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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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League of Ireland? Hearts had bigger average crowds than 6 teams in the glorious, overhyped English Championship this year.

How many teams in league of Ireland could sell hampden 2 or 3 times over for a cup final like Hearts hibs could next week? How many of them could take 25,000+ to cup finals like Killie did in 97 or 30,000+ like hibs did in 2007 or united did last year?

Total scaremongering drivel.


Half the problem in all of this... or the "consequences" part of it anyway... is the need for everyone to race for the polar extremes.

No Rangers doesn't mean everyone continues unaffected; but it doesn't mean the death of the game either, nor it's decline to levels as low as Eire. Lawell was as bad when he suggested it's OF who stop us being like Wales.

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They can start to sell players on June 1st. Agents will be well aware of the negotiated release clauses and will have been making sure that other clubs know too. If Alan McGregor is available for £2.5M or so I'm sure there would be at least 5-6 Premier League and Championship clubs in for him. Expect a few quick sales that have been pre-arranged by agents.

If a deal is done by the end of the week then I will be surprised but there at least seems to be progress now compared to a few weeks ago.

A club can sell players whenever they want. The transfer window for most of Europe (including Scotland and England) is 1 July to 31 August, this is the most profitable market to sell to. That's an awfy long wait for a club with no money and no income.

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Big Kenny Mac

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at 03:10 PMBrian Kennedy travels by helicopter - and has the kind of wealth that could really kick start the Ibrox revival. If you add his cash to our world class infrastructure - 5 star stadium, world class youth setup and luxurious training hq, then the Gers would be in a position to quickly get back on top of the pile of chaff that exisits in this league. I heard that at Sale Sharks he flys players in for signing talks the same way sir david used to jet them in on his private plane. this guy is UNDOUBTEDLY the real deal - especially compared to the cowboy from Missouri who walked away. We have told you already - WE DON'T DO WALKING AWAY.----------- Big Kenny Bluenose

An interesting insight into the mind of a tru-blu from The Scotsman blog. Sounds like the type of guy who dreams of a white Range Rover Sport on 21" alloys with a private reg, holidaying in Dubai and installing gold taps in his bathroom.

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Some facts

The SPL has the 7th highest top flight average attendance in Europe.

Average attendances in the SPL are bigger than the top flights of Russia, Belgium, Portugal, Poland, Norway, Austria, Denmark, Ukraine, Sweden, Greece, Romainia, Czech Rep.

If you exclude the Old Firm's average home gates, the SPL would still have a higher average gate than the top flights of Denmark, Sweden, Greece, Romania & Czech Rep (and on a par with Austria).

The Scottish First Division has higher average home gates than the top flights in Serbia, Slovakia, Finland, Croatia & Bulgaria.

The Scottish First Division has average gates which are more than 50% higher than the top flight in Ireland.

The Scottish Second Division has higher average gates than the top flights in Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Montenegro, Armenia & Georgia.

Edited by Captain_Sensible
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Duff and Phelps are so full of shit.

"The three bidders have been doing very sophisticated research into the situation so they are well aware of what is involved. That was encouraging for us."

So Bill Miller needed to be named the preferred bidder to have a look at Ranger's accounts but these 3 new guys are well aware already.

What does sophisticated research mean? I hope that doesn't mean talking to Chic Young.

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Total scaremongering drivel.

It's not really when it's down to the Dalziel, Goram, Hately level. It's just drivel.

They are just repeating what they've heard the likes of Young and Traynor say as they're not capable of constructing and delivering a sentence let alone a reasoned argument. They are effectively just parrots but less intelligent. They wouldn't know where Wales was but, give them their due, they'd know exactly where that fucking papist state was.

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I've got a solution to Rangers immediate debt problems. It's simple, protects the integrity of the SPL, keeps the "we need Rangers" brigade happy and ensures 4 x OF fixtures for Sky.

The other 11 SPL clubs each give Rangers £10m. No half measures. Just a flat rate £10m each. You can't ask Celtic to lump out more just because they are the wealthiest. That might interfere with their Champions League aspirations and we couldn't have that.

That £110m will pull a friend in need out of the shite. It will re-establish the natural order and we can forget this whole thing ever happened.


N Dungcaster

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Not sure if this has already been posted here but bits of it are qute good even if the ending is pish.

The new dawn broke, wee David Blue in,

to be, "Simply the best". It was a shoe in !

Threw cash here and there,... and everywhere,

the source of which, the fans didn't care.

As the years flew in, it became so clear,

that the follow brigade, had lots to fear.

So off went Sir David, the club sold on the cheap,

And weearra peepul, followed like sheep.

A new saviour stands, on the steps and declares,

that he, Craig Whyte, would help save the bears.

A few months on and it comes to pass,

he was talking right through a hole in his arse.

Like a flash, he was gone, a thief in the night,

leaving Rangers knee deep in the shite.

With a tax bill as big as the post office tower,

and the Rangers chasing, t'wards their final hour.

They brought Duff'nPhelps in, the like we've not seen,

administrators, who it seems, can't count the beans.

Next through the door, from "over the pond"

a man of whom fans, were less than fond

Beggars and choosers would spring to mind,

in the end mattered not, those same fans find.

After perusing the books and reading them right,

he decided buying this club would leave Miller light

Now the end is nigh, those fans want to hurry,

and sell the dying club, to a different Murray.

But since we know now, that Rangers are skint,

the cost of that might just be, a Murray mint.

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