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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Can we make this perfectly clear - Rangers are not, repeat NOT a 'special case' simply because they are Rangers. It's as simple as that. Wake up and smell the coffee, apologist bawbags everywhere.

Bang on with this!

Your other stuff was frankly reprehensible. The hearts 86 boys are legends to a man. Now, back to the matter in hand ...

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Not for a single second am I covering for anyone who purports violence on the net or on real life.

Nor am I in for 'tit for tat' internet nonsense.

My point about BBC Scotland was and is that any media can trawl any football clubs' fans' sites and find utter shoit/threats of violence/conspiracy theories They obviously chose this as their story yet again. Crappy 'independent' media in this country just churn out the BBC stuff.

That's all. Away fur ma tea.

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Brora's one of these strange places that seems to have an above average affiliation with Rangers. A guy that used to work for me who lived up there was part of some "Supporters Club" or some pish up there and used to wander around wearing the t-shirt every single day.

A friend of mine (originally from Ayrshire) moved there with his (Inuit) wife and their daughter.

They eventually left not just Brora but the country altogether in part due to the racist abuse mother and daughter got from the locals.

And for a small place, there did seem to be a pretty large number of Rangers tops in evidence.

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Bang on with this!

Your other stuff was frankly reprehensible. The hearts 86 boys are legends to a man. Now, back to the matter in hand ...

Ach come on... Sandy Clark, Kenny Black, Jimmy Sandison, Brian Whittaker, John Colquhoun, Wee Doddy on the sidelines... they out-bawbag every other side in my time for sheer outright bawbaggery. Mind you, I still wanted them to win the league that year. Shame they imploded at Dens.

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All those posters on the rangers forum can't be real ****. There is too much irony and winding up going on("doing my shopping at Waitrose"

indeed, you know who you are).

Are there any actual rangers fans posting or am I being too generous

"with drawing their wife's from shopping' I can't believe those

people are breeding let alone having an actual woman.

Edited by Heidthebaw
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Not for a single second am I covering for anyone who purports violence on the net or on real life.

Nor am I in for 'tit for tat' internet nonsense.

My point about BBC Scotland was and is that any media can trawl any football clubs' fans' sites and find utter shoit/threats of violence/conspiracy theories They obviously chose this as their story yet again. Crappy 'independent' media in this country just churn out the BBC stuff.

That's all. Away fur ma tea.

No your point was all about agendas and conspiracies.

Again, don't worry this about the big Rangers, not Brora Rangers. You do seem awfully confused.

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Sandy Jardine :

“It wasn’t Rangers Football Club, it was Craig Whyte who put us in this situation,” Jardine said.“I’m still at the club, I worked under Craig Whyte and I have to say that nobody knew that he wasn’t paying bills. It was as big a shock to us as to everybody in Scottish football.”


How can they honestly expect us to fall for this?

Are we supposed to believe that Whyte solely wrote every cheque, did every EFT, prepared (obviously forged) management accounts for board meetings…

Just complete nonsense, and surely even only the dimmest Rangers fans really believes that nobody else in the organisation knew what was going on!

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Long time watcher, first time poster here, and may I say what a joy it has been to read this thread over the past...well forever really. Being stuck down in Cambridge means I have to rely on P&B and what little sense I can glean from the BBC Scottish football podcasts each night. You know, there are very few pluses to living in England, but missing out on the Old Firm stupidity is one of them. That and drowning in your own pish when England loose to Germany.

Anyway, I digress - I have a question to ask. Can someone please explain to me what the hell that flute playing lobster / crab / other crustacean is all about?


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It'd be quite pleasing if Whyte took the same way out as their boss.

Oh, and Godwins Law has been invoked. Does that mean we can close this thread now?

I admit there is a subtle difference between slaughtering millions and failing to pay your local newsagents, playing fast and loose with the taxman and SFA regs, and cheating your way to silverware. If you all accepted collective responsibility and accepted your punishment under the rules you signed up to, there would be no comparison at all..

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it's no about Killie and their £11 million debt yet either - yet

Debt is only an issue if you can't service it.

When Rangers not only couldn't service their debt, but even needed to steal from HMRC to pay wages/bills, things were obviously going to fall to bits without a very large injection of capital.

When that didn't happen, and with no sign of it happening, I really can't see how Rangers fans don't understand that their club, at least as they have known it, is gone.

It is all really very simple.

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I am so sick and tired of hearing Traynor, Young and the rest of the Radio Scotland crew rattle on about the importance of Rangers to Scottish football and that the death of them would be a catastrophic. Where was all this concern when Rangers and Celtic decided that it was in their own best interests to try and leave Scotland for the Atlantic League or the EPL. They would have left and not given two hoots about the rest of us, but we are now expected to bend over backwards and save Rangers for the good of the game. Rangers have made their bed, they should now lay in it.

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Debt is only an issue if you can't service it.

When Rangers not only couldn't service their debt, but even needed to steal from HMRC to pay wages/bills, things were obviously going to fall to bits without a very large injection of capital.

When that didn't happen, and with no sign of it happening, I really can't see how Rangers fans don't understand that their club, at least as they have known it, is gone.

It is all really very simple.

...Any chance you could have a word with Jardine, Goram, Traynor, Hateley, Doddsy.... :)

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