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Very good, that. I'm glad they went out with a proper plot-based episode that kept the emotional goo to a reasonable minimum. (Compare and contrast with the tenth doctor's goodbyes to his various companions.)

Doubt it. Moffat has probably still got a tonne of fantasies about Alex Kingston in different uniforms that he wants to see her act out yet. I didn't get how no one noticed the Statue of Liberty moving either, Moffat didn't even chuck in the cheap "perception filter" explanation to even try cover that one. It's a shame as the idea of the Statue of Liberty being a Weeping Angel is brilliant imo.

See, as long as there are possible explanations - and there's one you've just given us - and I don't necessarily want the programme to lead us by the hand and explain everything. A few loose ends are fine, so long as they're not actually in direct conflict to something else within the story. (Quite a few of these sorts of little points are often explained within the original script, but dropped because they're short of time / it seems contrived / it's just not necessary.)

Anyway, as ever, there were no shortage of flaws in it if you go looking for them. The best episodes are the ones that are sufficient well paced and executed for you not to really mind them.

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I've really enjoyed this series, but thought last night's episode was poor. It seemed very rushed and the goodbye was so sudden.

Still, onwards and upwards.

Still no idea who the 'big baddie(s)' is/are though. Which is good.

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I've really enjoyed this series, but thought last night's episode was poor. It seemed very rushed and the goodbye was so sudden.

Brief but poignant, that's as it should be. Last thing we wanted was another long corny goodbye, along the lines of the vomit-inducing last twenty minutes of the tenth doctor.

Back in the old days, companions might be around for a few years and several dozen episodes and then they'd just leave, and the doc would say oh, is tha you off? Cheerio, then. And nothing more would ever be said.

I'm going to make a big and entirely unjustified generalisation here and say this isn't just about Who, it's part of a much bigger cultural shift (mostly Hollywood-driven) about how audiences expect to be treated and how they expect the emotivity to be played out. It's sort of interesting to see how this has changed, within a pretty short space of time.

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There is no big baddie, they have gone for a series of standalone episodes with a running theme rather than continually shoehorned references to the silence or pandorica etc.

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I really enjoyed it, kinda hope we don't see the Angels for a while now, starting to be a bit overused.

Agree about the Angels. We didn't even get a year away from them last year with them being shoe-horned into The God Complex (they were in one of the rooms as I remember it but I can't recall which characters room it was).

I find myself feeling about the Weeping Angels how I felt way about the Daleks back after Evolution of the Daleks aired in series 3. I thought the Daleks needed to go away for a series and a bit and that's how I'm feeling about the angels nows. However, with the anniversary coming up next year we're likely going to see a bunch of old monsters come back like the Angels and the Daleks so I reackon if your a bit tired of the Angels your just gonna have to suck it up but also hope to be pleasantly surprised.

While I'm mentioning the 50th anniversary and returning villains, does anyone think we'll see a new incarnation of The Master for the anniversary? Would you like to see him come back? Although there were a lot of people who didn't warm to him I really liked John Simm's versions of The Master but I'd also quite like to see how Moffat would interpret The Master in order have him work best against Matt Smith's Doctor.

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I thought it was fantastic, but I think that was mostly due to the episodes before it not being the greatest. However, they did improve upon several things they usually get wrong.

The main complaint I would have though is that it was just not long enough. The story told was probably not "double episode" worthy in its form, but I think extending it out to an hour would have made a better episode. Of course, if they'd filled that with mewling and wailing from Amy, that would have been a waste, but I felt like there was more of a story there, particularly around the private investigator. A few more minutes background on that, and maybe a few more around the ending would have made the episode better.

However, as it stands, it was one of the better episodes of the Moffat era. Why? Because they didn't descend into RTD style hysteria. It was a very ballsy ending in a way. I echo the comment that I found it strange they had a scene where Amy and Rory committed suicide together on a "family show" at primetime. Quite a bold move, and probably only allowed because they didn't really go. From that moment on, the farewell was extremely quick, but in a good way. RTD would have extended that scene out over half an hour no doubt. Both Smith and Gillan were very good in that scene alone, particularly Smith.

Last of all, and I think the main reason why it was so good, was the episode being fairly mature. There have been a few this series where they've descended into the silly due to being a family show. Hopefully they realise that even though there are kids watching, they can still write a clever, mature show without resorting to funny noises and people falling over, and still have people enjoy it.

And if they don't enjoy it, who cares, you've made a better show.

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After the promotional picture I was half expecting to see Amy get blown up or something, but I'm really happy with this, much better then when Martha jones left, where it was a case of "thanks for that, I'm away"

Another point, what is there plan for river? Is he just going to keep randomly appearinh even though we all know how she meets her end?

A very good episode and like others at least they never dragged out the goodbye like tennants was.

Would much rather have seen the doctor travel on his own for the remainder of the series having been haunted by Amy and rorys deaths before picking up the next assistant

Edited by mizfit
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  • 2 months later...


Well, to be honest i thought the christmas special was pretty shit. didn't even like the new title sequence and 1st impressions of the new TARDIS was a bit poor.

Thankfully the trailer for the rest of the season looks a lot better

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Well, to be honest i thought the christmas special was pretty shit. didn't even like the new title sequence and 1st impressions of the new TARDIS was a bit poor.

Thankfully the trailer for the rest of the season looks a lot better

I'm pretty much the same. Really like Jenna Louise Coleman, I think she's a good actress and I'm still somewhat excited to see where they go with this concept they've established with this last episode and Asylum, but I thought on the whole, it was pretty crap.

