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My lap top died so i need to download all the software again to make panoramic pictures but there was a few more people in the main stand that day than just hospitality.

Anyway this is the extent of the Rangers fans in the stand that day.


Which one are you no8?


Thats me right above the RFC sign in the Union Flag...I stand out as i have a Green Jacket on ;)

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You don't lose the club with the largest travelling support, you replace it with another one. There's a difference. You also have to factor in who's playing who here (e.g. Ross County - Inverness games should have consistently high attendances next season, possibly even better than either would get against Rangers!)

You don't necessarily lose the TV deal; you replace it with another one. I'm genuinely astounded nobody of note, to my knowledge has been asking the relatively simple question of "what sort of money would Sky be willing to offer for a Rangersless SPL?" To be fair, though, I wouldn't trust our media to report accurate figures on that anyway, so probably that's for the best.

Again, you don't necessarily lose the sponsorship; it will get renogotiated.

Press coverage? laugh.gif Aye, I'm really going to miss 8-page spreads about Steven Whittaker or whoever giving asinine interviews about how he thinks Rangers are quite good and might be able to beat Celtic to the title or something equally shite. Or the wisdom of Mark Hately, Andy Goram etc.

What we would definetly lose, however, is the hatred and bile coming from your fans every other Saturday. I'd buy *that* for a dollar.

Well said. I have said this often and will say it again. Scottish fitba meeja are lazy. Instead of writing about scottish football as whole they would rather get their old firm article generator, which generates 500 of words of dross by one press of a button. It would be fun though of Rangers were booted down into the 3rd division and watch them try to write "Rangers move for Stenny Striker" .

The SPL will survive without Rangers, it might even be more competitive ( ok the 'tic will be favourites, but they wont be spending big either)

If NewCo Rangers are back in the SPL withough some sort of penalty I will be done with the SPL. Ok my team do not play there but I do watch and take in the SPL odd game ( hearts and Hibs) . It wil be strictky lower league and Scotland for me. We should all be emailing Doncaster and his cronies to make this very very clear. I think the damage to our reputation abroad would also be huge. It seems though they care little for that.

I look forward to the TV tonight. Perhaps it might help to focus minds of the SPL.

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OH FFS - onne of the articles in the Daily Record online today is:

"Rangers eye move for Hearts hero Ian Black.. if they can overturn SFA transfer embargo" - I wish these cunts would just GTF :guns

Its the back page story, what a fucking joke of a paper.Don't know whats worse, that this shite is approved by an editor of a newspaper or the realisation that some Rangers fans will read this and actually believe that this could happen. The whole Rangers fiasco has shown up the tabloids in scotland for what they are, toilet paper with some ink spilled on it. :angry:

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Its the back page story, what a fucking joke of a paper.Don't know whats worse, that this shite is approved by an editor of a newspaper or the realisation that some Rangers fans will read this and actually believe that this could happen. The whole Rangers fiasco has shown up the tabloids in scotland for what they are, toilet paper with some ink spilled on it. :angry:

So if Rangers survive, and if they are in the SPL, and if they get their transfer embargo lifted and if after that they have any money to spend, they'll sign Ian Black, if he's fit and if he doesn't sign for someone else. How likely is that? It's said to be highly likely, maybe even certain.

Edited by Savage Henry
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Its the back page story, what a fucking joke of a paper.Don't know whats worse, that this shite is approved by an editor of a newspaper or the realisation that some Rangers fans will read this and actually believe that this could happen. The whole Rangers fiasco has shown up the tabloids in scotland for what they are, toilet paper with some ink spilled on it. :angry:

Just read that as well, what a nonsense. Journalists are so lazy and used to filling up their back pages with 99.9% nonsense transfer stories, that even when Rangers have been banned for a year, and lodged a failed appeal, they still print this sort of crap.

