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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Not happy with allowing these cheating b*****ds to shag their arse the SPL and SFA are now going to do the housework while this shower are upstairs shagging poor auld granny rotten.

Absolutely shameful what this lot are getting away with in the name of Self Preservation.

Hell mend the spineless shower of diddy board members that drop their drawers at the flash of a quid.

Will you A*r mob stop making reasonable posts? You is doing my head in, innit? Is it 'cos I is Blue?


Probably because we're on the same side.

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Probably because we're on the same side.

This is getting stupid - any minute now you'll admit you want to be a Killie fan but you're not sure if you could handle the pressure....

I would get all street and say "give me six", but things haven't got that mental just yet :D


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This is getting stupid - any minute now you'll admit you want to be a Killie fan but you're not sure if you could handle the pressure....

I would get all street and say "give me six", but things haven't got that mental just yet :D


in the good part of ayrshire we dont have 6 fingers on each hand you mutant wink.gif

that better?

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Motherwell deemed a suitable replacement to represent the interests of rangers in Europe:

My link

Best of luck to McCall and the Good Rangers Men at Motherwell. Its not their fault we're not there

during such Protestant nights have met many of the Steelmen who I have always found to be very good guys

Horrible stuff, but then Motherwell really didn't do themselves any favours by allowing Craigan to speak. :barf

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Just a thought but why would the spl chiefs give some clown they'd never heard of assurances about sanctions? He's not even been through the fit and proper person thing. Once bitten twice shy.......

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Just a thought but why would the spl chiefs give some clown they'd never heard of assurances about sanctions? He's not even been through the fit and proper person thing. Once bitten twice shy.......

Because he's the only game in town and the SPL want to their TV deal intact. They probably offered to wash his car to.

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Just a thought but why would the spl chiefs give some clown they'd never heard of assurances about sanctions? He's not even been through the fit and proper person thing. Once bitten twice shy.......

SPL say they've made no such assurances.

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SPL say they've made no such assurances.

Doesn't really put Beavis & butthead in a good light. Just makes them look like lying canutes. Which they kinda have been all along. Think it a couple of guys that have been landed in the shit and left to get on with it. D&p couldn't care how long it takes but the comedy act running the administration for them must be shitting themselves especially after the threats that were made to the panel of 3.

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My favourite snippet of the day from the wacky world of RangersMedia is in respect of Alex Thompson's observation that the mighty Gers effectively owe everyone in Scotland £20:

"how can he say we owe every 'person' in scotland 20 quid is he a retard, we never screwed joe public in his own words it was the HMRC"

How dense do you have to be to fail to understand that HMRC is the public's collection agency and not some abstract body or soccerball Club like Hearts or Rapid Vienna ?!?! :blink:

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Suspect D&P will say just about anything right now, look like they are trying to get the hell out of Dodge, as fast as they can!

Hold a press conference, where no questions are allowed!

Even the diddies at the SFA and SPL are surely not that daft, they would agree to demands set by , what is basically, a complete stranger!

RFC not out of the woods by a long shot, the possibility of points deductions are the least of their worries, I would have thought. If found guilty in SPL EBT investigation, then surely book will be thrown at them!

Or am I being naive!

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My favourite snippet of the day from the wacky world of RangersMedia is in respect of Alex Thompson's observation that the mighty Gers effectively owe everyone in Scotland £20:

"how can he say we owe every 'person' in scotland 20 quid is he a retard, we never screwed joe public in his own words it was the HMRC"

No, they owe everybody in the UK £2 each. Just because I live in England doesn't mean I haven't been robbed too!

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Daily Record this morning

Whitehouse is also confident the club’s creditors will allow the Miller deal to go through.

He said: “Creditors have already given us sanction to complete the proposal, that’s under the terms of the administration proposals which have been agreed. Aside from that, we have been in consultation with the largest creditor, HMRC, and they are supportive of the bid.

“HMRC and Ticketus have voted in favour of the proposals.

“They will receive the benefit pro rata with other creditors of the pool of funds which have been created for the creditors generally.”

I love how they've put the spin on it that HMRC are going to agree to Miller's proposals - HMRC have only agreed to the proposals set forward in the creditors notice ie: allowing haudit & daudit to perform the duties of administrators and to allow them to try and find a solution - at no time did they say "Oh, I think 3p in the £ sounds like a deal we can agree with." This is even more annoying when we have direct quotes from HMRC saying they have not discussed the deal and have no agreement - although I don;t know why I'm at all surprised by the MSM these days. :angry:

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bit tired of reading this thread so this may have been mentioned, if the deal works out and they keep the assests and put them into a newco, then offer the CVA from the old Rangers or Rangers PLC then surely they are once again cheating there way out of this.

this may sound silly but if there are any people at Rangers with any morals surely yhey can see that before moving assests they should be selling the main assests from the currecnt company ( McGregor, Davis, Bocanegra, Murray Park etc) the money raised should then be added and offered to the people it belongs to before the NEWCO or whatever the plan is gets there hands on anything.

If the SFA allow the current suggestion to go ahead then they are every bit as corrupt as Rangers, they will be getting away with no punishment if they can keep all there players and SPL status when the takeover is complete, at the very least they should be starting the next 2 years with a huge points deduction.

The brain dead Rangers fans claiming that they aren't getting any help need to wake up, if this is allowed to go ahead then what more help do they want from the SFA

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Nice to see over on the site that keeps on giving messrs Sally and Sandy given godlike status for their strength and dignity during these turbulent days. Ones a grade A chunt of a cheat - just ask Bobby Thompson and the others a mate of Hazel Irvines.

professional cheats in a barrell of cheats float to the top shocker.

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Alan Brazil was spouting utter nonsense this morning and shot down a scouser who suggested scottish football would survive without rangers and the sky money.

anyway the reporter who had called in suggested if rangers get away with this newco plan then why cant everyone do the same? this is a very dangerous road to go down if the SFA SPL allow this takeover to happen. i recall last year dunfermline created a newco.

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