centre later that night to keep their eyes on the Desperate Dan statue so I could get home safe. sad.gif

:lol: Christ I'm never gonna feel safe walking past that statue again now.

As for the episode, thought it was all right. Thought it was pretty ballsy to show Amy and Rory willing to kill themselves by jumping off the roof on Saturday evening family entertainment even though they had them survive through a timey wimey paradoxy thing. As for their exit, I wasn't overly moved by it, probably because of the way Rory was just cast aside so Amy could get a big emotional moment. I think they jumped the gun by having the Doctor take them home last series in The God Complex. I found that scene far more moving than their eventual farewell last night. I'd probably been much happier if that had been the conclusion to their story.

Still, new companion at christmas. Pretty excited about that. Can't wait to see what direction they go in now they've moved on from Amy and Rory's story.

Also, after two years worth of wild speculation about what it could mean, now Amy's story's over, it looks like it really was just an empty duck pond after all.

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Yeah, looks like we'll never get to see Amys crack again.

At least it finally closed the loose end from The Eleventh Hour with the sound of the returning Tardis over her sitting on the case in the back garden BUT after The Big Bang that timeline doesnt actually exist anymore so why was she sitting out in the garden?

why did Mike McShane send the PI to the angels building?

how can nobody notice the statue of Liberty moving?

Why werent they zapped by the statue of liberty as several times they were not looking at it?

The end of Amy is reason to rejoice and hopefully its also the last we'll see of River "fucking" Song,

....roll on Christmas.


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Yeah, looks like we'll never get to see Amys crack again.

At least it finally closed the loose end from The Eleventh Hour with the sound of the returning Tardis over her sitting on the case in the back garden BUT after The Big Bang that timeline doesnt actually exist anymore so why was she sitting out in the garden?

why did Mike McShane send the PI to the angels building?

how can nobody notice the statue of Liberty moving?

Why werent they zapped by the statue of liberty as several times they were not looking at it?

The end of Amy is reason to rejoice and hopefully its also the last we'll see of River "fucking" Song,

....roll on Christmas.


Doubt it. Moffat has probably still got a tonne of fantasies about Alex Kingston in different uniforms that he wants to see her act out yet. I didn't get how no one noticed the Statue of Liberty moving either, Moffat didn't even chuck in the cheap "perception filter" explanation to even try cover that one. It's a shame as the idea of the Statue of Liberty being a Weeping Angel is brilliant imo.

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