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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Better to be liquidadted, end of, rather than liquidated and start up again as a newco? :blink:

I do agree with you mind you. 8)

No. Many Gers fans hope to avoid liquidation and see it as inevitable with Miller's bid. You might think it's unavoidable but that's another matter.

Personally I think the Miller plan just might have some practical merits though, like many other people, I'm not a financial expert.

Edited by Bearwithme
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As has been mentioned before, empires come and go. I'm sure the Romans never for a second imagined they would fall, or for that matter the British empire, etc, etc, etc. But they have. America maybe THE superpower right now, but in a few hundred years will that still be the case. Maybe, maybe not.

Look at clubs such as Nottingham Forest, Leeds, Aberdeen, Dundee Utd, etc. Massive clubs in their respective leagues and europe in the 70s and 80s but nowadays barely get a mention in world football.

My point is no other club outside the OF has won the league for over 27 years. Yet we are being told that we cant change things as it will be bad for scottish football. So do we just let these 2 win the league for the next 1000 years?

Ahhhh but its the same in the EPL, Germany, France, Spain, Italy we keep being told. Maybe to an extent, but any of these other leagues produce teams that would hammer any of our offerings. If the OF did bugger off to the EPL, what would the standard of the SPL be? 1st/2nd division of england? Possibly, but at least the teams would know it was all fair and above board.

This is how many different teams have won their respective league titles since Aberdeen won the SPL..........

Spain - 4

Germany - 7

Italy - 7

England - 8

France - 9

Holland - 4

Portugal - 4

What is the point of playing the game in the SPL if you have no chance of gaining anything other than not being relegated because the rules are changed to keep the two strongest clubs on top.

Rankgers really do believe that they could do whatever they liked and no one would question it. they have become they boy that owes the football. He wants to pick the best team for himself, and get the decisions his way, and if he doesnt he will pick up his ball and go home. So no one challenges him on it. But all it needs is for him to one day pick up his ball and storm off and for the rest of the lads to have brought a £1 each (irony hehe) and to all chip in, go to the sports shop (ideally, irony again, JJB) and buy a ball. When the spoiled wee brat comes back and wants a game, we just leave him standing on the touchline as he tries and pallies up to everyone so he can play, but in the end it leaves him trying to do keepy-uppies amongst the dog turds on his own.

Edited by PeeTeeJag
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I hope this can be a turning point for our game but don't really believe it will happen. If Rangers punishments are to be diluted simply because they are Rangers then what other things should be different (if not already)? Performancing enhancing drugs ok for Rangers but nobody else? A guaranteed number of penalties a season? Fixed cup draws? We all need a strong Rangers after all. How about they get an extended transfer window or they need two players to be offside before it's actually offside? The more power they have the better our game will be for all of us. Bollocks. This is a football association where the rules and disciplinary processes should be the same for every member, regardless of how many fans they have, what sponsors they attract, how much tv money they bring in. The level of Rangers wrong-doing is unprecedented and so, therefore, should be the punishment.

The stench coming from Ibrox is almost unbearable (ha ha). McCoist's comments of the last few days are stunning and I can't figure out if this is desparation or calculated bullying. I think he's trying to compare Rangers to the likes of RBS and that the economic effect of them being fairly punished would be too far-reaching to be carried out without destroying the game here. If the authorities don't hammer them then I think the game will be destroyed as far as many of us are concerned. That may also be the view of those outside Scotland but I'm not sure anyone cares. Can we look forward to Rangers competing in Europe with a Fair Play badge on their shirts?

