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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This thread is becoming like most of the threads on Rangers Media - boycott this, boycott that (they've always called for boycotts, even before admin) I'll tell you right now, there won't be a demonstrable difference in attendances next season.

Not with THAT attitude laugh.gif

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This thread is becoming like most of the threads on Rangers Media - boycott this, boycott that (they've always called for boycotts, even before admin) I'll tell you right now, there won't be a demonstrable difference in attendances next season.

Quite possibly. If you want to bet on it, step into my casino. Just off paisley rd.

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This thread is becoming like most of the threads on Rangers Media - boycott this, boycott that (they've always called for boycotts, even before admin) I'll tell you right now, there won't be a demonstrable difference in attendances next season.

I've actually thought about this. Now the tables have 'turned' slightly, I bet some of those on Rangers Media are coming on here and are laughing at our knicker wetting :angry::lol:

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But maybe you're right. Fans can't think much of their own clubs if they're going to desert them because Rangers don't get punished as much as they'd like (which is what it boils down to once all the fake moral outrage and dramaqueenery is stripped away).

I'm deserting the SPL because if Rangers aren't punished as much as they should be then we'll all know that the league is a farce. Rangers know, and have always known, that the reprisals should be harsh. They know that relegation to Division three is no only possible but highly likely. Every sycophantic wee puppet in the media has come out with the lies that the SPL need Rangers, that the game will die without them. It's bullshit, but they've been peddling it for months now because they need that thought in the national psyche so that the punishment is diluted and so is any backlash. Whipping your fans up into a frenzy threatening any and all clubs with reprisals should they vote against you is a despicable move.

I love my club, but I wont watch them in an SPL that's only meant for two clubs.

As far as I'm concerned if there's no sporting integrity, there's no sport.

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Right, for weeks I've been holding back in case someone called me a thick twat (or maybe I remembered wrong), but in that Newsnight report I've seen they actually have "1873" as their date on the wall at ibrox, and I'm sure it used to be on the badge or crest. I know they're nouveau riche arrivistes, but I was damn' sure they didn't have 140 years under their belt. Why the sudden "1872" malarkey since HMRC called shenanigans on them? Does 140 really sound that much more than 139? If so, I've got a tower in Paris I'd like to sell for £19,999.995......

Good luck with the soccerball, Bill! Can't wait to see your reaction when you've applied for a passport and come over to Scotchland for a closer look....

Chasing the US market? So, how big a parade does New York have on the 12th July? And the MLS core demographic is quite heavily Latino-orientated - many lodges in Puerto Rico and Mexico?

Ye gods, I can see this ending badly/superbly*


* delete as to whether bear or normal human.

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Right, for weeks I've been holding back in case someone called me a thick twat (or maybe I remembered wrong), but in that Newsnight report I've seen they actually have "1873" as their date on the wall at ibrox, and I'm sure it used to be on the badge or crest. I know they're nouveau riche arrivistes, but I was damn' sure they didn't have 140 years under their belt. Why the sudden "1872" malarkey since HMRC called shenanigans on them? Does 140 really sound that much more than 139? If so, I've got a tower in Paris I'd like to sell for £19,999.995......

Good luck with the soccerball, Bill! Can't wait to see your reaction when you've applied for a passport and come over to Scotchland for a closer look....

Chasing the US market? So, how big a parade does New York have on the 12th July? And the MLS core demographic is quite heavily Latino-orientated - many lodges in Puerto Rico and Mexico?

Ye gods, I can see this ending badly/superbly*


* delete as to whether bear or normal human.

thick twatwink.gif

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This thread is becoming like most of the threads on Rangers Media - boycott this, boycott that (they've always called for boycotts, even before admin) I'll tell you right now, there won't be a demonstrable difference in attendances next season.

What boycott calls have there been on this thread?

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I've actually thought about this. Now the tables have 'turned' slightly, I bet some of those on Rangers Media are coming on here and are laughing at our knicker wetting :angry::lol:

The day that anyone on RM holds the intellectual high ground is a sad one for P&B (and Darwin ;))


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Right, for weeks I've been holding back in case someone called me a thick twat (or maybe I remembered wrong), but in that Newsnight report I've seen they actually have "1873" as their date on the wall at ibrox, and I'm sure it used to be on the badge or crest. I know they're nouveau riche arrivistes, but I was damn' sure they didn't have 140 years under their belt. Why the sudden "1872" malarkey since HMRC called shenanigans on them? Does 140 really sound that much more than 139? If so, I've got a tower in Paris I'd like to sell for £19,999.995......

