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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I am actually glad the SPL have put off the meeting as we know that, whatever they do, it will be taken as being against Rangers and be the nail in the coffin etc etc

It's probably quite sensible to wait until Rangers have acted I.e been liquidated or CVA'd or whatever then decide. Hopefully it also means that they can punish them without Rangers wriggling out of it afterwards.

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This thread is now growing at such a rate that keeping-up is getting a challenge, think it's grown 10 pages since I was last on!!

Has any reason been given for SPL clubs delaying their deliberations by 7 days?

Best explanation here.. My link

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I am actually glad the SPL have put off the meeting as we know that, whatever they do, it will be taken as being against Rangers and be the nail in the coffin etc etc

It's probably quite sensible to wait until Rangers have acted I.e been liquidated or CVA'd or whatever then decide. Hopefully it also means that they can punish them without Rangers wriggling out of it afterwards.

The SPL are caught in the middle here and the dodgers can only blame their manager and fans, if the SPL punish them, the fans will say they put them to death, if they wait which they have done some will say they have hampered the bid by not disclosing punishment, no matter what the animals will be rabid death.gif

Do you think HMRC know liquidation is the final outcome and they are planning for it all along ?

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Sadly everybody is too terrified of being labelled as the one who killed Rangers to actually do anything about it. Like a group of vets who know they should put a fatally injured dog to sleep but are afraid of its braindead lump of an owner coming round and lamping them one.

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If anything I've just seen the most coherent post on RM..

Warning: DOMDocument::load(http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=rss&type=forums&id=4) [domdocument.load]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error in /home/rangersm/public_html/modules/mod_LightRSSFeedReader/tmpl/default.php on line 40

Fatal error: Call to a member function getElementsByTagName() on a non-object in /home/rangersm/public_html/modules/mod_LightRSSFeedReader/tmpl/default.php on line 43

As sentiment I think we can all agree on regardless of who you support.

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This is played before every game at McDiarmid. A Jody Morris suggestion which has gone on for a couple of seasons now. It should therefore be played at Rangers last game...at least it should be but I wouldn't put it past some blue bigot apologist in a grey suit or match commander scared of mob rule having it banned for the day.

Thought of that song a lot hearing it at Chelsea recently.....forgot St Johnstone have been using it and the fact that this is the final Rangers league game :lol: :lol: :lol: What a magnificent coincidence.

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To be fair to the men at today's meeting - they may or may not have bottled out of making a decision today, but this is an almighty bloody mess, and is no clearer today than it has been since the day Rangers entered administration.

Blue Knights in or out? Miller in or out? BTC? EBTs? CVAs? Liquidation?

No-one knows. I can actually sympathise with where they found themselves at today. I can understand them avoiding a decision on anything - the ball is firmly in Haudit and Daudit's court. Until the dynamic administration duo get their act together and stop setting never-ending deadlines, then the SPL chairmen are no different from us... watching, and waiting.

I'm not going to tar them with a brush because of what they might do. Once they know what they facing - and make their decision for real, then we'll see. From day one, I felt like you - they'll roll over for 'the Rangers'. The longer this goes on, the worse it gets for Rangers, the more aggressive McCoist and Jardine become, the more their supporters threaten officials... the more the 'swing-o-meter' swings from Rangers being an institution that must be saved, to Rangers being an institution that is beyond saving.

Of course, they could do anything yet. This is the SPL after all. Still, until they actually act - we must give them the benefit of the doubt.

I have to be brutally honest and say that I don't sympathise.

The proposals are either acceptable or they aren't - regardless of what is happening with Rangers.

Once again, it seems that the OF have the other clubs hamstrung, even when one of the arse cheeks is in its death throes.

Ultimately, it shouldn't matter what happens to Rangers. The proposals should be based on securing the future integrity of the SPL in terms of financial fair play. This might sound naive, but it is how it should be, IMO.

What has happened to Rangers should serve as a wake-up call to all other clubs, and the football authorities and governing bodies. Any new regulations should serve as a deterrent to prevent other clubs following the Rangers route. They should be able to look at the broader picture, Rangers' fate notwithstanding.

