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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The old Tory is going senile. He also stated no Sphell club ran at a profit last week, despite Motherwell and Celtic both posting positive returns. He could be a good man to lead the rAngry ones back to the top of scottish football.....

not to mention hearts posting a profit this year.


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^^^ he has money, but I thought he'd be looking closer to home where Stockport County are very close to insolvency.

I'd suggest chucking his name and Stockport County into Google and see what results you get.

A lengthy statement from Whyte: http://sport.stv.tv/football/scottish-premier/rangers/298342-craig-whyte-statement-in-full/

My highlight? "Any suggestion that I am trying to make a fast buck or have indulged in illegal manoeuvring is clearly ludicrous."

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I'd suggest chucking his name and Stockport County into Google and see what results you get.

A lengthy statement from Whyte: http://sport.stv.tv/football/scottish-premier/rangers/298342-craig-whyte-statement-in-full/

My highlight? "Any suggestion that I am trying to make a fast buck or have indulged in illegal manoeuvring is clearly ludicrous."

:lol: popcorn sales will sky rocket!

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My favourite bit...

My corporate advisors came to me with the proposition that it was entirely possible, as well as highly beneficial, to negotiate a deal with Ticketus that would allow us to complete the takeover...

Naughty Craig, naughty..

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Latest from Duff Man:

DUFF and Phelps, Administrators of Rangers Football Club, today issued the following statement.

David Whitehouse, joint administrator, said: "Since being appointed administrators last week there has been widespread concern raised with us, not least by Rangers supporters and season ticket holders, about the agreement between the Club and Ticketus.

"Following information received, it is now apparent that the proceeds from the Ticketus arrangements amounted initially to a sum in the region of £20 million plus VAT. Subsequently, £18 million was transferred to the Lloyds Banking Group.

"The application of the remainder of these proceeds is subject to further examination.

"We are now investigating all the circumstances surrounding both the purchase of the majority shareholding in Rangers Football Club plc and the flow of funds which stemmed from the transaction and were intended to fulfil the purchasers' obligations at the time of the sale.

"We cannot comment further on these matters while enquiries continue."

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"We are now investigating all the circumstances surrounding both the purchase of the majority shareholding in Rangers Football Club plc and the flow of funds which stemmed from the transaction and were intended to fulfil the purchasers' obligations at the time of the sale."

Will they investigate both Murray and Whyte?

Lloyds Banking Group must be laughing their heads off. They got their money!

Rangers are debt free in terms of the bank then..

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Administrators statement

Whyte statement

Whyte basically saying that if Rangers exit administration he will consider gifting his shares to the Rangers supporters.

1st item underneath the statement

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So Craig Whyte says he`ll gift the fans his shares if they pull through. That`ll be the same fans he`s presuming would have bought season tickets to cover his purchase of the club and pay off debt to Lloyds...

Gotta admit he`s a sharp operator, one wonders who he borrowed a the pound off to buy Murray`s shares in the first place!??!?!

Edited by Desert Nomad
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As many people are aware the government is proposing major changes to the NHS.

Anyone who believes Craig Whyte's statement is urged to seek urgent medical attention whilst it is still available.

This is the end of the announcement.

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Nimmo-Smith is an old etonian so might be too posh for rugby

Nimmo-Smith led some enquiry years back into Catholic councillors in Monkland Council showing bias against Prods. Somehow Nimmo-Smith found no evidence. Could be seen as a 'safe pair of hands' for this little job. Main objective must be to ensure the SFA is shown to be clean, and any conclusions do not mean any other SPL/SFL club having to bother about a 'fit and proper person' ruling.

Some excellent content on other web sites http://scotslawthoughts.wordpress.com/ and http://rangerstaxcase.com/ plus the Daily Mail as mentioned earlier. Not the Scottish tabloids though.

Chic Young will soon have an exclusive ("you heard it here first", as he usually says) that David Murray is a really good guy and upset at being taken a loan of by Whyte laugh.gif

With the Ticketus money (or at least the balance after Lloyds paid off) , and the transfer dosh from Everton going missing, the administrators will be moving towards reality check time. Forget all the PR guff they have been giving us. HMRC will be watching very closely. With the missing money the administrators will have to pull in the polis (fraud squad), otherwise they will be at risk themselves.

Must be staff leaving this week to cut costs. And administrators will shut up about the Cousin move which was just a nonsense. Next week a list of creditors (provisional) provided. What is the betting Willie McKay (Cousin's agent) has an invoice pre administration on that list. Given it was a few months of Cousin at total cost of £50k or so, his cut should be about £5million. At least that is what the Murray/Smith dynasty would have paid.

With complete lack of clarity and more skeletons popping up, HMRC will have no choice but to go for liquidation in the next couple of weeks. That way they get Whyte slowly, and get a marker in place for all other clubs who are 'at it'.

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