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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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On 14/10/2019 at 10:55, nsr said:

I don't think "you" will be top of the league for long, but if that's the self-esteem boost you need to haul your sweaty, unemployed carcass through the day, have at it.

To be fair, as a St Mirren Fan if we were top of the league for a week, we'd make a video too

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On 15/10/2019 at 09:29, Monkey Tennis said:


I posted twice on 13th October.  Those were my first posts on this thread since the 9th of January.  

Not quite "daily posting" is it?  Apart from that though, you're clearly making a very salient point.

Were the f**k is your daily post f

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RANGERS International Football Club plc today published its Annual Report for the year ending 30 June 2019.

Key advancements during the financial year:

  • Turnover increased by £20.6m (63%)
  • Share issues in the financial year totalling £18.2m, raising £1.6m of cash, converting £16.6m of investor loans to equity, with a further £17.2m converted since the year end. This marks a huge improvement in the Group’s balance sheet and shows the commitment of its Board and investors to the Group’s financial strength.
  • Continued investment in the playing squad – additions over last three years > £30m.
  • Continued investment in the Stadium, Hummel Training Centre and infrastructure.
  • European participation revenue £14.3m
  • Non-ticket or European revenues (commercial, sponsorship, broadcasting) increased by 64%
  • Record number of Season Ticket sales.
  • Our community programmes continue to flourish
  • Rangers Charity Foundation continues to excel.
  • The Club’s massive support continues to unite under the Club 1872 banner.

Key Figures:

  • Turnover £53.2m (2018 – £32.6m)
  • Earnings before Interest Tax and Depreciation (EBITDA) (£2.9m) (2018 – (£4.2m)
  • Loss for the year £11.3m (2018 – £14.3m)
  • Operating expenses £58.2m (2018 – £38.9m)
  • Average SPFL Home Attendance 49,563 (2018 – 49,173)
  • Season Tickets 45,500 (2018 – 44,658)

The Club chairman Dave King said:

“The financial year under review was again a positive one. The highlight was the acceleration of the substantial investment that was previously identified as being necessary to improve the Club’s standards – both on and off the pitch.

“Our Club has the highest expectations within the economic sphere that we operate and this requires the appropriate strategy, resources and operational capability. For the first time in many years we have all three of these at every level within the Club.

“The team must continue to evolve to meet the demands and expectations of our supporters and in Steven Gerrard I believe we have someone who embodies everything our Club is about. He understands fully that Rangers is synonymous with winning and as a winner himself, he can draw from a deep reservoir of experience gained by performing at the very top of European football.

“It has been the Board’s responsibility to provide financial support to the manager and that is what we have done. We have also invested significantly in the infrastructure at Ibrox Stadium and the Training Centre. Much of this work, although it is costly, goes unseen. There is a continual funding requirement to maintain our facilities if they are to remain among the very best in the world.

“As always, I want to thank this Club’s wonderful support. They really are the best when fully behind the team in the proper manner. The manager and players often refer to the supporters as a powerful driving force for the team and it is essential that we retain this atmosphere and resist the efforts of a tiny minority to bring disrepute to the Club’s name through sectarian and other unacceptable behaviour.

“This is one of the aims of our Everyone Anyone initiative, which has been positively and widely received – even by our country’s politicians. This project is one of the most ambitious we have undertaken and it will highlight just how diverse and open our support actually is – Rangers is a Club for all

“Significantly increased funding was also provided to bring Rangers women’s team to a new level. This provides us with a framework to develop the team to become a significant force, not just in Scottish football but also at European level.

“Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues on the Board and the management and staff throughout the Club for their continued support and dedication during another challenging year. It is a great privilege to be a member of a board that demonstrates such commitment, time and effort for no financial reward whatsoever. The ongoing support and loyalty of all Rangers supporters is a constant reward for the Board and management.”

The Annual General Meeting of Rangers International Football Club PLC will be held in the Clyde Auditorium on Tuesday, November 26th, 2019, at 10am.

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The Board of Directors (“the Board”) are required to prepare the statutory financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Group and Parent Company will continue in business. In satisfaction of this responsibility the Board has considered the Group’s ability to meet its liabilities as they fall due.
The Group’s business activities, together with the factors likely to affect its future development and performance are set out in the Strategic Report. The Strategic Report also describes how the Group manages its capital, its liquidity risk and its exposure to credit risk.
The Group meets its day to day working capital requirements through existing cash facilities, investor loans and finance leases. Management information tools including budgets and cash flow forecasts are used to monitor and manage current and future liquidity. The Board acknowledges that there is a level of uncertainty in the general economic environment which may impact the trading position of its customers and suppliers.
The Board has undertaken a recent and thorough review of the Group’s forecasts and the associated risks. These forecasts extend for a period beyond one year from the date of approval of these financial statements. The extent of this review reflected the current economic environment, the Club’s current and projected trading and position in Scottish football.
Key assumptions in respect of the Group’s forecasts are discussed within note 1 to the financial statements.
At the time of preparation, the forecast identified that the Group would require £10.0m by way of debt or equity funding by the end of season 2019/2020 in order to meet its liabilities as they fall due. The first tranche of funding is required from investors in November 2019. However, the final amount required is dependent on future football performance, European football participation and player trading amongst other factors.
The Board of Directors have discussed the Club’s forecast cash flow shortfall and have reached agreement with Laird Investments (Pty) Limited whereby it will provide additional loan facilities as necessary to meet shortfalls to the above requirements and any further amounts that may be required a result of variances to forecast cash flows. Further to this, Laird Investments (Pty) Limited have agreed to provide a £5m facility to October 2021.
The Board has considered the level and timing of additional funding that may be needed and is satisfied that any such amounts will be made available as and when required.

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Dave appears to have been mistakenly referred to as the chairman of The Club.

Weird, as we were always told a club was an ethereal being with no legal standing.

Leaving that to one side, these are the accounts for RIFC. They are the holding company for The Rangers FC Ltd, formerly known as Sevco 5088. If RIFC are losing wads of cash, how does that affect TRFC?

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Do they have a business plan to actually start making money at some point instead of losing it? Are they just banking everything on winning the league and getting Chumpions League money?

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I know this thread is full of us jokers who would love to see the demise of the **** again but seriously, what are they playing at here? They've £7m quid on kent ad probably £5m on the other players they bought going on to next years books.

Are they making massive money from these books until now?

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42 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

I know this thread is full of us jokers who would love to see the demise of the **** again but seriously, what are they playing at here? They've £7m quid on kent ad probably £5m on the other players they bought going on to next years books.

Are they making massive money from these books until now?

Can someone please translate this gibberish?


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17 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:

I'm just glad that the SPFL have rigorous financial fair play regulations to prevent any team from continually spending money that they don't have.

It could all end in disaster (again).


I'm all for FFP.  I'd be happy if the SPFL waited a season or two before they really started enforcing it though.

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56 minutes ago, The DA said:

I'm all for FFP.  I'd be happy if the SPFL waited a season or two before they really started enforcing it though.

We already have and meet UEFA's FFP requirements. I've not heard anything contrary in terms of Dundee United either.

Edited by TavTastic
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1 hour ago, Suspect Device said:

I'm just glad that the SPFL have rigorous financial fair play regulations to prevent any team from continually spending money that they don't have.

It could all end in disaster (again).


Yeah, I saw an article recently about Dundee United overspending in a last ditch attempt at gaining promotion . Their wages coming in at 133% of their turnover was quite shocking, I always thought that they were a model well run club.

While we need to get a grip too, I know that the board have said that they'd cover any spending shortfalls but it's not looking good now.


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