As it is, it seems that they are merely awaiting the endgame of the Rangers fiasco in order to ensure that there is a way in which to guide them safely through to next season and beyond in the SPL, and preserve the most favourable TV deal. That's just plain wrong, in my view.

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My guess would be that there has been no need for anything so overt. Using the universal 'big teams get the decisions' metric you would expect the hoovering up of the trophies by the two largest clubs in the country. Nods and winks behind the scenes may be plausable - witness the apologists at present - but I doubt direct match fixing was ever required

Was thinking of the possibility against smaller European teams to help prepare the way to later stages of competitions, rather than clubs like Forfar or East Stirling lying down in a cup game at Ibrox.

As I said the Italians choose this route - it obviously gave them a good return on investment.

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Sadly everybody is too terrified of being labelled as the one who killed Rangers to actually do anything about it. Like a group of vets who know they should put a fatally injured dog to sleep but are afraid of its braindead lump of an owner coming round and lamping them one.

I'd be proud to be known as the man who killed Rangers, I just don't know how to go about it.

I may also need to flit :lol:

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Surely this "staff meeting" will be "delayed" til 3pm...........then 4pm.............then a week on Monday................then the 12th of fucking never.............:blink:

Edited by da_no_1
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Adjourned to next Monday, which is when Hibs host the Pars.

I hope they decide Rangers' SPL 2012/2013 fate so I know whether Dunfermline need to win or not! ;)

You'd need to win anyway. One team will be relegated from the SPL, regardless of the outcome off the Rangers saga.

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You'd need to win anyway. One team will be relegated from the SPL, regardless of the outcome off the Rangers saga.

Really? What makes you say that?

If Rangers were to go into liquidation (and weren't voted back into the SPL) I would expect the bottom team to survive relegation rather than promoting 2 from the 1st.

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I had hoped, like many of us, that today was the day. That was until I read P&B this morning and the scary scenario put forward in the post about/from the Scots Law Bloke on page 685. That left me a little dismayed as it offers the worst possible outcome, and would have given the bears the chance to laugh and claim the SPL had been potentially outmanoeuvred all along.

However, the delay on the part of the SPL chairmen today does a few handy things in my humble opinion. Delaying the vote does, as someone pointed out, have a 'lets see if they die first' ring to it. It also means that regardless - if they voted in favour of the proposed changes or against them, then Rangers would know how to play their next card in terms of fielding players under a NEWCO at St. Johnstone, how they could use the precedent to unlock the chains they have around them at present and could have begun planning for that straight away.

Now, possibly because the knew they might lose as 10-2, the best possible course of action may prove to have been to abstain/postpone the vote to exert pressure on Celtic, not just Rangers. This appears to me to be the clever vote if you know you're not able to win outright and one of your opponents is one the ropes, its a tag team event and the clock is ticking down. The analogy I'd give is a boxing match with the SPL 10 in one corner and the OF in the other. It might not be a knockout yet, but we can win on points in the end if we keep the fight going long enough.

The delay now also puts Sandy Jardines 'we'll see what they do first and then get them back' agenda right off the topic list for at least a week. It puts the pressure back on his lot, they can't plan their moves and target anyone if nothing is being done to them. The fever driven nonsense that was stirred up to deflect from the real issue has been put to bed for now. They can't announce what 'sanctions' the Ibrox hordes can unleash until they know where they stand, so it effectively relegates that argument for the time being and focuses the debate back onto the real issue of them being fucked and having cheated.

IF someone at the SPL/SFA has been as astute in their summation as our learned colleague and perhaps arrived at the same apocalyptic conclusion where Rangers would almost get off unpunished, then delaying the vote is the single best tactical move the SPL could have made. Time and money are Rangers greatest enemies right now and they are fast running out of both. Leaving them in limbo for at least another week might just be the start of the SPL fighting back. By continually delaying a set of known outcomes it means Rangers, not the SPL or SFA will have to show their hand first. Or maybe I'm an eternal optimist!!!!!

Just a thought! :)

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Really? What makes you say that?

If Rangers were to go into liquidation (and weren't voted back into the SPL) I would expect the bottom team to survive relegation rather than promoting 2 from the 1st.

Apparently if Rangers go bust before the end of the season, no team is demoted. If it's after, the bottom SPL team gets demoted and the 2nd Div one team gets promoted..

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