I also see Rangers have fixed up their first pre-season game - in Belgium! Good to see they're being careful with their (or is it taxpayers?) money

Edited by qpsnapper
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Journalists often see previews days in advance. I take it there has been none of that in the case of this documentary? Nothing has leaked out so it is either going to be explosive or a bit... meh. I hope Daly at least goes to town on the EBT issue. There's still so much ignorance out there about them, mainly from head-in-the-sand Rangers fans.

The RFc situation in general is my favourite topic of conversation at the moment, this could be the most interesting close season ever, better than all the spurious wh's going where shyte. i was talking to a guy at the weekend who just happens to be an accountant, and a turnaround expert at that. We discussed the RFC issue and he can't see anyway this ain't going to end in liquidation. He also is quite interested and told me that a legal contact of his says that at least two law firms have had large parcels of documents delivered from the BBC's lawyers, severely censored to eliminate all details of identities, to be as he says "peer reviewed". Despite the censorship, they definitely related to a football club. I've never heard of this practice happening between law firms, so, if this has to do with tonight's documentary, does it mean it's really big?

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Johnston's comments are now up on the BBC..


Shameful stuff, and is akin to recording himself with a rangers branded dildo shoved up his arse then placing it on YouTube.

It's quite clear that Kilmarnock would go under should there be a reduction in the monies available to them if Rangers were either removed from the SPL (or removed from the SFA). He really should be honest about it rather than claiming he has Rangers' best interests at heart..

Johnston's quotes in the press this morning made me sick. A toadying weasel of a man.

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Kenny Shiels in today's Sun talks a different game.

The Rugby Park gaffer pleaded for children in the town to come and follow a club where bigotry and prejudice don’t exist.

This club is free from prejudice, racism and bigotry.

“We’re a West of Scotland club with no baggage. If you’re a good parent and want to bring your children up in a way where they understand good values and also morals, they can come and have a fun time and enjoy it here.

“It doesn’t stink of external influences and if those parents want to send them to Kilmarnock, it would be a very good choice, I’d have thought. I want us to be better, bring better people into the club and go on in a better manner.

What a breath of fresh air that man is, unafraid to tell it like it is, even if leaves the old firm fans spitting out their cornflakes.

I hope Michael Johnston is watching tonight. I wonder if he will change tack when he finds out more details about the EBTs? That wasn't Craig Whyte. Right enough though, it was done by a previous regime so why punish the newco for, what, ten years of cheating? Let's all just pretend that 2001-2012 never happened and give the nice men from Govan every possible help to get a fine institution back on it's feet. If you want to kill your club Johnston, then do just that because as well as alienating your own fans, no b*****d will come to visit you.

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Johnston's comments are now up on the BBC..


Shameful stuff, and is akin to recording himself with a rangers branded dildo shoved up his arse then placing it on YouTube.

It's quite clear that Kilmarnock would go under should there be a reduction in the monies available to them if Rangers were either removed from the SPL (or removed from the SFA). He really should be honest about it rather than claiming he has Rangers' best interests at heart..

So let me see if I have this tosspots theory correct:

1. Rangers got seducted 10 points by the SPL

2. They got a 12 month transfer embargo and a pointless £160,000 fine from the SFA.

err, thats it.

Whoopdedo, thats fine then when they have screwed over the rest of Scottis football (and I even include your Vermin in that Mr Johnston). Bollocks.

In effect they have had a 10 point deduction from the SPL. The SFA sanctions are BUGGER ALL to do with the SPL. Remember Mr J. they are different entities and have been screwed over royally (see what I did there).

You and your Vermin loving club should be exterminated too. Oh wait is Mr Reaper waiting in the wings for you too?

The sooner Rangers dies the better, and if I can be so bold as to hope the decent Kilmarnock fans (there is in deed such a thing) get a life and get rid of you.

FYI the Vermin refers to the two squirrels on the Killie badge.

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Kenny Shiels in today's Sun talks a different game.

The Rugby Park gaffer pleaded for children in the town to come and follow a club where bigotry and prejudice don't exist.

This club is free from prejudice, racism and bigotry.

