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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Who exactly are the administrators working for here, it must be the longest drawn out process ever.

Every day this drags on, they are adding additional cost to the business at a time when they should be trimming costs across the board.

It sounds like the players are calling the shots and Duff and Phelps don't have the balls to stand up to them and do the job they are employed to do.

Get it f'cking sorted and get it done now.

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Unless the players agree to a retrospective cut, In which case they could be doing the creditors a good job as any redundancy another creditor is added diluting the pot

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And its just got more smelly. no agreement should equal bye bye players.

You'd think. Sadly, the more I think about it, the more I reckon this will drag on and on. Clearly some hidden agenda going on here.

Probably been asked before, but if they are liquidated and the registration transferred to a NewCo (assuming the SPL bend over and let it happen, with the NewCo straight back into the SPL), would the player registrations go too? As in, the longer they leave it to make a decision on redundancies, could they pull the plug and transfer the player registrations onto the NewCo, leaving the new team with a ready made squad?

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Sadly this evening we have been unable to reach agreement on the personal conditions sought by the advisors to the players in respect of those wage cuts.

Meaning they all wanted free-transfers end of season or some massive sell on percentage if a transfer fee.

More greed basically.

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And its just got more smelly. no agreement should equal bye bye players.

exactly, All is should be is

Administrator "Are you willing to take a pay cut in order to keep the club going"

Player "naw, nah chance, am wan a the peeple"

Administrator "Don't let the door hit you on the the way out"


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FFS, what's with the gloom?

They are in massive hock to HM Revenue and Customs, who couldn't care a flying f**k about Scottish "traditions" and whatever "special treatment" Rangers are accorded up here c/o the funny handshake mob's grip all over the joint. As far as they're concerned Rangers are massive fraudsters in a tuppenny part of Great Britain PLC that 95% of its population won't bat an eyelid over their passing, least of all when English clubs like Portsmouth have to pay the price over far more trifling sums.

The irony is that the arch-Unionists may see still being part of that Union as being what finishes Rangers off. In an independent Scotland, HMRC would be leaned on politically to give them ultra-leniency. As part of Great Britain, what England says, goes, and no Coalition government is going to hand on a plate one hell of a "one law for the Jockos (and Northern Irish for that matter", another for the English" to the Disgusted Tunbridge Wells set of Middle England. With Darlington, Plymouth Argyle, Portsmouth and now Port Vale all up the creek, any political pressure to give leniency to a Scots club heavily associated with sectarian bigotry would be suicidal.

Add to that they now have the stock exchange after them as well, the Charity Commission on their case, UEFA unlikely to tolerate SPL or SFA rule bending at a time they're threatening to throw the very nation they're based in out of all FIFA competitions if they try the same for Servette and Sion, and growling similarly at the Turks - both nations of far greater importance to world football, let alone European - than our little backwater pathetically perpetually dining out on former glories of half-a-century ago.

There will be no magic escape capsule for them to zoom off in cackling in their wake, bloodied but scheming and arrogant as ever. This is the real world. In that real world Rangers are just another national business gone FUBAR. No one's interested in throwing massive sums to rescue a basket case that even if it remained alive would find itself being dragged through expensive court case after expensive court case for a decade, with no guarantee of more massive fines for malpractices from HM Government, UEFA, etc.

Donkeymaster and his pals in the media can play Rangers Twister for all they want - Rangers are dead. It's only a matter of when.

Agreed, and while Rangers must disappear down the liquidation plughole, the SFA's jacket is on a shoogiy peg. With their ability to turn a blind eye to dodgy dealings for years, not just at Rangers but other clubs, their sponsors and financial supporters, including the Scottish Government must be looking closely asking if this is the sort of organisation we want to be associated with. An obvious no, unless some dramatic changes are made. But at least the SFA is trying to circle their wagons as is the SPL, and no doubt both will dump on Murray and Whyte pretty soon. Hoping to save their own skins.

What did they know, and when did they know it?

Odds should be at BetFred soon on where the first arrests will be.

Whyte 10/1

Murray 25/1

Martin Bain 25/1

Willie Mackay 1/100 (I wish)

Any Rangers director over the last 10 years all at 100/1

Edited by thelegendthatis
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Less jelly and popcorn in bin bags, more rangers training kit and stolen bog-roll.....

What to we want?


When do we want it?


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This guy Dingwall on STV - he's living in cloud cuckoo land. He has just said that the players who haven't agreed to any deal "are quite right to haggle, they can't be seen to being walked over, if not for them, then also their fellow pros". Does no-one with any interest in this whole farce, who has an ear within the mainstream media, read this forum? In every other admin that I can think of, cuts have come quick, and have been far more swingeing than what is happening here - and I'm sure there's been fucking zero negotiations with the administrators.

Lets get one other thing right - any "deal" that these guys are trying to obtain, are ABSOLUTELY to suit their own end, they won't be giving their fellow pros a second thought.

Edited by mozam76
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