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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I think you will find it is the Diddy 'supporters' who are passing the buck here...Everything is the big bad Rangers fault. :lol: :lol:

Obviously the shitfest it Rangers fault, Not the SPL or the SFA's It's the fault of Rangers fans for doing nothing for years, blaming the big bad mhedia for any bad press (remember the BBC protest about the Craig Whyte documentary :lol: )

I support the Worlds most successful football club...I am not looking to blame anybody for anything. Ya fucking daftie :lol:

I think teams like Real Madrid might laugh at that comment.

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Phew, had a few hours to spare so after a few strong coffees, decided to send this to the SFA and SPL email addresses that someone posted......wont expect a reply though!wink.gif

Dear Curators of Scottish football,

it is with some regret that I find myself writing to you. Not that I, personally, have done anything wrong in respect of the circumstances that Rangers Football Club finds itself in. I'm just a football fan who loves his club and has done nothing wrong. I think this rhetoric will be all too familiar to you. From the hundreds of Rangers supporters, Mr. Jardine, the Rangers Fighting Fund, supporters clubs, Mr. Whyte, Mr. Murray et al. It seems this plea rings out from Ibrox on a daily basis as the backdrop to the biggest charade in Scottish Football history. Of which you are currently joint custodians.

Now, I felt it best to reinforce the above points first, before revealing myself to be a fan of a provincial SPL team and a member of the Tartan Army. If ever a group of fans can rightfully claim to be the best supporters in the world, it is without question Scotland fans. A reputation that has been hard earned over the past 30 years, home and away, with global recognition.

I speak for many ordinary fans on football forums and message boards across the world when I say, we too - the fans of the non Old Firm teams - have done nothing wrong. We choose to follow our teams into each match and each season with the same passion and loyalties as fans of the big two. We have chosen to do so with less expectation of success or big money signings, with the prize of Europe, avoiding relegation and a possible cup run as the potential highlight to our season before a ball is kicked every August.

We have done so in the belief that all clubs entered into each season with a full grasp of the rules, be they football or financial, as defined by your articles of association and carried penalties that would be meted out as punishment for rule breakers. We have done so in the belief that numerical supporter advantage and wealthy benefactors were the cornerstones of the success at Old Firm clubs.We accepted this as the fabric of the Scottish game and were thankful for opportunities of success when they arose.

Now, with a most sinister fog in the air, your time has come. A time to show all fans of Scottish football and the eyes and ears of the watching world, that you can see through to the end Scotland will retain it's morals and sporting integrity no matter the cost. To do otherwise is to be complicit in the whole affair.

Current circumstances have proven that one club has systematically and consistently broken or bent the rules of our legal system and your own associations to ensure the illusion of success has been maintained at all costs.

We, the fans, know you will be aware of many more facts than we will ever be privy to, that we may never know the true situation within Ibrox. Frankly, most of us don't care about how this came to be, who was responsible, why it came about. That is for Rangers and the relevant authorities to establish.

Neither do we care for the hollow pleas of an establishment that knowingly perpetrated these breaches of law and football governance that they should be treated as a 'special case'. More than several Old Firm ex managers and players have tried to justify this in monetary or supporter terms.

Justification for special cases comes in many forms, never has sheer weight of numbers been sufficient evidence. I empathise with the philosophy, but to suggest leniency based of this fact alone is folly. To suggest none at all so that the cheating guilty party remains a dominant force is sheer lunacy.

We fans understand the commercial value of Rangers, but the upcoming decision for football organisations must not be based on commercial value without first having done all of the sums. Not just by looking at what Rangers bring, but what they are deemed to have gained over the period in question. This may prove to be unquantifiable until you have concluded all investigations into the legality of the EBT scheme.

If assessing Rangers commercial worth ongoing is your primary focus for the Scottish game, then it is something that must be done with the benefit of hindsight factored in. What they are worth minus what they have gained, as the difference would have been secured by remaining competitors in league position bonuses, cup runs and designated European places during the period of illegal practices. This must be a key component in your decision making process. To right the wrongs in a footballing sense.

Mr. Doncaster has stated that it is possible that a newco Rangers would be accepted into the SPL as the current rules allow for such an event. It appears to the average fan, who is worth at approximately £25 per game to most clubs, that a new Rangers may yet be absolved of any appropriate sanctions or punishments by the SPL. It would seem that your associations are about to enter a most interesting conflict of viewpoints.

If the fair and appropriate punishments handed out to Rangers by the SFA Judicial Panel are not upheld, we the fans will require justification in full for any such action. Many large footballing clubs have suffered similar crisis to that of Glasgow Rangers and had to pay the penalties, from Scotland to England to Italy. No status or special case considerations at play.

If morality and sporting integrity are bequeathed to monetary value with the whole world watching, Scotland will be forever remembered as the nation that approved cheating in association football.

We do not envy your position gentlemen, but you are the custodians of our game and, as such, have a most difficult task to perform. The laws, as Mr. Regan rightly states, must be applied without fear or favour. To do otherwise would represent a gross miscalculation of feeling amongst supporters of all clubs at all levels of football. No justification can ever be offered for greed and self interest.

Do the right thing.

EDIT: Feel free to copy and paste and send your own biggrin.gif

Edited by chrismcarab
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..or a single red (handed) cent.

Out of interest, does anyone have the ability to make up a kinda count-up clock showing the money that Duff & Phelps are owed with each passing day?

No, but how about a clock that shows (according to Paul McConville's calculations) how long they have until the cash runs out. 30 June is D Day

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Gordon Heaton

8 hours ago

-5 updown

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Good report but Rangers are not anti-catholic, they are anti-republican and loyal to the monarchy and the UK. Rangers are an inclusive and progressive club and look forward to welcoming even more Americans too our global family.

Straight from the ministry of propaganda, that one...

Maybe it's time the ministry for justice started bombarding his hometown media with the reality of Bigotry FC.

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Re the Miller quote "from now on, Rangers will live within its means - no excuses"

Is that not the line Calum Melville pedalled at Dens on a regular basis, before he was found out?

In fairness Brazil doesn`t normally have a clue...

... with the greatest respect laugh.gif

Just reminds me of Alan Partridge that.

And why is Danny Lennon moonlighting as a Police Officer? wink.gif

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54 titles and still going strong :P

It was nice of British people to pay for some of them for you. Now when can we get our money back?

And whilst we are at it Rapid Vienna want the money for the guy that won you last years title and several other clubs want their cash too.

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