As a comparison to my club's situation, when we nearly folded a few years ago, we knew it was our directors' fault - our fault. We had to do something about it. Money was raised to pay off debts. One method of fund-raising was a sponsored walk from Shawfield to Broadwood (something which still happens each year). We have cut our cloth accordingly and are prioritising payment of debt. That's why we fininshed bottom of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd divisions in consecutive seasons. We effectively relegated ourselves to the bottom division. Winning titles is not on the agenda - paying debt is. So, as a global institution, surely Rangers fans could have a multitude of sponsored walks to deal with their situation to at least change public perceptions about their self-importance, to show some remorse and take responsibility? No, that's right - they're doing a protest march to Hampden because the SFA are being unfair to them. That is the difference with this club and why we would be better off without them. By blaming those around them, they act like a junkie, lashing out at those from whom they've stolen to feed their addiction and expecting them to help. So, on Monday, will it be methadone, rehab or the grave?

Can't believe I gave a Clyde fan a greeny!!! biggrin.gif

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Ally is out of control now, in my opinion having no board and effectively no boss is giving him free reign to do and say what he likes.

He seemed the more respectable manager of the 2 old firm rookies, whilst Lennon went round making a complete tit of himself Ally acted with dignity.

Now it seems he has crumbled under the pressure and is reacting too the situation of nothing happening with regards someone buying Rangers.

His 1st outburst on Rangers TV demanding to know who the Hampden 3 were was cringeworthy and not unlike a ned in the dock screaming at the jury i know where you live as he gets taken down.

His refusal to apologise for the aftermath is very Lennonesk and shows just how much he is trying to stay onside with the fans who have luckily had distractions from the fact Ally lost a massive SPL lead to his rivals even before the 10 point penalty.

His latest piece that the old firm should be treated differently will have the SFA and SPL banging their heads off their desks. They cannot be seen to be agreeing with Ally by being lenient and i get the impression that they are getting a little sick of him having free reign.

From a personal point of view i was never 1 to jump on the abandon my team if Rangers aren't punished severely enough bandwagon mainly because we are in the 1st, but this bravado from him has made me have a rethink.

Ally is basically saying we all exist to give the old firm someone to play between their derby games. Let me tell you something Ally. It has cost me probably over £10,000 to watch Falkirk since i started and it wasn't just so you had "someone to play in between big games"

If Rangers think they can pick and choose what rules they want to abide by and the rest of us should know our place then that's it for me.

Why should i spend my hard earned cash just to fall in line with Ally's vision?

I expect a lot of people have lost a lot of respect for the guy once called "super" Me included.

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Looks like the some of the press are beginning to open up and align themselves in one camp or the other, along with a few apologists like Archie Mac who can't quite find it in themselves to speak ill of the Old Firm.

Cowan, Cosgrove, Glenn Gibbons all openly expressing what most sensible right minded people think. Roddy Forsyth now fully exposed as a blue-tinted spectacle wearer.

The remainder are all peeing their pants in case they back the wrong horse.

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If It's not to late I thought this little ditty might be worth singing on the march. I think the tune is a traditional one....

I am a Loyal Rangers fan

They say my club's going down the pan

I believed in that c**t Murray

Now they say that we must pay

They say that my club's going down the pan

So build my gallows, build them high

That I might see before we die

Tynecastle Park, and the slopes of Cappielow

And Tannadice once more before we go

For I am a loyal Rangers fan

They say my club's going down the pan

'cos Craig Whyte he told me

That we'd paid HMRC

They say that my club's going down the pan

So build my gallows, build them high

But let me eat just one more pie

And go to Dens and the new St Mirren ground

Before the Rangers get shut down

For I am a loyal Rangers fan

Well they say my club's going down the pan

I've never seen the Rangers play

But I won't walk away

They say that my club's going down the pan

So build my gallows, build them high

That I may see before we die

The Rangers win, I'd even take a draw

Just playing East Fife would be braw

So build my gallows, build them high

They'll point and laugh the day the Rangers die

But I won't care

I'll always keep the faith

And blame it all on that c**t at Raith

Edited by roverthemoon
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Cant find a link but crackin article by Tam Cowan in the Record today, says it as it is....no doubt the death threats and bombs etc will now be targetted at TC!!

