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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Is Freddy Shepherd genuinely part of the rangers leech consortium? OK, it's in the Daily Mail so I should be slapped for believing anything there, but if true...laugh.gif

Freddy Shepperd is an anagram of ''Fry, shredded? Peh!''

:D 'shredded' being the apt part....

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Neil McCann before kick off in the Celtic v Hearts game: 'This new guy needs to sit down and make his first priority keeping hold of McGregor, Naismith, Davis, Aluko and the rest, otherwise Celtic will win the league for a few years...'

It's beyond unbelieveable now. These Ibrox apologist bawbags are still greetin' about league titles and challenging at the top - when the very future of the club hangs in the balance. The amount of people still in complete denial is quite astounding.

Has Ally asked Hughie Green what size his war chest will be yet?

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Here lies Rangers football club - murdered by cheats, thieves and rogues

By Gordon Waddell on May 13, 12 07:25 AM in LIARS, cheats, thieves and rogues.

It's getting harder by the day for anyone to find any case for the redemption of

Rangers among the detritus attached to their club.

Most have long since stopped looking. For any samaritan out there still trying to find the good, surely Friday was enough to make them give up the ghost.

A day when even reading about them made you want to reach for the wire brush and disinfectant.

A 27,000-word, 100-page document, replete with more smoking guns than an Afghan arms dump, which wrought shame even on the previously shameless.

Why wasn't it published on day one?

That way there wouldn't have been a single person reading it, even the maniacs and fundamentalists, who would have bothered their backside harassing the verdict's architects.

They'd all have been too busy holding their hands up and admitting it was a fair cop, the punishment for what so many people in power had done to their club.

A justified transfer embargo should be the least of their worries. If the appeal on Wednesday does anything other than uphold the decision based on that body of evidence, it'll be the biggest whitewash since they gave the Taj Mahal a facelift.

Although I'm led to believe they do have the power to increase the punishments. Tempting, sooooo tempting ...

I feel sorry for their rank and file support, who simply want a club to watch on a

Saturday and feel engaged with, same as the rest of us do with ours. I feel sorry for the staff. We deal with them on a daily basis, the PR people, the security staff at Murray Park, the guys who look after us on match days. Good people, all of them.

All they want is the knowledge they have a job to go to in the morning.

But after Friday it's hard to find any solace for any of them. Because trying to find one person with honour at the heart of their club is impossible.

Sir Dave the Duped? Exposed.

Not that anyone ever believed he was as gullible as he tried to make out with the whole wide-eyed mea culpa bit a few weeks ago - but still. His decision to sell to the man everyone had warned him about shows his whole "I'll only get on the dancefloor with the right person for Rangers" line to be fanciful.

Self-preservation at its nauseating best.

Craig Whyte?

Every time I see him now, I see Trading Places. Some weird experimental bet.

Him sitting in Monaco with some other scheming rich kid, debating how quickly it would be possible to destroy a national institution.

Seriously, if he had come in a year ago and deliberately tried to run the worst business he could possibly run, he couldn't have been more destructive than he actually has been.

The Tribunal's notes prove it to be way beyond incompetence. Which does beg

the question: Why hasn't he been charged yet? Taking the players' PAYE and NI and using it to run the club is the definition of trading while knowingly insolvent, isn't it?

And that's not even mentioning the fraudulent 'clip-art' invoices being sent out in the club's name.

If he doesn't end this saga in cuffs, it'll be a miracle.

Still, while we're talking about intent?

Take a look at the administrators. I said this back at the start but when you go into a business in their position and your first duty is to get the creditors looked after, it should take seven minutes to identify and attack the single biggest cost base - not seven weeks.

That set instant alarm bells off for me. Their wage bill for the playing staff is north of £19million, yet they didn't strike a penny off it for a month and a half.

Prevarication like that could only mean one thing. Premeditation.

Their constant use of the word 'quantum'? That drives me nuts as well, for some

irrational reason.

Even their decisions to humour guys such as Bill Ng and Bill Miller without ever truly questioning their credentials or their motives wasted more time than they had.

The Blue Knights?

In Paul Murray's defence, and I don't know him at all, he's the one guy in all of this who comes across as genuine.

Sadly for them, he just doesn't have the money. And even more sadly, his stewardship of their bid is being consumed by the charisma of Brian Kennedy, a man who does but won't use it.

A man who can clearly charm the birds from the trees if he's been able to charm the shares from Whyte's portfolio.

But let's not be kidded, he's no altruist. Brian Kennedy is in this, ultimately, for Brian Kennedy. The fact he let Whyte attach the condition excluding Murray from the board to his transfer of shares agreement proves that.

The details he gave of their bid - and the ignominy of the ensuing 'he said, she said' bitchfest with the administrators - also reeked. The impression given is the biggest losers if the Blue Knights take control will be the creditors, the very people Duff and Phelps are - supposedly - there to serve.

As for the rest? Charlie Green's already getting a name as the club's worst nightmare. And anyone coming in at this stage when the place is on its knees can only be one

thing - predatory.

Which then takes you right back to square one.

Any happy ending to a script this twisted and gnarled needs a hero to come from somewhere. But when your casting call only ever turns up villains, what chance do you have?

But the next 48 hours could be cruci... Ach, who am I kidding? You've heard the same old s*** since day one.

Save your sympathy for someone who deserves it.


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Neil McCann before kick off in the Celtic v Hearts game: 'This new guy needs to sit down and make his first priority keeping hold of McGregor, Naismith, Davis, Aluko and the rest, otherwise Celtic will win the league for a few years...'


I always thought McCann came across a little simple but that is astounding naivety probably grounded in sheer desparation for it to be true.

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Good article.

Vanguard Bears will be putting him on their Timmy List as I write.

He did an article a couple of weeks ago saying than if Celtic won the league Lennon would be a "legend". Aye, a wage bill 8-10 times bigger than anyone else and their only real opposition in disarray. That acheives legendary status.

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Christ on a bike - just read the Leggo rant for the day.


what a fucking tool that man is.

The article "The New Gallant Pioneers - Exclusive!" was the point I stopped finding Leggoland funny. He's clearly not a well man. Seemingly Leggat wasn't liked by his peers, being prone to violent alcoholism and all, but as a former member of the NUJ you would have thought they would get him some care.

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