My expectations for this episode were pretty low after last year's Christmas episode which I couldn't stand, yet this episode still managed to disappoint me. I don't honestly get why Vastra and Jenny are popular characters and why they've come back again. I found them annoying in A Good Man Goes to War and while I enjoyed Strax the Sontaran in that episode, tonight I struggled to get a laugh out of him.

I can't say I liked what Steven Moffat did with the Doctor tonight. It felt like they he was trying to go down the road of making him dark or whatever. However to me, he just came across as being rude and a bit of a dick and in general, not particularly interesting. I found his moaping tonight in one episode more obnoxious than the 10th Doctor's sulking through most of series 3 after he lost Rose Tyler. They've deliberately tried to de-mythesise him over the past couple of years but tonight it felt like they had went so far out of the way to get away from the Lonely Angel/God that the 10th Doctor was turned into by the end of RTD's era that they ended up making him into a variation of that sort of character with Vastra waxing lyrical about him to Clara.

I share your dislike about the new title sequence as well. It's an absolute eyesore. It's just a blur of bright colour with the Tardis occassionally popping into view and I thought it was dreadful. Also, they've got Matt Smith's face sort of appear in the titles harking back to the classic series. Frankly I've never appreciated that in the old stories and felt that leaving the face out of the credits was a good decision in the Tv movie and the new series under RTD and Moffat up till now. But in it's defence, at least it leaves an impact unlike the theme tune. Was it like that in the series just past because tonight it just sounded dull if I'm honest. To have gone from the theme tunes we had under RTD and Moffat in series 5 & 6 to what was on tonight is just a further disapointment.

I was pleasantly surprised to find myself for the most part liking the new Tardis interior. Thought it looked a bit dull in the promo shots before hand but it looks quite interesting when it's in action on the screen.

Overall, although the trailer for the upcoming episodes does look interesting (a Neil Gaiman story with what looks like redesigned Cybermen, whats not to like?), I've never felt less enthustiastic about an upcoming series. It just feels like Steven Moffat can never let things be. He has to tear the walls down as soon as possible and constantly redesign things whether they need it or not. In Series 5 I could understand the new credits, theme, visual style and themes. Hell I even supported the updating of the Daleks even though that didn't work out as they planned in the end. But now it feels like he's changing these things just for the sake of changing them and I feel the previous credits and theme song particularly weren't really needing re-done at the moment. There's a new companion and new story arc beginning, thats a big enough change in the core of the show. Uphauling the rest of the show wasn't necessary imo.

Wow, that's practically a bloody essay.

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The new Tardis just seems very soulless to me.

Also, I wish they would stop using the "Doctor Who?" Joke.

Once was enough

I don't mind it when it's used as a joke but the question of "Doctor Who?" is being made into a pretty important future plotline and the references to it have already become irritating since The Wedding of River Song. It's not just the repetition of it that's tiresome, it's the fact that unless Moffat has lost it, there is no chance that they'll actually properly answer it. There'll be a cop-out somewhere down the line. If they actually answer "Doctor Who?" by revealing his name or completely explaining who he is, then he instantly loses any mystery and the show won't ever be the same. It'll be like the worst part of the 80s when the Doctor was constantly popping back to Gallifrey and we were bumping into his old friends left, right and centre. It'll be like this but much worse because it'll be a struggle to get the character back to a mysterious wanderer ever again in the eyes of the audience.

I think the reason I quite like the new Tardis interior is because I never really took to the old one.It just seemed to cluttered and there was too much stuff in it that they never gave you long enough to look at. They've gone quite minimalist with this one in order to strike a balance between the older console rooms and the ones we've had from McGann onwards which works quite well imo. Can totally understand where you're coming from though because that was my first impression of it based on the photos.

Rumour about the upcoming series that might interest you but I'll make it a spoiler if you want to completely avoid any rumours or news

There is meant to be an episode which is mostly set inside the Tardis in a similar way to The Doctor's Wife was. It'll be interesting to see if the new Tardis interior is interesting enough for this story to work in it.

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Hopefully Clara will be naked in every episode, by jimminy she is one pretty lady and I was certainly playing with my sonic when she was onscreen things will improve after the annual Xmas panto episode.

Anyway great joke about the Doctor not remembering his 2 previous encounters with the Intelligance.

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I didn't notice the TARDIS had a new interior, probably as I fell asleep after 10 minutes...

I'll watch it on catch up, more out of duty than actually looking forward to it. I've found the annual steampunkfest specials to be rather a let down, the one with the singing woman being a particular let down.

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The new credits have homages to past efforts, such as the McCoy asteroid, Baker tunnel and the Davison starfield.

New console as they moved studios and the last one whilst looking nice was a bugger to shoot on owing to the amount of glass in the set so they decided to change it and again it homages the past - its the 83-89 console done on more money ;)

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I'm going to go against the grain and say I actually quite enjoyed it. It was infinitely better than last years anyway.

Last years was awful, so was this years. Think I might just give up the Christmas specials they are pointless

Don't like the new credits and the new interior kind of smacks of cost cutting to me.

Agreed, it just looks cheap. We've been hearing since Chris Eccleston (never watched it prior) how the Tardis is a living breathing machine with a soul etc.... and that's been reflected in the interior designs, we even have the episode "the doctors wife" to confirm this further.

Now, well it just looks like a heartless machine

Plus it looks tiny


Edited by Enrico Annoni
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  • 3 weeks later...

Was chatting to my brother the other week, and he's heard a rumour that the second half of the season will be much like the first (and low cost to run).

Reckons that the money is all being held back for the 50th anniversary (of which we've heard nothing) to max out the CGI and have a multi doctor special.

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