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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The Rangers "too big to die" is bonkers for another reason, I mean it's not they are a major bank or anything, its a medium sized company with about 300 employees.

In economic terms they're actually almost totally irrelevant.

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I always had the impression that's where Nae Munny Murray & The Baron Knights were trying to place themselves all along............winning hearts & minds within the RST so as to ensure they would become the preferred 'pheonix' Ranjurs should 2 or 3 try to establish.

ive always been pro pyramid football. i still am. but i think if a newco rangers were to get formed taht commanded the authority in the minds of a significant enough of rangers fans as being the legit one then i think there would be a pyramid system put in tommorrow. that would not be cool.

the best case scenario will be for 3 or 4 post rangers clubs to join the juniors which would divide the big hoose and put far less pressure to reform the league system.

once they languish in their for long enough, and the appropriate cultural shifts take place in our society then i think the rangers meme will be put to bed. then we can have a pyramid system, in a scottish league with no old firm anymore. it will be the football new jerusalem.

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But But But i thought you all just wanted fair and proper punishment and letting the whole world know that sporting integrity is still alive and well in Scotland.

Now you are saying 'f**k Integrity let's just kill the b*****ds'.

Make your mind up Diddies

Sporting Integrity would be attained by kicking you lot out of scottish senior football.

Anything else that happens is an added bonus.

Nae luck.

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the thing about Chick Young & his ilk, though, is that they are not reporting unbaised on a story that's happening to which they are an outside party, they are right at the heart of it, rightly or wrongly they have made a career out of being cozy with the Rangers management & players & in return for positive reporting are given inside access & treated very well. The big losers of this whole story will be that the papers & the radio will be employing less or different journalists & pundits the ones with Rangers connections will be relegated to after dinner speaking and hosting memorial events.

What we heard from Chick Young today (and Goram to an extent) is the equivilant of the apprentice boardroom, they are staring oblivion in the face, there is now a real chance there will be no Rangers in professional football so they are grasping on to 'yeah send us to the third division' as a last grasp because the thought that the best opportunity for the club is to have a fan led junior team means no jobs & no money directly for them, you can understand their desperation but the hurdles are becoming walls

can't play in Europe without a UEFA licence, can't get one because of finances

can't play in the SPL without an SFA licence, forfieted it by taking the SFA to court

can't sign over 18s because the club decided to withold/steal millions of pounds tax contributions

can't start a newco because they will have no SFA licence to transfer

can't form a completely new team because every connected director will fail a FPP test + will be looked on as a continuation by the SFA

even if they passed that they don't have 3 years accounts to satisfy application criteria

also dont have a stadium to play on, you need to own or have prime tennancy of a ground to even apply to the SFL too

the rules on buying over a team were massively tightened up & even if they could do a deal to buy Cowdenbeath or East Stirlingshire (sorry guys but the obvious targets) I'd think again the SFL + SFA would look poorly on any application that looked like a continuation of Rangers due to the potential upset of FIFA & UEFA

They have no where to go anymore, the SFA trying to do them a favour by not expelling them has been chucked back in their face, now it's only about Green trying to convince fans a deal was agreed by all so that when the trigger is pulled he can say he did his best & the fans rage is taken out on the SFA instead of Whyte, Green, Murray, Duff & Phelps ... where it should be.

The End Is Nigh

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Have been spending far too much time thinking about what in Gods name possessed Rangers to bring the court case. Still head scratching, so thought I'd lay out some worst case scenarios.

1) the Side letters exist, but are not what they are assumed to be and evidence indicates to this point. Rangers are confident they can ultimately win on second contracts issue even if they lose the BTC. This seems unlikely.

2) No side letters exist or for some other reason Rangers think they are going to win the BTC and beat the second contract point. This seems very unlikely indeed.

3) Rangers are guilty, guilty but HMRC will be happy with a CVA even at derisory returns because the liquidation value will be much less (because of CW floating charge or other reasons). Politics may be involved. Green is peddling this today, Hillier has been peddling it for weeks. Lots of people much better informed than me think this is unlikely, but it's hard to speculate. Note ths ignores Ticketus being a holdout.

