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Was chatting to my brother the other week, and he's heard a rumour that the second half of the season will be much like the first (and low cost to run).

Reckons that the money is all being held back for the 50th anniversary (of which we've heard nothing) to max out the CGI and have a multi doctor special.

dry.gif Can't see that working at all.

How many of the living Doctor's would come back for the special? Tennant is an obviously one, Ecclestone has said a few times he isn't interested

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The new credits have homages to past efforts, such as the McCoy asteroid, Baker tunnel and the Davison starfield.

New console as they moved studios and the last one whilst looking nice was a bugger to shoot on owing to the amount of glass in the set so they decided to change it and again it homages the past - its the 83-89 console done on more money ;)

I know why it's done - to appease the fanboys - but it still, in my opinion, looks absolutely horrific.

Reckons that the money is all being held back for the 50th anniversary (of which we've heard nothing) to max out the CGI and have a multi doctor special.

I don't like the idea of an "anniversary special". It's going to be hyped up to be brilliant and ultimately will fall flat on it's face.

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BBC revealed yesterday that the anniversary special will be one 60 minute episode.

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dry.gif Can't see that working at all.

How many of the living Doctor's would come back for the special? Tennant is an obviously one, Ecclestone has said a few times he isn't interested

I think Tennant and McGann are the only ones remotely likely to come back if they were to do a multi-Doctor story. Ecclestone is clearly proud of the work he did on the show but ultimately wants to get away from it. The others all seem to be keen on the idea on paper, but if push came to shove and it was seriously proposed to them they'd probably decline on the basis of being too old now/looking too different. I get the impression Davison won't feel the urge to come back given that he that he's already done Timecrash.

Tom Baker will likely refuse if asked because he can't be arsed with it.

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I think Tennant and McGann are the only ones remotely likely to come back if they were to do a multi-Doctor story. Ecclestone is clearly proud of the work he did on the show but ultimately wants to get away from it. The others all seem to be keen on the idea on paper, but if push came to shove and it was seriously proposed to them they'd probably decline on the basis of being too old now/looking too different. I get the impression Davison won't feel the urge to come back given that he that he's already done Timecrash.

Tom Baker will likely refuse if asked because he can't be arsed with it.

Tennant was on Jonathan Ross the other week and towards the end of the interview, Ross was going through what Tennant had coming up in 2013 and cheekily added in "the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special". Tennant looked very flustered, but didn't deny it :unsure:

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It was Collinson that Eccleston didnt like.

He may now do a cameo in Corrie :D

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I had always assumed that Ecclestone would not work again for RTD, but would consider a one off for SM.

Ecclestone worked for RTD shortly before Doctor Who on The Second Coming and seemed to enjoy it enough that he made the initial contact with RTD about the role of the 9th Doctor. I don't think his working relationship with RTD was his problem with Doctor Who. Plus whenever he promoted the show he was always very complimentary about Russell T. Davies writing which I don't think he would have done if he didn't really believe that.

As drs said it might have been a problem with the producer Phil Collinson in the day to day shooting. The filming of the first series of New Who is infamous for the fact that they completely underestimated how difficult and hard-going it is to make a show like Doctor Who is in this day and age. Given that Ecclestone takes his work so seriously, he was probably less than impressed that after the first couple of weeks they were already massively behind schedule.

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Hmm ... Ice Warriors and Cybermen. Rather interesting.

I wish they'd leave the theme tune alone. I wish they'd left it alone for the past 34 or 35 years - it's like putting breakbeats on the Coronation Street theme.

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I keep thinking about giving up on it but I'll probably keep watching. They keep setting up interesting story lines then ruining the episodes with rushed, non-sensical, soppy endings.

"Oh we can defeat the Daleks if we all say "Doctor", hold hands with someone we love or think about a really cute picture of some kittens". f**k off.

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