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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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As if i couldn't love HMRC any more, they go and surprise me with a cheque for £1500 today. God save the queen!!!


The least you can do now is "donate" it all to the Rangers Fighting Fund..........1p at a time ! wink.gif

Your £1,500.00 would cost them £40,500.00 tongue.gif

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OK i have answered your question and you are the one that brought up the comparison with the USA..What about us all singing our National Anthem prior to games? It would bring us all closer together.

fairly sure that the queen, rather than having the trogs singing their loyalty to her, would be more impressed by your lot paying what they fecking owe to her revenue n customs...what a show of loyalty that would be from the 'quintessentially british club'...far more impressive than the usual displays of hatred to people who have a slightly different religion.

Dont think the thread should be bogged down by the whole flag debate - but despite some of the rangers fans claims, no one here is taking offence at the flag per se...its that it is being used a tool to raise funds by appealing to the lowest common denominator amongst of firm fans ie bogotry..again. the union flag has NOTHING at all to do with rangers fc and NEVER has. If they wanted a symbol for the club fighting for survival they would have used the club crest or something which has some relevance to the actual club. By choosing the union flag they are ignoring football all together and aiming for the bigot pound. I can see why they are short sighted enough to do this cos they are desperate and dont think they could have gotten away with anything more obvious.This would have been a real opportunity to raise the clubs profile away from petty hatred and pitch themselves as being in the 21st century (which who knows may have helped to attract a real investor )...but they instead reverted to type. shame really but then this is why there is so little sympathy from the rest of scottish fans.

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I'm not pissed off about the flags at all, they can wave what they like. It's the fact that they have deliberately chosen a flag that is well known to wind-up Celtic fans and they know people will gladly pay money just to incite more hatred and intolerance.

They are making money out of hatred but are not going to admit it. It's all very well saying they've cracked down on the singing etc but stunts like this are just fuelling things.

You have to wonder what kind of person gets upset about a flag though, f**k knows how OF fans manage to get through life.

Course another interpretation is that the fund raisers reckon that not that many of ra peeple actually know what the club crest looks like since they are more interested in the bigotry than the footy club itself so they have gone for the only symbol they would recognise.

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Red , White and Blue.

It is our countries flag and Rangers are considered by some as the quintessential British Club

I will proudly wave my countries flag and make no apology for it...Just as i would be equally happy to wave the Saltire.

The question is not why should we choose this flag rather why anybody should be offended by their own countries flag. If they are then i suggest they are the ones with the problem.

I used to watch the baseball from the States...They used to sing their National Anthem before every game. Now there is an interesting idea we could maybe adopt here ;)

It is your use of the Union Jack. You use it as a statement. In fact above you refer to "MY country's flag" (Hope you don't mind the correction there). YOUR loyalty to it is somehow superior to anyone else's. An attitude that comes from the arrogance of bigotry.

I would suggest you might better spend your time asking why a club with such strong declarations of loyalty to the Crown and country should cheat or attempt to cheat that same country out of taxes which were due.

As my signature says, "only loyal to themselves", with every title or cup won since Murray came in tainted.

Edited by thelegendthatis
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I hate saying this but i hope Celtic go 5 up in the first half.I'd love to see what happens.

Its normally a cringe worthy freakshow but this could really get ugly.

If you want it to "get ugly" have Rangers 1 nil up in the 85th minute then a controversial handball penalty and red card then the winner in the 97th minute even though it is blatantly offside.

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If you want it to "get ugly" have Rangers 1 nil up in the 85th minute then a controversial handball penalty and red card then the winner in the 97th minute even though it is blatantly offside.

Oh - I didn't realise Willie Collum was the ref. Good-o biggrin.gif

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as much as I love ***-baiting, its obvious why they chose that flag. As I say, they are using intolerance and hatred to make money.

There are people who won't shop in Asda because its got a Green logo. There was only ever going to be one choice of flag really.

This reminds me of my favourite ever tale involving the mentality of your average Rangers fan.

My girlfriend was doing a childcare course a while back, and she told me one day that she'd asked her tutor for advice on what to do if parents were demanding specific dietary requirements. Her tutor responded that it was more or less a "play it by ear" basis; if parents are vegetarians and don't want their children eating meat at nursery then they cannot be given meat at nursery. However, her tutor then recalled a time where a parent came in and was genuinely demanding for his child to not be allowed to eat any green food, wear green clothing from the play area etc. etc. and, once they realised he was being deadly serious was told where to go by the staff who quite rightly didn't pander to bigotted fuckwits like that.