So does that mean they won the ECWC in their centenary season? 1st i've heard, not like them to keep that quiet.

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What boycott calls have there been on this thread?

Definitions of boycott:


[with object]

withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest:

we will boycott all banks which take part in the loans scheme

refuse to buy or handle (goods) as a punishment or protest:

an advert urges consumers to boycott the firm’s coffee

refuse to cooperate with or participate in (a policy or event):

most parties indicated that they would boycott the election


a punitive ban on relations with other bodies, cooperation with a policy, or the handling of goods:

a boycott of the negotiations

Definitions of boy, caught!:

Rangers FC

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But its been like that for over a century. The Old Firm have dominated Scottish football for over 100 years. Both clubs have exploited sectarianism to gain an advantage on the pitch. Rangers have spent money they don't have. Celtic used intimidation to gain refereeing decisions in their favour. Its a never ending story.

The ideal solution would be for the non Old Firm clubs to resign and start a new league.

They can't because too may are in big debt and fear that a non Old Firm set up would see the banks calling in the debts.

The sole death of Rangers does not help because Celtic will remain. In such a set up all that happens is the non Old Firm clubs will lose TV money.

The best solution is to allow newco Rangers in with no sanctions, thus preserving TV money. They can then get a greater share of the TV money and f**k Celtic at the same time.

Its the best solution out of a bad bunch.

the best solution would be for fans to walk away from their corrupt clubs and start afc versions of them. and put applications into the northern regional leagues of the fa, and walk away from the provincial cesspit that is scottish football. its fcked from top to bottom

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Well, people saying they'll give up season tickets if the SPL lets a rangers newco back in, that's what I mean.

So no calls to boycott Vauxhall, McDonalds, Tesco and all the other SFA and SPL sponsors purely to damage them because they are the enemy?

No calls to boycott other SPL teams by not going to away games purely to damage them because they are the enemy?

Just supporters saying they will stop going to SPL games because they will be sicked by the corruption?

In other words, nothing at all like the boycott this and boycott that on RangersMedia.

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This is all getting too fucking depressing. Apart from the odd journalist the main stream media is getting right behind Rangers and the notion that they should be treated as a Special Case because you know, there Rangers. They seem to want us all to believe that if Rangers die so will Scottish Football. Well f**k you mainstream media. That is a slap in the face to every fan who follows a team that isn't Rangers or Celtic. Your following a club which owes its existence to the Old Firm! I refuse to believe that is true, if it were true what is the point of 50,000 Hibs and Hearts fans going to the Cup Final, why did 12,000 Pars and Rovers fans go to a game at the tail end of last season? It isn't and wasn't anything directly to do with Rangers. There is life in Scottish Football beyond the Old Firm and we would survive without Rangers. Would it be different, yes, but there are too many people who care about football in this country just to let it die.

If Rangers are due any punishment it should be fair and consistent and without fear of reprisals. If the authorites are just going to shit all over their own rules just to keep Rangers in the SPL then the SPL isn't worth shit itself.

The worst part is going to be when the NewCo Rangers or whatever they are going to be called sail back into the SPL, too many people are going to buy the bullshit. Tell a big enough a lie and enough people will believe it. It going to be business as normal. Sure there will be people of forums such as this who say they will boycott matches but I doubt it will make a tangible difference. In a few years time Chick Young will pretend to support St. Mirren. Ally McCoist will revert back to the cheeky chappy who used to be on Question of Sport and somewhere maybe somewhere a few tears will be shed for the loss of credibilty that used to be Scottish Football.

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Well, people saying they'll give up season tickets if the SPL lets a rangers newco back in, that's what I mean.

That's not a boycott, that's a big GIRFUY to Scottish senior football. Difference?

Boycott: Withdrawal of support in order to effect change or register protest.

Giving up ST: f**k off and have 38 blue trog/green trog games a season and don't come crying when SKY get bored.



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Well, people saying they'll give up season tickets if the SPL lets a rangers newco back in, that's what I mean.

That's not a boycott, you berk. It's just not going.

I don't watch WWF Wrestling. It's not a boycott, I just don't like watching fake competitions that have been gamed solely to make the most money possible. If that's what the SPL becomes then I'll not watch that either.

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