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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Vanguard Bears :lol:

How can anyone take them serious! apart from being a bunch of bigots, they had a meeting with Craig Whyte 2 days before they went into admin

I wonder how that went :rolleyes:


First of all we have to convey our thanks to Mr Whyte for his attendance given the events of last night with the BBC yet again displaying where their loyalties lie.
Daily Record and Media in general - The consensus appeared to be that more needs done in being pro-active in countering the muck raking and downright lies being spread about Rangers and the owner.

BBC - Litigation will now proceed after last night’s hatchet job. Mr Whyte admitted he had let it run because other more important matters needed his immediate attention.

Ticketus Deal - Wholly underwritten by one of his companies with no risk to ST holders should we go in to administration. Deal was for a percentage of the tickets over 3 years not 4. Figure mentioned was closer to £20m and not the £24.4m being quoted. Deal was arranged to provide working capital only.

Whilst on this subject we had to ask about administration; its possibility and effect. Mr Whyte reiterated his view that it is a last resort and not Plan A or Plan B. However given the uncertainty surrounding the HMRC verdict it is simply not possible to say for certain what strategy will be adopted until the decision is known. We then asked what happens if the worst case scenario arrives and we do go in to administration. Mr Whyte’s response was that it wouldn’t be pleasant and cuts would have to be made but the club would come out of it in a far healthier state. A 10 point deduction is the current penalty for a club going in to administration and not every season as certain rumour mongers were happy to shout out at every opportunity. The phrase “Business as Usual” was used.

Cash Flow Rumours - We put it to Mr Whyte about the rumours of cash flow issues and bills not being paid which he categorically denied. He did admit that all bills are scrutinised and payment terms have been changed or extended but the negative publicity has forced some of the larger suppliers to demand payment quicker or on receipt of goods. He maintains though that smaller suppliers are being paid and the relationships with them are still healthy.
Small Tax Bill - This is being challenged as the clubs legal advice is that because this is over 6 years old HMRC are not within their rights to pursue it. So the stories about Rangers not paying it or can't pay it are wrong and merely mischief making.

Once again our thanks go to Craig Whyte and to Jim Hannah for giving up almost 2 hours of their time and their willingness to engage with the support and we look forward to working with them again for the good of Rangers FC.The Administrators of Vanguard Bears remain supportive of Rangers owner Craig Whyte until unfounded allegations are proven otherwise.


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I have to admit to a bit of ignorance here. I know of FF and RM and the like but VB is an acronym lost on me. As a programmer I use that term to reference Visual Basic the computer language but I am guessing, and I realise I'm going out on a limb here, that isn't what you are aiming for. Care to shed some light?

As for laying down? Well, of course, you only need to ask Hearts fans about that. Apparently we couldn't lay down quick enough against Celtic in '86. I mean you could suggest we laid down to Rangers in our last game, but then by that logic Celtic laid down to them too just a few games earlier.

VB is the Vanguard Bears who are the etremist prodis who use violence regularly against '*****s' - I'd bet my bottom dollar the 2 in the Bar-L for 5 years are VB members

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Sandy Jardine threatening us now with some kind of non-specific revenge if Rangers don't get what they want and I, for one, am pure shiteing myself in terror.

Heard him on the news tonight. What an idiot. All he's doing is hardening others resolve to stand by their own stance. The more I hear, the more I want to see this club punished and punished hard (if they are still around to be punished that is).

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Apologies if someone's already posted along these lines (and with a bit more info than I have) but I've been looking at the timing of a possible AVC. Right now, Rangers debts total around £60M – the £55M that Haudit & Daudit published earlier plus the £4M for the Wee Tax Case. Since 75%of creditors need to agree to the terms of an AVC, I assume that HMRC plus Ticketus control that decision between them. No other sensible split of the creditors adds up to 75%.

If H&D wait until the Big Tax Case decision comes in (pre-appeal), that takes the total debt up to around £135M and HMRC (£93M) just about hold the deciding votes all on their lonesome.

In either case, will HMRC settle for 4p or 10p in the pound when they can wind the company up and get 50p or 60p in the pound? I can almost imagine Hector agreeing to an AVC now if he thought there was a chance of significantly more tax from Rangers in the future (jam tomorrow) but Rangers aren't going to be a financial powerhousefor years, possibly decades, to come - so that's not going to happen.

