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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Rangers would have so much more resources than any other First Division club. I'd think that it would be a pretty safe bet that in that scenario Rangers would have more season ticket holders than the average attendence of any other club in the league.

no doubt but those resources have to cover massively higher overheads that those clubs which in some cases are little more than social clubs with a football pitch. I dont have access to figures obviously but Ibrox must take millions to maintain and operate before you even think about players - consider business rates, electricity / gas, basic maintenance of the stadium, the pitch, costs of goods ( ie buying in stock for hospitality / merchandise which more than likely will have to be pro forma ), and the payroll for all staff required to operate this. ibrox is an asset at the moment purely in the sense that its footprint represents potential real estate...but it will be a major cost for a phoenix club. yes i do happen to think they will return to spl level...but it wont be as simplistic as is being made out.

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Rangers fan on Traynor's phone-in : "We've lost two out of the last three, I can't take this..."

Welcome to our world, cnut.

I too thought this hilarious. Proves they're just glory hunters!That combined with the eejits who called me a "dirty ****** bamstick" for daring to look at them waving their flag on leaving Cowcaddens underground this evening is why we would love to see them die!

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Rangers fan on Traynor's phone-in : "We've lost two out of the last three, I can't take this..."

Welcome to our world, cnut.

That guy was funny as f**k. "We don't walk away, but we've lost two out of the last three games and it's getting difficult to take, you know. I cannae,.. you know"

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Supurb!! , Rangers fans on Rangers Media pissed off because of the lack of football tops in the club shop when all the time JJB's have been flogging them for £10 on Ebay .:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

JJB's on Ebay - My link

You can't make this up....it still keeps giving - Rangers Megastore is a joke

Sorry but I just had to move this over here. ;)

Edited by CityDave
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Supurb!! , Rangers fans on Rangers Media pissed off because of the lack of football tops in the club shop when all the time JJB's have been flogging them for £10 on Ebay .:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

JJB's on Ebay - My link

You can't make this up....it still keeps giving - Rangers Megastore is a joke

Sorry but I just had to move this over here. ;)

The manager of JJB stores. I heard he was a ***** so that explains it.

This is what happens wen Rangers employ tarriers.

Good Lord

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Supurb!! , Rangers fans on Rangers Media pissed off because of the lack of football tops in the club shop when all the time JJB's have been flogging them for £10 on Ebay .:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

JJB's on Ebay - My link

You can't make this up....it still keeps giving - Rangers Megastore is a joke

Sorry but I just had to move this over here. ;)


I bet there is a warehouse rammed full of gear too.

More than a fan

The manager of JJB stores. I heard he was a ***** so that explains it.

This is what happens wen Rangers employ tarriers.

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Supurb!! , Rangers fans on Rangers Media pissed off because of the lack of football tops in the club shop when all the time JJB's have been flogging them for £10 on Ebay .:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

JJB's on Ebay - My link

You can't make this up....it still keeps giving - Rangers Megastore is a joke

Sorry but I just had to move this over here. ;)

RangersMedia has to be favourite for Comedy website of the year,

any one know if they have sky sports on In Bar 72, and what time you can get in from? be good to get in there early an let the club get as much of ma cash as possible, plus I get pished its a win win scenario all round.

From what I know though, the drink you buy in there doesn't go to the club though. All food, drink etc is outsourced to Azure]

Oh aye, because of the deal with JJB Rangers only get something daft like £4 for every top they sell :lol:

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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RangersMedia has to be favourite for Comedy website of the year,

I think if 'Bawbag of the Year' is running this year I would think the entire Rangers Media forum should be nominated.

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I think if 'Bawbag of the Year' is running this year I would think the entire Rangers Media forum should be nominated.

Nah, that goes to Vanguard Bears. who still support Craig Whyte, even had a wee meeting with him and Supporters Liaison Officer Jim Hannah a few months back, some real hard hitting questions as you can see :D


VB – Do you genuinely see Administration as an option, or is it part of a game with HMRC?

CW – Sadly, it is an option, and not a game in the slightest, although we see it (Administration) as worst case scenario. A Plan "D" if you will.

Administration is not, and never has been a Pre determined Strategy to deal with any possible loss of the "main" tax case.

Rangers are talking to HMRC on a daily basis

VB – Regards our BBC Demo, do you back it?

CW – I can fully understand the frustrations that have driven you to organise it

VB – Are you aware of any journalists that he considers as having a sympathetic ear to the club?

CW – To a certain degree yes, but some are constrained, and outnumbered within their outlets to put the required balance back in to reporting. Some also have their work edited. (CW named two journalists, who VB were non committal on our view of them)

VB – It is our understanding that there is a specific letter from UEFA with respect to "The Billy Boys", but that it has never been distributed.

[CW looks to JH] JH – Yes, there is a letter specifically outlining "The Billy Boys", and it was shown to members of the RST, Assembly and Supporters Association. It does exist and is not a myth.

VB – We are concerned at the double standards on the term "******", and how the goalposts have moved on a word historically an exclusive term referring to "Irish Republicans" of all religions, to have a dual meaning interpreted by certain factions as they see fir.

CW/JH – Case law and legal advice tells us that those of influence in Justice deem that the term can be deemed Sectarian in certain circumstances, but that there is a lack of clarity over what these circumstances are. The time to argue this was before case law. That time has passed.

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Not sure but I think a seige mentality would give them a sufficient hard core support to comfortably rise in three consecutive seasons.

Will it? Or will their fans bugger off to Airdrie, Dundee, Hearts, Linfield and St Mirren as oft times before? Or sit in Binghams watching the Chelsea games? On past showings, that hard core support doesn't exist except in their own fantasies. They're an ego trip more than a football club to 99% of their "fans".

There's no way any Rangers fans would stomach two years without a national trophy, let alone four.

A few Ranjurs minded players (a Lee McCulloch for example) who agree to play for peanuts and help them rise from the bottom would give them a significant advantage also. There not going to get 50000 but to think that they wouldn't be the biggest team in the lower divisions would be naive IMHO.

First they have to get in, and being a brand new club without 3 years audited accounts, I can guarantee that Spartans would be on the phone to UEFA faster than you could say "nice try!".

Secondly, where's the money going to come from to run this "new" Rangers?

The fans? That's a laugh. They expect the council or the Scottish parliament to bail them out as its an "institution".

A business consortium? Ibrox costs a small fortune to run, and the SFA can't bail them out the way they bailed Queen's Park out for their White Elephant (in their case they had the excuse of it being the national stadium and pending new HQ, as well as QP being amateurs and thus zilch threat to the pro-teams), they simply haven't got that kind of money to flush away anymore. You'd be talking a good solid four years of losses before reaching break even upon entry to the SPL, and hoping the other SPL clubs haven't strengthen during that time.

You only have to look at Linfield being forced into looking to vacate Windsor Park because despite winning the Northern Irish league almost every year and goodness knows what else, despite being used for internationals, their crowds have dwindled away to the point their ground is too big for purpose and a financial drain.

A "phoenix" club isn't going to happen when for a fraction of the cost any canny investor could stick the money in one of the other SPL clubs and see a return within two years.

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