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"I" am not the one in power. That is where the problem lies.



What chance do we have ?.

The Celtic ST sales will be interesting though. Pains me to say that the diddies wont do anything and being honest our faith is placed in Celtic fans to instigate something.

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"I" am not the one in power. That is where the problem lies.



What chance do we have ?.

The Celtic ST sales will be interesting though. Pains me to say that the diddies wont do anything and being honest our faith is placed in Celtic fans to instigate something.

In what possible sense do we place our faith in Celtic fans?

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No, your automatic entry (lol) if you beat hibz in the SC final.

Not been on in a while, so what was the verdict on the proposed transparency re offshore owned property?

Does it mean we will know who owns the dump(s) ?

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The full report from The tax justice network & the offshore game.


Stock up on jelly & ice cream the fun is about to begin :)




I suspect the SFA will just keep ignoring this - they've no incentive to answer.  Unless The Offshore Game can get some mainstream media attention, this report will just wither on the vine.

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The tax justice network, that sounds awfy important and definitely legit.

I don't suppose we can just pass that one off as just another blog.


They describe themselves as a 'a website'.  But, I've had a read through and there's nothing in their report that anyone, not even a Rangers fan, would dispute.  


Have a read and let us know whether you'd disagree with anything in there.

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Probably best if you give me a quick summary (in layman's terms) , maybe point out what you agree with and such...


I started to reply with a quick summary but decided a) that I didn't want to risk repeating anything that might later be regarded as libelous and b) that I was dealing with notoriously lazy Barsteward Bennett: you can do your own bloody reading.

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Probably best if you give me a quick summary (in layman's terms) , maybe point out what you agree with and such...

I've read them both.  Nothing you've not read on here dozens of times:


The TJN: Rangers are deid and they cheated.

The Offshore Game: Rangers pyoor cheated, LNS and Campbell Ogilvie are in the same ludge, the SFA conspired with Rangers to give them a license to play in Europe.


They used more words, of course, but said nothing more than I've just summarised.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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I've read them both.  Nothing you've not read on here dozens of times:


The TJN: Rangers are deid and they cheated.

The Offshore Game: Rangers pyoor cheated, LNS and Campbell Ogilvie are in the same ludge, the SFA conspired with Rangers to give them a license to play in Europe.


They used more words, of course, but said nothing more than I've just summarised.


Do you dispute any of the TOG facts, Kinky?

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I've read them both.  Nothing you've not read on here dozens of times:


The TJN: Rangers are deid and they cheated.

The Offshore Game: Rangers pyoor cheated, LNS and Campbell Ogilvie are in the same ludge, the SFA conspired with Rangers to give them a license to play in Europe.


They used more words, of course, but said nothing more than I've just summarised.

Nothing new there then, just the same old sevcoconspiracies...

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No surprise in Bennett getting his news pre-vetted.  Quintessential Rangers fan.


Rather than sprinkling your wit round the forum, why not take 20 minutes out to read the report and let us know what YOU think?

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Now, there's a novel concept - facts that you can choose to agree with or not!  Facts are chiels that winna ding, Bennett.


The report appears to provide documentary evidence for all of its claims.  I'm assuming that, if any of that documentary evidence is false, writs will soon be flying. I'm not holding my breath.


I'm not interested in whether you accept the facts but whether you accept the report's recommendations.  To save you the trouble of reading the whole thing (shall we just accept the facts as givens?), here's the gist.


We therefore recommend the establishment of a fully independent inquiry, as a crucial step to begin the slow process of re-establishing the legitimacy of Scottish football’s regulatory body.


Such an inquiry should:


• Include in its governance structure, respected figures from outside of football who can bolster the independence of the process;

• Include in its governance structure and through submissions a substantial fan and club representation, from across all levels of Scottish football;

• Have a two-part mandate:

o Firstly, to assess the role of the SFA and the actions of key, senior staff in respect of each issue here, of wider issues of financial transparency, and others as deemed appropriate by the inquiry itself; and

o Secondly, to learn from more accountable sports authorities in other fields and/or countries, and to recommend sweeping governance changes to the SFA if deemed necessary.




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That's just the opinions of some nutjob/s DA, not facts - just someone with a fair few chips on his shoulder.

So what have the SFA done or not done to deserve that tirade?

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