"We're a West of Scotland club with no baggage. If you're a good parent and want to bring your children up in a way where they understand good values and also morals, they can come and have a fun time and enjoy it here.

"It doesn't stink of external influences and if those parents want to send them to Kilmarnock, it would be a very good choice, I'd have thought. I want us to be better, bring better people into the club and go on in a better manner.

What a breath of fresh air that man is, unafraid to tell it like it is, even if leaves the old firm fans spitting out their cornflakes.

I hope Michael Johnston is watching tonight. I wonder if he will change tack when he finds out more details about the EBTs? That wasn't Craig Whyte. Right enough though, it was done by a previous regime so why punish the newco for, what, ten years of cheating? Let's all just pretend that 2001-2012 never happened and give the nice men from Govan every possible help to get a fine institution back on it's feet. If you want to kill your club Johnston, then do just that because as well as alienating your own fans, no b*****d will come to visit you.

While I do like most of Shiels comments I can't help but feel it's a bit too staged and designed to temper the riduculous stomach churning comments from his chairman. However, he can't claim Killie are a club of good values and also morals" when they refuse to play for the Ayrshire cup as Kilmarnock have it listed as an asset!

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This fiasco goes from bad to worse,Rangers to sign Ian Black,Am I missing something here.Rangers are skint,owe money to the Hearts for Wallace and are under a transfer embargo.We are the laughing stock of world football.ph34r.gif

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FYI the Vermin refers to the two squirrels on the Killie badge.

I think the Killie squirrels aren't grey, so can't be classed as vermin. huh.gif

Anyway, I got round to writing to Stephen Thompson yesterday, and have received an acknowledgement. Here is an abridged version, with personal details removed:

"I would be grateful if the following could be brought to the attention of the chairman and board of directors.

FAO Mr Stephen Thompson and directors, Dundee United Football Club

I write as a season ticket holder at Tannadice (35 years), and a fan of the club for almost xx years.

Presently, I am considering whether my support of the club in the spl, via season ticket will continue:feeling as I do, I can appreciate that the board and chairman will be going through similar anxieties.

I'm sure you know the arguments,without me going into any detail (which is somewhat difficult, given the spl 's lack of zeal concerning news re Sky, and the probe into alleged double contracts at Rangers).

Perhaps there are some groups hoping the decision gets taken out of the chairmen's hands. But among the scaremongering and unquantifiable projections, it appears we have a choice, if it boils down to accepting or rejecting the likely 'New Rangers' into the spl : Sky plus sponsors or United fans? When it comes to decision time, and if football integrity is to lose out to commerce, whose cash does the club value more?

I thank you for your attention,

Yours in Sport"

Edits for spacing!

Edited by Dundee Hibernian
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It is the "The Ibrox club have already opened talks with the midfielder in the hope the SFA sanctions will be withdrawn" bit that gets me. Ignorance on a whole othe rlevel. What bit of Appeal rejected do they not get? Then again it is yet another thing they can hold against the SPL, which im sure will be followed by some over on RM saying things along the lines of......."They didnae let is sign Ian Black, they are pure wantin' Celtic tae win the league...we werenae given a chance, its a conspiracy against the mighty Gers....just cause of our former owners acting independantly."

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Sent to the club this morning:

Dear Mr Johnston,

I have been a Killie fan for all my life. I first attended RP in season 1970-71, and have attended as many games as I can in the ensuing four decades. This has varied from not missing a game for three and a bit seasons in the early '80s to managing half a dozen or so matches a season now (work, family, cost and distance considerations). I've seen us losing to East Stirling and Brechin, I've seen us win national trophies, I've seen us score 8 at Meadowbank and lose 8 at home to Rangers. I've seen us play in Europe, the Anglo-Scottish Cup and the Ayrshire cup. I've watched Killie play in every available level of Scottish senior football, as a full-time club and as a part-time club. At NO time did I believe the club wanted anything other than success for Kilmarnock Football Club.