Comparing Rangers wrongdoings to Sean Connery commiting Mass Murder. :rolleyes:

Comparing the mismangement of a football club to the Captain of a ships whose errors led to the deaths of 50 passengers :rolleyes:

Aother Journalist still bleating on about '20 years of cheating'...This hearing was solely to do with the time Whyte has been in charge. The double contracts issue has still to be addressed. :rolleyes:

In short it was absolute nonsense even by his own low standards. :rolleyes:

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Cant find a link but crackin article by Tam Cowan in the Record today, says it as it is....no doubt the death threats and bombs etc will now be targetted at TC!!

I'm actually 100 per cent behind the Rangers fans. No, seriously. I think it's grossly unfair that thousands of innocent supporters who've pumped mega-millions into the club ever since the Souness revolution (and had absolutely no idea what was happening to their dosh behind the scenes) now face two stark scenarios:

Yep, Tam's really fearlessly telling it as it is and not covering his back at all.

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Comparing Rangers wrongdoings to Sean Connery commiting Mass Murder. :rolleyes:

Comparing the mismangement of a football club to the Captain of a ships whose errors led to the deaths of 50 passengers :rolleyes:

Aother Journalist still bleating on about '20 years of cheating'...This hearing was solely to do with the time Whyte has been in charge. The double contracts issue has still to be addressed. :rolleyes:

In short it was absolute nonsense even by his own low standards. :rolleyes:

To be fair, some of it was a populist bullshit, aimed at supporters of diddy teams, but hey, no different to the shite we've heard for well, ever, from the so-called fitba writers in the Record, Sun and Evening Times when speaking of the Old Firm.

The tables have (maybe momentarily) turned. Get used to it.

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One excellent point Tam made in midweek - Why did Rangers feel it necessary for an overnight stay in a top Edinburgh hotel before their game with Hearts, which wasn't even an early kick off? Who paid for it?

No8 - you know it will come out shortly, lest there be any doubt, about the decade plus of cheating. It would appear every member of the squad who won the league on the last day in 2005 was on an EBT. Any big brave journo ever asked Wattie if he was on one?

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Fat Sallys comments about the OF being special cases I assume are based on the size and stature of the clubs, however maybe he needs to be reminded of his "Super" club having a 50 quid bill for a local face painting company that they could not afford, as far as I'm aware us wee clubs have not had that particular embarresment . Wise up Sally.

After his comments about Rangers being special, I wonder, should the transfer ban be confirmed, if Ally will claim that it is "personal" and just getting back at him for what he said.

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1335609855[/url]' post='6181193']

Comparing Rangers wrongdoings to Sean Connery commiting Mass Murder. :rolleyes:

Comparing the mismangement of a football club to the Captain of a ships whose errors led to the deaths of 50 passengers :rolleyes:

He was comparing relative lack of punishment not the deeds themselves .

Still great bit of deflection from the point there!

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There has been speculation at various stages that certain creditors (Ticketus and the debenture holders) will be treated differently from others. I would like to think that one or more of the other creditors will challenge this, hopefully just at the point where the administrators think they have a deal!

For anyone like me who's confused by all the financial mumbo jumbo, this is worth a read.

A couple of excerpts:

I have found no authority in the Insolvency Act, the Companies Act, the Enterprise Act or any other Act, quite frankly, that gives the administrators the right to sell Rangers. They may have been given permission to seek a buyer, but they cannot force CW to sell his shares. I have found no authority that allows Craig Whyte’s shares to be sold without his express permission, particularly when he owns 83.5% of the outstanding shares! This is why Brian Kennedy and the Blue Knights can only offer a conditional offer to buy the club. The administrators have no power to force Craig Whyte to sell his shares. He is a secured creditor and is due £20-30Million. Like it or lump it. It is a fact.
Even a bid for £33 million (three times the last Miller bid) would only satisfy the amount CW is owed and the debts to other football clubs. It would leave hardly anything else for Ticketus or HMRC who would then have to agree for pennies on the pound CVA allowing Rangers to come out of administration – when there is “£100Million” in assets sitting in Govan. Folks, this ain’t happening.
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