They're fooked.

AVC - Another Vatican Conspiracy?

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Ah, right, you'll have to forgive me as I've been out of the country for the best part of the last 2 years. Are the "VB" new or something? Personally I would think when trying to set up an ultra hard man organisation you wouldn't choose one that has an acronym that rhymes with VD. Just saying...

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So is it true that some Rangers fans threatened to burn down Starks Park? Surely they aren't holding a club responsible for the actions of one man......

I guess tinternet is easy for 14 year olds on twatter - dunno if anything serious. It just shows you the mentality anyway why Sally was a crass idiot demanding names (which he already knew) to 'out' a confidential panel after Rangers had been one of the 92 members who had voted that panels should remain a confi thing

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This whole episode is getting surreal now. Its unhealthy to rely so much on a football club for your own self-worth. People need to step back and take a look at their lives if this is what it's come to.

Exactly what I was thinking when I was listening to the Radio Scotland phone in tonight. A rather touchy soul phoned in and accused Jim Traynor and Tom (?) English of laughing at the situation. He said something along the lines of "this is not a laughing matter". Get a life you sad b*****d. There were also complaints to the BBC a couple of weeks ago when Richard Gordon was interviewing Ronnie McDonald from Hamilton. He asked McDonald what he was going to do next after he left Accies. He responded by joking that he'd heard a number of stories from the fact that he was leaving as he was suffering from a terminal illness to him going to take over Rangers. Richard Gordon jokingly asked him which he would prefer ! Cue complaints to the BBC. Pathetic really.

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Well they sound a bit mental don't they. However one thing struck me as quite odd. Despite the protestant paraphernalia and rhetoric isn't it a little odd that the poster calls himself D'Artagnan. Forgive me if I'm wrong but the only D'Artagnan I can think of is Charles de Batz-Castelmore d'Artagnan (yes, I had to google his full name) who served under the patronage of the only slightly Catholic King Louis the (oh, God knows but there was a shed load of the buggers) and was the inspiration for the character of the Three Musketeers, the Musketeers were of course real (not the 3 of them but the outfit) and were formed by the church (the mental incense sniffing one, as opposed to the mental "life is shit, accept it" kind).

Now what self respecting nutjob who has the red hand of Ulster on his site calls himself after a very Catholic soldier who regularly disembowelled protestants for the fun of it?

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Well they sound a bit mental don't they. However one thing struck me as quite odd. Despite the protestant paraphernalia and rhetoric isn't it a little odd that the poster calls himself D'Artagnan. Forgive me if I'm wrong but the only D'Artagnan I can think of is Charles de Batz-Castelmore d'Artagnan (yes, I had to google his full name) who served under the patronage of the only slightly Catholic King Louis the (oh, God knows but there was a shed load of the buggers) and was the inspiration for the character of the Three Musketeers, the Musketeers were of course real (not the 3 of them but the outfit) and were formed by the church (the mental incense sniffing one, as opposed to the mental "life is shit, accept it" kind).

Now what self respecting nutjob who has the red hand of Ulster on his site calls himself after a very Catholic soldier who regularly disembowelled protestants for the fun of it?

regularly disembowelled protestants

Possibly the SFAs next sanction for Rangers?

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Ah, right, you'll have to forgive me as I've been out of the country for the best part of the last 2 years. Are the "VB" new or something? Personally I would think when trying to set up an ultra hard man organisation you wouldn't choose one that has an acronym that rhymes with VD. Just saying...

you're gifting the neanderthals with foresight n intelligence there - they even failed to make viable bombs hence why only 5 years

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Now what self respecting nutjob who has the red hand of Ulster on his site calls himself after a very Catholic soldier who regularly disembowelled protestants for the fun of it?

Well, as I'm sure you know Ric, 'Protestant' itself comes from the act of cupping your baws in your hands under oath.

So if they are happy wae the ''baw cupper'' tag I am sure Darktannedyin is sound.

nb, Protest derives from testes, true enough......:)

Edit to add re the Red Hand, it actually dont mean much, he might just be from Barra......

Edited by wunfellaff
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