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I don't get this 'Day Of The Doctor' stuff. He said it's the day he's been running from all his life. I thought he was running because he killed everyone during the Time War with the Daleks?

By the way, how good would a series about the Time War be?

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I think it's to do with him running from his past, and now he has to face it

Aye but in his past he killed everyone to stop eternal war across time and space. Eccelston's Doctor makes quite a few references to it, especially in his last episode. John Simm's Master talks to the Doctor about it quite a bit. And isn't one of the Doctor's first scenes them stumbling from the TARDIS having come straight from the Time War? McGann perhaps?

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By the way, how good would a series about the Time War be?

I don't think they should ever show us what the time-war was like. Giving us the odd hints about the nightmare child and people being killed then brought back to be killed over and over again gives it a nightmarish quality and creates the impression that it was a war beyond our comprehension and understanding. Any attempt to recreate it would make it a little too mundane, it's better to let our imaginations conjure up that hellish situation.

I would dearly love to see a clip of McGann's Doctor at the end of time-war just as he was about to end it and cause his regeneration into Ecclestone though (that is how I always imagined that regeneration took place anyway.)

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Re-watched Tennants last episode on Saturday. Forgot how heart breaking the "four knocks" moment actually was :(

I watched that episode a few weeks ago. Quite sad :(

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I watched that episode a few weeks ago. Quite sad :(

Yup. I always remember the first time I watched it, thinking they'd got through the episode without the knocks happening, and then my heart sinking

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Well apparently Capaldi only signed a contract for 1 season, and it's gonna to be split into two halves of 6 and a Christmas special


Seems that the general consensus over on Gallifrey Base is that this is bollocks and is taken from a cobbled together piece in the Daily Express - Sure I read somewhere else that Moffat has confirmed 13 episodes and a Christmas Special for 2014 - has apparently also been confirmed that Capaldi - unlike Tennant in the role - keeps his Scottish accent.

On an unrelated note thought this fan made pic was a cracker - think it's based on the Robert Downey Jr Sherlock Holmes posters.


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I'm starting to look forward to the Special, will watch it on the Sunday on Iplayer though(away to Dundee United that day and will 80% be drowning my sorrows)

Hopefully when I watch it on the Sunday, we'll have an announcement over more missing episodes ;)

If there are 90 returned, as rumoured, this leaves 16 as yet unfound episodes. If you had to CHOOSE the 16 that would never ever be returned, what would they be?

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Most of Colin Baker's era especially the rank The Twin Dilemma and the utter bollocks that was Timelash

From Tom's time they could ditch The Horns of Nimon no probs - from Nu Who Fear Her was shit as was that Cybermen nonsense from last season Nightmare in Silver- not in any hurry to see any of them again


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