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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's taken me a while, but I think I have an analogy fitting of most SPL chairman at this juncture. I've kept it as generic as possible....

There's a worker who stays late every night, trying to make a good impression. Been doing this for ten years or so. One night, while staying late for the good of the company, the boss forces them into the stock room and rapes them. Next morning, the worker turns up early and carries on as if nothing had happened. Why?

They have done nothing wrong, it wasn't their fault what happened. They know it was illegal of the boss by the laws of the land. They also know that by not reporting it and making a case, others in future may suffer the same fate? And what about losing the job? How will they survive with no income?

Put yourself in the workers shoes, what would you do? If you can answer this honestly from a personal point of view, I doubt you'd be at work on the Monday.

Do you often think of rape?

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Bad kilmarnock chairman siding with commercial interests, bad bad bad

Yep had to weigh up commercial aspects. Typical, we knew it would happen though, ignore the fans ans what is morally right but keep drinking the wee token bit of money from the OF as I'd it is massive irreplaceable cash.

Guess that sums up Scottish football.

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Yep had to weigh up commercial aspects. Typical, we knew it would happen though, ignore the fans ans what is morally right but keep drinking the wee token bit of money from the OF as I'd it is massive irreplaceable cash.

Guess that sums up Scottish football.

Killie will have no choice. The banks will tell them what they're voting for. It's yes to newco or bust am afraid.

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Nothing should come before sporting integrity.

Football is a sport, not a business.

People will argue against that point, but it's not a business, not really.

Football clubs don't try to make as much money as possible, they try to be as successful as possible whilst breaking even (or at least, they should...) The whole reason clubs need the levels of commercial income that they do is to maintain and improve the squads they already have, in an attempt to achieve sporting success.

Foregoing sporting integrity to receive more money to try and achieve sporting success is shambolic.

The Kilmarnock chairman, and those who in power who share similar views, really need to take a close look at themselves. Killing the "sport", and by that I mean the sporting aspect of football, will kill the game, and in turn, the clubs.

Sporting integrity must be maintained above everything else, because without it, it's just not cricket. Erm, football.

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Easy tiger, its a hypothetical scenario. What I'm comparing is industrial rape to personal, it would seem you agree, neither is acceptable

i may agree in our concept, but your wording comparison of events is not needed, hypothetical or not, it was completely shi*e to put it in better words.

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Nothing should come before sporting integrity.

Football is a sport, not a business.

Can't remember who said it

''there are only 3 sports, hunting, shooting and fishing, all the rest are past-times''

Please please please let something come out soon re the double contracts. Now THAT is something that the chairmen etc couldn't wriggle out of doing the moral thing.

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Fat Sally saying that Rangers out of the SPL will have a detrimental effect on other teams. Surely Rangers being kept in the SPL will have a detrimental effect on Scottish football.

Also Rangers fans 'absolutely fantastic'. Are these the same fans that threatened to burn down a stadium, threaten independent panel members and issue boycotts to every company they can think of?

The guys unbelievable.

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UEFA statement...

“Clubs are not allowed to change their legal form or structure in order to obtain a licence, simply by ‘cleaning up’ their balance sheet while offloading debts – thus harming creditors (including employees and social/tax authorities) as well as threatening the integrity of sporting competition.

Any such alteration of a club’s legal form or structure is deemed to be an interruption to its membership of a UEFA member association and, consequently, three years must pass before a club can apply again for a UEFA licence. In other words, the three-year rule is designed basically to avoid circumvention of the club licensing system."

“If a club sets up a new company simply to avoid paying its debts or obligations then they would almost certainly fail the three-year rule [for obtaining the required Uefa licence] This is to ensure clubs do not simply create a ‘newco’ and leave the previous entity in charge of dealing with debts.”


ETA relevent SFA documentation which would seem to indicate that SPL clubs do indeed require a UEFA licence awarded to them by the SFA.

I must have missed this last night. But can someone clarify these 2 posts? my reading of them is that

1. Govan Rangers Soccerball 2012 need a UEFA licence to play in the SPL, and

2. The newco route would deny them a UEFA licence for the next 3 seasons


a Newco Rangers cannot play in the SPL for the next 3 seasons.

Someone please tell me I'm reading that properly.

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I must have missed this last night. But can someone clarify these 2 posts? my reading of them is that

1. Govan Rangers Soccerball 2012 need a UEFA licence to play in the SPL, and

2. The newco route would deny them a UEFA licence for the next 3 seasons


a Newco Rangers cannot play in the SPL for the next 3 seasons.

Someone please tell me I'm reading that properly.

I read it they would only play association football under the SFA not Uefa ie. no European football but ok for domestic.

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I must have missed this last night. But can someone clarify these 2 posts? my reading of them is that

1. Govan Rangers Soccerball 2012 need a UEFA licence to play in the SPL, and

2. The newco route would deny them a UEFA licence for the next 3 seasons


a Newco Rangers cannot play in the SPL for the next 3 seasons.

Someone please tell me I'm reading that properly.

National Club Licensing applies to Scottish FA member clubs andUEFA Club Licensing applies to Scottish Premier League clubs. There is also an extraordinary procedure that applies to any member club outside the SPL where that club has sportingly qualified for a UEFA club competition and makes an application to participate in that competition.



1.6 Objectives

The stated objectives of the UEFA Club Licensing system are set out in Article 2 of the UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations. In a national context these are

a) to further promote and continuously improve on all aspects of football at SPL level and to give continued priority to the training and care of young players in every SPL club;

b) to ensure that an SPL club has an adequate level of management and organisation;

c) to ensure that clubs’ sporting infrastructure provide all players, spectators and media representatives with suitable, well equipped and safe facilities;

d) to improve the economic and financial capability of the clubs, increasing their transparency and credibility;

e) to place the necessary importance on the protection of creditors by ensuring that club settle their liabilities with players, social/tax authorities and other clubs punctually;

f) to introduce more discipline and rationality in club football finances;

g) to ensure that any UEFA Licence awarded by the Scottish FA does not put at risk the smooth running of any UEFA competition;

h) to develop benchmarking information for SPL clubs which will allow a comparison with other clubs throughout Europe.


3.3.2 Meeting the UEFA requirements

For a licence applicant to be eligible to participate in the UEFA Club Competitions it must meet the requirements as detailed in the UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations (see Article 16). The specific requirements as they apply to SPL applicants are detailed in Part 3 Section 5 and Part 4 of this Manual.

Section 5

ETA relevent SFA documentation which would seem to indicate that SPL clubs do indeed require a UEFA licence awarded to them by the SFA.


I have reposted what I wrote last night the way I read it, and I am probably wrong, is that SFA have set a standard for the nation's top flight and that standard is a UEFA licence.

I came to that conclusion by reading 1.6 (objectives) a,b and h.

No doubt, as I said, I am wrong but it is worth someone who understands these things better investigating further.

Edit, changed fifa to SFA.

Edited by stonedsailor
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I have reposted what I wrote last night the way I read it, and I am probably wrong, is that FIFA have set a standard for the nation's top flight and that standard is a UEFA licence.

I came to that conclusion by reading 1.6 (objectives) a,b and h.

No doubt, as I said, I am wrong but it is worth someone who understands these things better investigating further.

Hmmm, a job for HibeeJobee.


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