I have, in common with the vast majority of Scottish football fans, been following the developing crisis at Rangers with interest. I will confess, also in common with others, a hint of schadenfreude at the situation. The prevailing opinion amongst those I talk to, and all over the Scottish football websites which I read, is that Rangers deserve to be punished, and punished fairly, for any and all wrongdoing over the last few years.

Recently, you were quoted on the BBC as having said that financial considerations MAY take precedence over sporting integrity when decisions on Rangers' future are voted upon. I have not seen any retraction or denial of this statement from you, so I think I can assume that you did say this. Now, I see another quote from yourself:

"I am a solicitor by profession and in terms of the distinction between a CVA and a newco, it can become quite complicated but at the end of the day, from a creditors' point of view, there is maybe no difference," he said.

"In terms of how it affects a sporting competition, I do share the view and I think the football authorities have traditionally taken the view, that a football club is not to be identified 100% with the people that own it, or the corporate entity that owns it.

"A football club has its own identity which consists of various components – the history of the club, the stadium, the players but most importantly, the supporters. So you have got to be careful if you are trying to protect a football club which is a very long-standing and historical institution.

"You have got to be very careful not to come in too heavily with penalties and points deductions or financial penalties going forward which actually put people off investing in that club and trying to make it healthy. After all, it's not the new owners who have done the damage, it is the previous owners."

I'm sorry, Mr. Johnston, but this goes way beyond considering the financial implications of Rangers losing their SPL place. I expect you, and anyone connected with Kilmarnock, to strive for the best outcome for Kilmarnock especially, and Scottish football in general. I do not believe these interests would be well served by kowtowing to this "long-standing and historical institution". Are we really supposed to be happy to accept the crumbs falling from the "big" teams' table? Should we be happy to provide the opposition in warm-up games for the Old Firm's annual assault on Europe? As I said above, I have followed Killie through good and bad – but always in the faith that the team would do their best, and that the club had nothing but the most honest ambitions for Kilmarnock Football Club – who, I shouldn't have to remind you, are a more long-standing institution than either of the Old Firm. We have always taken pride in being Scotland's oldest professional club. However unrealistic, we should be striving to be the best team in our league, and we will NEVER achieve that if we continue to allow the Old Firm to grab the lion's share of the money available in the SPL.

There is no doubt that the loss of Rangers would change the landscape in Scottish football. Rather than bemoan the short-term loss of an arguable amount of cash, why are you, and your colleagues in the SPL, not seizing an opportunity for change? You refer to Rangers as an "institution" – a description which could also apply to slavery, and I don't think we miss that, do we? What is in front of us at the moment, Mr. Johnston, is a one-off deal. Rangers have got themselves into a mess which would cause any "normal" company to cease to exist. Should they be allowed to continue because of some "special" status? A status of being a beacon for some of the least attractive aspects of Scottish society, of protectionist business policies, of arrogance towards their peers, of a willingness to leave their country of origin for financial gain? I can still remember the Old Firm apologists telling us a few years ago how Scottish football would "prosper" if they left for pastures new, and yet now we're told by the same "experts" that the game will die if Rangers go to the wall. I don't claim to have the answers, but I would love to find out.

I am pleased to see that you have re-signed Mr. Shiels as team manager. Might I suggest you think about the following quote from him – he appears to be more in tune with the support than yourself.

"We're a West of Scotland club with no baggage. If you're a good parent and want to bring your children up in a way where they understand good values and also morals, they can come and have a fun time and enjoy it here.

"It doesn't stink of external influences and if those parents want to send them to Kilmarnock, it would be a very good choice, I'd have thought. I want us to be better, bring better people into the club and go on in a better manner."

"Go on in a better manner", Mr. Johnston. If you choose to do so, I will remain a loyal supporter of Kilmarnock Football Club. If you prefer my club to "know their place" and accept what scraps are thrown to them, then I want no part of it. Neither do many other supporters. It is unfortunate that you have made the statement quoted above. Did you pause to think that this statement reflects on the entire club, INCLUDING those of us who only wish to see Killie to compete on as level a playing field as possible? Did you pause to consider that you were representing OUR club when you said this, or the effect on peoples' perceptions of our club and, by extension, the fans?