4) Rangers are guilty, guilty but the SPL chairmen will move heaven and earth to keep them in the league. Celtic will make loud noises of disapproval only when they know Rangers are safe back on sky. Sadly, I can't say this is unlikely, but it seems more unlikely after Rangers went to civil law.

5) The SFA procedure was legally challengable and there will be a rapid and crushingly clear verdict that the SFA breached its own rules. FIFA and UEFA accept this because Rangers was appealing an SFA judgement rather thn one of theirs directly and they'd rather have a special circumstances verdict than run the risk of Rangers challenging whether transfer embargoes are per se illegal. Ths seems unlikely to the point of not to me.

6) The Green consortium has a great deal of money, and are walking a tightrope between pleasing the Orcs and not enraging the creditors. They think they can make money off Rangers by beating AC Milan rather than by selling the silverware and milking the Orcs on the cheap. They are willing to tough out a transfer embargo and (if (3) above is not correct) three years without Europe. We really don't have enough info but seems implausible.

7) David Cameron leads the coalition benches in a rousing chorus of the Billy Boys after Warren Buffet reveals his full pectoral red hand tattoo at the press conference announcing his takeover. Unlikely.

For Rangers to be where RM thinks they will be, (5) and (6) have to be true and they need combination of the others to stay in the SPL. I'm struggling to think why civil action makes sense if more than a handful of the above are true even if they're overconfident on (5) itself.

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Grudging respect to uncle Walt for ripping Chic a new one on this occasion. A clip that never gets tired!:


Archie Knox - "Ram that mic up his arse !"


Sir Watty of Cardigan - "David, why the feck dae ah huvtae dae these mental interviews wae yon ignorant wee bawbag Chick young ? He's a total arsehole, so he is....."

Sir David of Moonbeams - "Because Walter, the wee c*nt swallows every single drop of jizz I fire into his gub."

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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I've been so busy the last few days I've basically missed everything since the documentary on Wednesday night.

Can someone tell me anything I need to know that's happened since Wednesday night please?

I caught a cover of the tabloids this morning in the shop, can't remember what it said but Green was telling more porkys.

Edit to add just remembered what Green said at the front of a paper today.

"I've done a deal with the taxman"

Edited by Gaz FFC
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But But But i thought you all just wanted fair and proper punishment and letting the whole world know that sporting integrity is still alive and well in Scotland.

Now you are saying 'f**k Integrity let's just kill the b*****ds'.

Make your mind up Diddies

The only 'fair and proper' treatment for a cancer is to cut it out and kill it. Simple. Killing Rangers IS a fair and proper punishment. If Rangers somehow survive and are allowed to continue somewhere in the the leagues, they will just carry on with the same immoral behaviour. The Peepul think of no one but themselves and will demand success. Success which can only be GUARANTEED by cheating.

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But But But i thought you all just wanted fair and proper punishment and letting the whole world know that sporting integrity is still alive and well in Scotland.

Now you are saying 'f**k Integrity let's just kill the b*****ds'.

Make your mind up Diddies

In the spirit of sporting integrity, how do you think the authorities should handle things No. 8 ?

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But But But i thought you all just wanted fair and proper punishment and letting the whole world know that sporting integrity is still alive and well in Scotland.

Now you are saying 'f**k Integrity let's just kill the b*****ds'.

Make your mind up Diddies

A few things;

a) If your club doesn't have money to meet its tax liabilities, it doesn't have money to try to buy players. Which is exactly what Rangers tried to do, as has been mentioned, with Sandaza and Cousin, and has already been done with Wallace and Jelavic (who has since left at a profit!) Embarrassing, and disgraceful conduct for "a Scottish institution".

b) The SFA have already made it clear that expulsion was considered, but a transfer embargo was felt to be a more fitting punishment.

c) Taking the SFA to court will raise the ire of FIFA/UEFA. The SPL/SFA may be worried to act because of how much of a financial headache will result from this, but if FIFA step in and say "Expel them or we'll ban you from all of our competitions" then GTF day for Rangers may not be long in coming.

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