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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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HMRC should grow a pair and get back to Court to get Duff and Duffer replaced as Administrators as they clearly aren't doing their job (if in fact they are doing anything except writing the occasional press statement and drinking tea)

What would happen if they did get replaced - would their fees get paid or would they become another creditor for the new Administrators to sort out?

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Is it just me, or is that collection of shite masquerading as a squad barely an asset anyway?

You've got what, 3 players who would get you a transfer fee in excess of a couple of hundred grand?

Are you really going to say "Well, I was going to buy the club and it's massive list of creditors, but only if Dorian Goian is still there"?

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Taken from the eternal gift of a website that is Rangers Media, topic statue of Craig Whyte outside Ibrox....

Been thinking, when all is said and done and we are on the road to recovery maybe we should commission a statue of Whyte just like the one we have of John Grieg?

I'm thinking along the lines of the little b*****ds fucking heed on a stick outside the main entrance, in bronze, to serve as a warning to any other c**t who wants to mess with my/our emotions in the future.

Just a thought.

:lol: Aww...he's hurt their feelings.

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What would happen if they did get replaced - would their fees get paid or would they become another creditor for the new Administrators to sort out?

Pfft don't worry about that, the administrators will make sure they're sorted out first and foremost.

To be honest if they do nothing but run the club into the grounds til season's end and then finally close the Big Hoose, they'd be worth every penny.

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Trying to cut through what any of us (me included!) might think Haudit and Daudit are up to - if we put that to one side, the fact is that in almost one month, these administrators have actually implemented zero cost-cutting measures of their own at a business bleeding vast amounts of cash, and needing to make immediate and deep cuts to even get through the season. Smith and Russell jumped from the sinking ship, Wylde and Celik did the same.

Hmmm. He hinted.

Edited by pozbaird
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Hmm, just a theory, they could be looking to flush out any buyers who aren't interested in anything other than paper talk. By keeping the players they offer a buyer the best squad available... but what about the season ticket money for the next three years? What about the big tax bill?

Unless there is some sort of deal we don't know about, surely no-one would take that on? Selling the whole side in the summer wouldn't come close to recouping £49 million. It doesn't resolve the lost Ticketus money, or the looming tax case, doesn't seem viable, and if there isn't an offer on the table soon, it makes severe redundancies and/or the big liquidiser justifiable.

The whole "keeping the fabric of the squad" thing doesn't make sense to me. Rangers could put together a squad in the close season that could comfortably finish second in the SPL with extreme ease and a low cost in terms of wages and no transfer fees. Surely if they can limp to the summer with a skeleton squad of U-19's and haddies, then it is far preferable to hemorrhaging money now?

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Latest statement:

Duff & Phelps, the Administrators of Rangers Football Club, today issued the following statement.

David Whitehouse, Joint Administrator, said: "We are announcing today we are accelerating the sale of Rangers Football Club.

"The Club is in a perilous financial situation and that should not be under-estimated. Regrettably, we have been unable to agree cost-cutting measures with the playing staff on terms that will preserve value in the business. We understand the players' position as the scale of wage cuts required to achieve these savings without job losses were very substantial indeed.

"In view of this, we are faced with a situation of making redundancies within the playing staff on such a scale that would materially erode the value of the playing squad. We are striving to strike a balance where cost-cutting measures can be implemented but do not destroy the fabric of the playing squad to the extent that it will inhibit the prospect of a sale.

"However, no one should be in any doubt that in the absence of sufficient cost-cutting measures or receipt of substantial unplanned income, the Club will not be able to fulfil its fixtures throughout the remainder of the season.

"As a result, we are expediting the sale process and over the next few days we will be holding discussions with prospective purchasers who have declared their interest. The Manager, Ally McCoist will play an integral part in thesediscussions.

"If however it becomes apparent that the sale process cannot be accelerated there will be no choice but to implement very severe cost cutting measures at the Club."


They're screwed, micro pop corn is cooking, jelly's been in the fridge for days, going to take the Mackie's toffee swirl out the freezer to soften up, let's get this party started.

ETA will this make much difference to the league table when all points won against Rangers are voided, I know it wont affect ICTs total but will there be any interesting changes in position? And don't say Motherwell into second it's too obvious.

Edited by stonedsailor
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The whole "keeping the fabric of the squad" thing doesn't make sense to me. Rangers could put together a squad in the close season that could comfortably finish second in the SPL with extreme ease and a low cost in terms of wages and no transfer fees. Surely if they can limp to the summer with a skeleton squad of U-19's and haddies, then it is far preferable to hemorrhaging money now?

Presumably it's a clincher for the RangersMedia types, and the 'Blue Knights'. There can be absolutely no asset-based reason for keeping the squad as it is.

In an ideal scenario, this is going to draw all the hot air out of Paul Murray's planned bid... err aye I'll buy Rangers, just without the cost of a CVA, having hee-haw income from season tickets and a £50 million tax bill. Then they fold in May.

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Trying to cut through what any of us (me included!) might think Haudit and Daudit are up to - if we put that to one side, the fact is that in almost one month, these administrators have actually implemented zero cost-cutting measures of their own at a business bleeding vast amounts of cash, and needing to make immediate and deep cuts to even get through the season. Smith and Russell jumped from the sinking ship, Wylde and Celik did the same.

Hmmm. He hinted.

Would be interesting to know if the outgoings at Rangers have actually gone up in the last month due to the arrivals of Haudit and Daudit. Fair chance considering there have been sod all cuts made.

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They're screwed, micro pop corn is cooking, jelly's been in the fridge for days, going to take the Mackie's toffee swirl out the freezer to soften up, let's get this party started.

ETA will this make much difference to the league table when all points won against Rangers are voided, I know it wont affect ICTs total but will there be any interesting changes in position? And don't say Motherwell into second it's too obvious.

St Mirren would lose 4 points, Killie 6.... if that came to pass, fcuk knows what it would do to the league table. I don't think I'd be that bothered to be honest. This thing is bigger than a win and a draw for St Mirren, in the grand scheme of our proud 135 year unbroken history, with no sign of that history being broken, or of our name being changed, our crest being re-designed, or our collective arses being linked with a dodgy deal to rape East Stirlingshire or Cowdenbeath, or to stick two fingers up to Spartans on the way past...

Ah, life is good.

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Neil Alexander £12k a week. Healy & Papac out of contract in the summer anyway. Naismith & Lafferty injured, Durrant & McDowell surplus to immediate requirements, it doesn`t take a genius to figure out who should have been shown the door already! The players may be acting admirably on behalf of non-playing staff, but it really isn`t their descision to make I`d have thought!

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