I and many other Killie fans are angry and upset at your statements, Sir. I ask you to do the right thing in any upcoming vote and remember that you are representing a proud, venerable and above all HONEST club while doing so. You are Chairman of KILMARNOCK Football Club, and should owe no allegiance or favouritism to any other club.

Yours Sincerely,

(last season, approximately£130 kits, £300 tickets, £60 pies/drinks, £150 assorted merchandise - not a lot in the grand scheme, but it might well not be there next season)

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Kenny Shiels in today's Sun talks a different game.

The Rugby Park gaffer pleaded for children in the town to come and follow a club where bigotry and prejudice don’t exist.

This club is free from prejudice, racism and bigotry.

I have a slight issue about Shiels claiming Killie should be applauded for simply following the laws of the land. There is obviously a minority of idiots at all provincial clubs, but thankfully most clubs deal with them quickly and efficiently, but I don't see how he can claim that Kilmarnock are in any way a better role model than the other provincials.

What next, should we congratulate Killie for not condoning rape, murder or kiddy fiddling? Having a club free from prejudice, racism and bigotry should be the bare minimum expected. Although reading some of the comments from Killie fans on here regarding Ayr and their support I don't think Shiels is right.

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Well said. I have said this often and will say it again. Scottish fitba meeja are lazy. Instead of writing about scottish football as whole they would rather get their old firm article generator, which generates 500 of words of dross by one press of a button. It would be fun though of Rangers were booted down into the 3rd division and watch them try to write "Rangers move for Stenny Striker" .

The SPL will survive without Rangers, it might even be more competitive ( ok the 'tic will be favourites, but they wont be spending big either)

If NewCo Rangers are back in the SPL withough some sort of penalty I will be done with the SPL. Ok my team do not play there but I do watch and take in the SPL odd game ( hearts and Hibs) . It wil be strictky lower league and Scotland for me. We should all be emailing Doncaster and his cronies to make this very very clear. I think the damage to our reputation abroad would also be huge. It seems though they care little for that.

I look forward to the TV tonight. Perhaps it might help to focus minds of the SPL.

Aye, if we just 'Keep Rangers and Carry On' without any appropriate penalty* inflicted upon them, then that's my forty year love affair with Aberdeen consigned to the bucket.... Fraserburgh, Peterhead and all the Aberdeenshire Highland Leaguers would see me passing through their turnstiles a lot more.

(this has been done before right enough......)


(1-5 versus Signma Olomuc)

My bottom line opinion is that the appropriate penalty if they are liquidated is that Rangers No Longer Exist and that any NewCo (Govan Zombies) has to start from scratch - applying to the SFL for admittance - not saunter merrily back into the SPL without any of their debts, competing against financially hamstrung Diddy Clubs and back to Obnoxious Arrogance mode.

* what would be an 'appropriate' handicap for these goons?

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Johnston's quotes in the press this morning made me sick. A toadying weasel of a man.

Kind of sick of boycotts. But would everyone be ok with

1.) Not attended any ground that voted yes for newco

2.) Making sure and attend away game where the club voted no

I actually think this would make some difference. Hibs away support has not been the best as we have been total gash.

Honestly if a diddy club was brave enough to say NO it would be great to give them extra support.

However hearts/aberdeen/hibs do usually take a decent crowd to say fir park.

How much cash would Motherwell lose for a yes vote and all 3 said no fans will set foot in their ground ?

Ok we don't know who is thinking of saying No. But why don't on pie and bovril throughout the site list

all clubs that have for sure said yes.

Kilmarnock seems to be the first that have nailed down and said out loud they will vote Yes.

I like killie I like shiels but be clear the only thing they understand is money.

The clowns that run our game like Doncaster will only ignore us until they

have facts on how many £'s they could lose.

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