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Has the wee greeting faced apologist made any statement about his EBT being disclosed in the BBC Programme the other night ?

Im sure he still denies being paid that way. AFTER the programme was aired as well. Little cretinious blue nosed, thicko CHUNT that he is.

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http://www.dailyreco. ..86908-23872430/

"I can't deny or hide the fact that I played for the club during the time in question but I got my salary like everybody else and I paid my taxes as normal.

"I collected my wages at Rangers and have the pay slips to prove it. I could see for myself where the tax had been taken off and everything I had done."

As a Man of God, Marvin's veracity is beyond reproach. :rolleyes: However, could there be dodgy dealings between Marvin's "payslip" and the EBT allegedly set up in his name ? Possible slush fund for his agent ? Oooooh, we should be told.

Could just be he is being very cute with his wording. He may well have a payslip confirming his salary and tax/NI deductions, but that does not mean he did not take loans from the EBT set up in his name. Maybe they should have asked him that as a stand alone question.

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1337935642[/url]' post='6270509']

Has the wee greeting faced apologist made any statement about his EBT being disclosed in the BBC Programme the other night ?

Somebody had sourced the clip of him denying everything off Sportsound a while back. He's been a bit quiet since then. Surely even he isn't stupid enough to shout his mouth off now?

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There's no harm in gently reminding M Platini that folk are concerned. After all, he will be getting his reports from Campbell Ogilvie and Stewart Regan.

I sent him a copy of the documentary, my bad :lol:

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For a United Diddy Front to work we need a spokeperson.

Other than Stuart Cosgrove, maybe Christopher Brookmyre would be interested?

No idea if he would want to take on that mantle (need to remember the threats from Rangers fans, etc) but he'd be ideal for the job. Very articulate, very intelligent, hates the Old Firm.......

Yep..Supports Scottish Football but hates the 2 biggest clubs in Scottish Football :lol:

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There's no harm in gently reminding M Platini that folk are concerned. After all, he will be getting his reports from Campbell Ogilvie and Stewart Regan.

Dear Michel,

Do you remember a few years ago how I told you that I'd left Ra Peepul to go and work for some Lithuanian despot who'd bought a club in Edinburgh ? And do you also remember me telling you that one of the reasons I'd been made this offer I couldn't refuse was because I knew of some interesting ways to assist players, owners and agents to avoid paying tax ? Well, the merde is definately starting to hit the climatisation over here and I'm in a little bit of a bind regarding un conflit d'intérêt, what with The RTC Blogger and those little wanks on Pn'B gunning for me. As you've probably gathered by now, that stupid bugger Murray forgot to tell Bain to shred the papers hidden inside the lambeg in the Boardroom at Ibrox and they've fallen into the hands of some little upstart called Daly at the BBC via. the RTC guy. (Thank Christ they only think I managed to get 90K !!) The riff-raff are calling for the SFA to investigate further and that slack-jawed idiot Doncaster is in my office every 5 minutes begging for me to "help him out" because he's been labelled a "cockwomble" by the guys that pay the gatemoney.

Anyhoo, maybe you could give me a call when you have a minute to discuss further.

Yours avec amitie,


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I struggle to commit to this full time so I may be slacking in knowledge butnin just curious....regardless of the outcome of the large tax case are they not screwed anyway on terms of the SFA due to the rule breach of not informing them of the payments and essentially therefore fielding improperly registered or inellagable players.

So my question is even if HMRC case goes in their favour are they not still in line for major punishment potentially from SFA?

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“I can’t deny or hide the fact that I played

for the club during the time in question but I got my salary like everybody else and I paid my taxes as normal.

“I collected my wages at Rangers and have the pay slips to prove it. I could see for

myself where the tax had been taken off and everything I had done."

As a Man of God, Marvin's veracity is beyond reproach. :rolleyes: However, could there be dodgy dealings between Marvin's "payslip" and the EBT allegedly set up in his name ?

Possible slush fund for his agent ? Oooooh, we should be told.

Yesterday's Scottish Sun (never the most reliable of sources, admittedly) said of Andrews contract:

"The BBC claims come after The Scottish Sun revealed details of the payments. In February we told how one star — who joined the club in the mid-2000s — was offered a £122,000 payment over two years, plus additional four-figure appearance bonuses.

We can now reveal that player was defender Marvin Andrews who signed for the club in 2004 from Livingston.

A letter dated the same day as his contract promised to fund his sub-trust. He was to get £122,000 in total, “payable £10,000 in June 2004, £28,000 in December 2004 and 2005 and May 2005 and 2006” subject to him being a registered Rangers player on those dates.

It also said that from the date of the letter until 31 May 2006, £1,200 would be paid for each competitive first-team match in which he was playing or a substitute."

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Somebody had sourced the clip of him denying everything off Sportsound a while back. He's been a bit quiet since then. Surely even he isn't stupid enough to shout his mouth off now?

Ah good old Doddsy! wee billy hes a good lad, hes played for everyone!

I recall him slagging dundee and calum melville off on the radio then 6months later he ditched QoS for a piece of the action, then had a right strop when he got binned during the admin process. He is an A+ tube. :P

people also forgot he was sold by dundee in the 90's for getting sent off then punching a director, who had the cheek to have a go at him for his stupidity.

good old Doddy hes a right character!

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The Wombles

  • Orinoco Womble – vocals, keyboards
  • Wellington Womble – guitar
  • Tomsk Womble – bass
  • Bungo Womble – drums, percussion
  • Madame Cholet – saxophone
  • Great Uncle Bulgaria – violin, musical director
  • Cock Womble - Fiddle

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Yesterday's Scottish Sun (never the most reliable of sources, admittedly) said of Andrews contract:

"The BBC claims come after The Scottish Sun revealed details of the payments. In February we told how one star — who joined the club in the mid-2000s — was offered a £122,000 payment over two years, plus additional four-figure appearance bonuses.

We can now reveal that player was defender Marvin Andrews who signed for the club in 2004 from Livingston.

A letter dated the same day as his contract promised to fund his sub-trust. He was to get £122,000 in total, "payable £10,000 in June 2004, £28,000 in December 2004 and 2005 and May 2005 and 2006" subject to him being a registered Rangers player on those dates.

It also said that from the date of the letter until 31 May 2006, £1,200 would be paid for each competitive first-team match in which he was playing or a substitute."

Ah, the Saintly Marvin Andews. Turned down United because "God" told him it wasn't the right move. Then he was "told" to sign for Rangers.... I imagine it wasn't God who told him that though. Was probably his agent. Unless his agent's name is Godfrey. unsure.gif

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