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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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High profile poster... fcuk off. :P

I was referring to Captain Sensible, you attention-seeking mug! :P

ETA: well how the hell else would I describe you without giving too much away?

A ginga-ninja? :whistle

Edited by Drooper
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what this situation has also exposed is

1) the lack of easily retrievable information that would be relevent to any debate (in this case crowd figure stats)

2) the lack of a vehical for fans to articulate their collective interests - we do not have a scottish ecquivalent of the football supporters federation

the consequence of both is that the best we can hope for is an epic thread whilst we collectivly go through the rollercoaster of chance hoping that rangers get proper fucked but realising that we have no power to influence the outcome one way or another...

Edited by makepeace
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I'm out of greenies or you'd get one for that.

I can relate to a lot of what you say. Indeed, a few years ago as we were leaving Love Street, I was involved in a project led by a high profile poster on this very thread, to put a book together marking the last season and a half at our spiritual home. This was very much a labour of love, but didn't feel like a labour at all. It just seemed like the right thing to do, and we created something we're pretty proud of, TBH. It pains me, then, to think that I've lost much of that drive and passion. A great deal of that is attributable to the current state of the game in Scotland in general, and not any specific circumstances at St Mirren.

We need radical change. Nothing can be clearer, IMO. The chance has now presented itself, and I hope the diddies grasp it and force that change through. I don't think they will ever get a better chance, and this is what I told our chairman, Stewart Gilmour, during a 'phone call a few weeks ago. If the status quo remains in place, then I think my scunner level will have maxed out, and I'll be finished with senior football altogether. Fingers crossed it won't come to that.

totally, at risk of being cliched and using football metaphors to describe the current situation, its like as if there is an open goal opportunity in the last minute to win the proverbial cup, but the player - who is not accustomed to being at the pivotal moment in a cup final - is himming and hawing about what to do. will he scuff it, will he wait too long, or will he just tap it in.

i think the drive and passion is retrievable, the fact that the latter half of this semester has been fucked for me on account of this thread instead of studying shows how much latent passion is still in there for me haha

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Wow, somebody on Rangers Media just spotted that the guy holding up the banner on the left looks strangely familiar...


FFS, he does right enough.

You could really stir them up over on RM with a bit more photoshopping :lol:

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I found this regarding fans in other leagues and scotland without the top two.

Scotland population of 5.2 million top 12 teams (in attendance) without the old firm average = 6620

Other countries top 12 teams - the top two averages:

Russia 141 million = 13792

Turkey 70 million = 12534

Ukraine 46 million = 7140

Poland 38 million = 8075

Romania 22 million = 5126

Netherlands 16.5 million = 18890

Greece 11.5 million = 5086

Portugal 10.5 million = 7050

Belgium 10.5 million = 10310

Czech Republic 10 million = 4335

Hungary 10 million = 2433

Belarus* 9.7 million = 2578

Sweden 9 million = 7717

Azerbaijan* 8.5 million = 2299

Austria 8.4 million = 5328

Switzerland 7.7 million = 6473

Bulgaria 7.6 million = 1850

Serbia 7.3 million = 1453

Denmark 5.5 million = 5189

Slovakia 5.4 million = 1875

Finland* 5.3 million = 2338

Norway 4.9 million = 7837

Croatia 4.6 million = 1683

Georgia** 4.4 million = 1110

Ireland 4.4 million = 1612

Bosnia 4 million = 1330

Moldova 3.8 million = 573

Albania* 3.6 million = 2349

Lithuania 3.4 million = 796

Armenia*** 3.2 million = 754

Latvia**** 2.3 million = 544

Macedonia** 2 million = 1334

Slovenia 2 million = 1089

Kosovo 1.7 million = 2093

N Ireland* 1.7 million = 923

Estonia** 1.3 million = 183

Cyprus 0.8 million = 2280

Montenegro* 0.6 million = 610

  • includes the top 2 as that site only had data for 12 teams

** only has top 10 as that is all that is available.

*** only has a top 8 available

**** only has a top 9

compared to the rest of europe Scotland still does very well! our "diddy" teams get more fans on average than Romania, Greece, Czech Republic, Hungary, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Austria, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Serbia, Denmark & Slovakia. Who are all bigger than Scotland.

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Things should be clearer by lunchtime on Thursday they said.... if it isn't any clearer, then they'll need to set a new deadline for things to become clearer, after which, Neil Doncaster will be seeking clarity.

After that McCoist will be saying We have absolutely really run out of time...and I'm not threatening....it is

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Wonder if its too late to get some special sponsorship for the last game?

How class would it be to have special billboards with Miller genuine draft all over the ground, Whyte and 'Dave' Mackay, Custard the Clown big SFA banners, some Dundee United strips thrown in for good measure. Maybe throw in some Tax inspector life size models around the ground.

The manky masses are gonna be steaming anyway, why not rub it in. biggrin.gif

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this is my ideal scenario:

they go bust and for whatever reason cant go back into the spl.

they make application to sfl as new co to get into div three

they do not get allowed in on basis of being a new company and not having three years of account (THE RETURN OF THE BLAZERS!!!!)

they make application to join juniors.

they spend the next 10 years or so fighting it out with third lanark, clydebank, spartans, and other ambitious outfits to get into senior football

they loose.

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is it possible that Ticketus taking Craig Whyte to court for £27m could throw a spanner in the works of not just any potential takeover (I know, I know!) or more importantly any transfer of Rangers assests (including their league share) to a Newco ?

Would love the fuckers to be so tied up in litigation that the money runs out....no share transfer to Newco......no Newco biggrin.gif

Just a thought cool.gif

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I found this regarding fans in other leagues and scotland without the top two.

it would involve doing sums, something that counts me out (see what i did there), but ive noticed on these stats that there is also the countries population with the average attendance vis a vis ours with non of average attendance. it would be interesting if someone could do the calculation to see per capita stats and see where scotland is situated against these other nations in ranking in terms of percapita figures

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Guest Kincardine

Going down to see fcum and afc wimbledon has shown me, whaht is possible if you get fans on board, but unfortunately something like that can only really thrive in a better environement as it is in england.

Just what shite is this? England a better environment? What fucking planet do you live on? Leigertwood’s goal against Forest gave Reading promotion and was called “a £100million goal” since that about how much Reading could gain going in to the Premier League. Maybe £100M is toppish but £50M is reasonable.

The gulf between top and bottom in England is at least as great in Scotland. England is also a country 10x the size of Scotland. Scotland has (had) 2 top-tier winners in 20 years. Has England has 20 winners in that time? No.......it has had 4. Maybe that will be 5 come Sunday afternoon but it's still utterly unbalanced.

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