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The Creepy & The Strange

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If you enjoyed it as much as I did you should "+1" it - that is what the "rep" system is for - to show up good posts on here. Now there's the newer software you can find posts on here that way.

Disregard if you are on a mobile obviously. Dunno how you can't see rep on that as it works on every other IPB forum I post on.

Edit ~internethipster and all that.

Edited by Big Gus
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Had done some extra reading on a few and found one that was actually solved, although not sure if you would call it successful or not


Note its quite lengthy, but solves the dissaperance of a German Family in 1996

another of my favourites is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YOGTZE-Fall

That was fantastic, really good read. Only thing was I totally missed where they found Egbert, probably read over it without taking it in.

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Not gonna lie, despite making this thread and going to sound like a dick saying it, but this is easily my favourite thread on here. Just finished reading the Death Valley thing and it's a brilliant read!

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  • 1 month later...

Probably not the place for this, seeing as it's obviously a work of fiction, but I remember reading this back in 2001-02 and it was fucking terrifying at the time to a daft calustrophobic 17 year old.


Good wee read, that.

Does it finish on the 19th May to indicate that they've never come back out or is that a website error?

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  • 2 months later...

Giving this a wee bump, someone at my work was talking about this today.

Detached human feet washing up at different locations on the west coast of USA and Canada.


Edited by Bobby Skidmarks
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