I laughed when she told me that, but very rapidly I felt a numb sense of horror at the child's future prospects.

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For those Rangers fans who say "It's only a flag" - what would happen if Neil Lennon burned the Union flag in the Centre Circle at Ibrox next week? Would 40,000 Rangers fans tut and say "Oh my, it's only a flag"?

Maybe he could do a souness and plant the tri-colour in the centre circle.

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For those Rangers fans who say "It's only a flag" - what would happen if Neil Lennon burned the Union flag in the Centre Circle at Ibrox next week? Would 40,000 Rangers fans tut and say "Oh my, it's only a flag"?

To be honest if he was getting away with it i'd probably have a cigarette since plod were obviously not watching.

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This reminds me of my favourite ever tale involving the mentality of your average Rangers fan.

My girlfriend was doing a childcare course a while back, and she told me one day that she'd asked her tutor for advice on what to do if parents were demanding specific dietary requirements. Her tutor responded that it was more or less a "play it by ear" basis; if parents are vegetarians and don't want their children eating meat at nursery then they cannot be given meat at nursery. However, her tutor then recalled a time where a parent came in and was genuinely demanding for his child to not be allowed to eat any green food, wear green clothing from the play area etc. etc. and, once they realised he was being deadly serious was told where to go by the staff who quite rightly didn't pander to bigotted fuckwits like that.

I laughed when she told me that, but very rapidly I felt a numb sense of horror at the child's future prospects.

Och, she turned out fine in the end.


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No. He also 'gets off' trying to rip his fellow St.Mirren fans and manager.

:blink: Contradictory at best Stu!

Appreciate I've not put that the best way. To sum up, I can't see how a director for 15 years would be fronting a bid for someone like Whyte to turn St Mirren into Rangers. However, it is possible that some other members of his consortium do intend to do this but haven't let him in on that part - although using the Rangers company secretary as your lawyer probably isn't the most subtle way to go about that! Whole problem could have been averted if McGeoch had actually told everyone the "Who, what, where, why and when" of his bid.

Anyway, enough of that on this thread. Is it not about time the Stand Up Guy surfaced again with more deluded ramblings?

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FAO of Barrysnotter...the  article you posted was utter nonsense and failed to mention there was no sectarianism whatsoever..Infact quite the opposite. It also failed to mention Neil Lennon marching onto the pitch, fists clenched 'celebrating' with the celtic suport...he then proceeded to mock the Rangers support and gesturing to them  while the police tried to get him off the pitch. Unbelievable behaviour from a man supposedly fearing for his life.<br />


You said that in the game in question "the atmosphere was praised BY ALL as the best...." The article was proof that you were spouting yet more inaccurate drivel. I never mentioned sectarianism, so i don't know what that's got to do with the price of cheese. I also don't know what Neil Lennon's celebrations have to do with this conversation. It' been a few hours since I read the article but I don't recall Neil Leenon being relevant to the subject matter.

Anyway, not long now.

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Just in case any sympathy for Rangers fans was beginning to kick in today at work flushed it all right out.

Given their defeat to Dundee Utd on Saturday meant that their fiercest rivals could win the title at their "big hoose" what did you think Rangers "fans" were discussing this morning? yep, their favourite subject, Celtic.

The amount of Rangers fans wondering around with smiles this morning and sharing wee jokes about having a double rather than a treble at the weekend was unreal. I felt like screaming you do realise your club has a million more important things to worry about than Celtic not winning a domestic clean sweep but then i'd just end up getting called "Celtic minded"

I found it ironic that Rangers fans have been telling us for weeks that it's sick the way we are basking in their misery yet what were they doing today?

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Love that when Di Stefano has his say, he tries to reach out to the Dundee fans with this comment:

"I would have no involvement in anything to do with Rangers, as my passion in Scottish football lies elsewhere. Mind you, and I know some Dundee fans might not like this, but if I had the money, I would buy Rangers - it represents such a good deal you’d be a mug not to."

My riposte, is f**k off Gio, the further you are away from us the better! And you could be ruining Rangers!

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