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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If you want to look at Sporting Integrity then lets investigate players who have been tapped up.

Lets investigate Agents getting backhanders.

Lets look at Managers taking payments to sell or buy players

Lets look at players being given back handers to sign extensions on their contracts.

Let he without sin cast the first stone

:rolleyes: I notice refs get an easy ride in your todo list.............I wonder why........


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When the transfer window opens will they not just punt a couple of players to keep the admin fees coming? Sell McGregor and Davis for a couple of million each and hey presto duff and phelps can keep the scam running for another month?

Sssssh. Don't go giving them any idea's now :P
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. They see the chance to kill off the biggest and most successful club in the country and they don't care how they do it.

And pray tell me why you are are the biggest and most successful club in the country.....it wouldnt be because this small country of ours is predominately Protestant and from Day 1 Rangers have promoted bigoted bile that has captured the neanderthals. Jeez a support that went bonkers when they signed an ex Celtic catholic striker, with a large majority threatening to return season tickets. The guy was a good player but that meant nothing to the majority of your support...only the fact that he was a catholic. Pretty sure there are plenty of your fans that would kick up a fuss if you were linked with Messi!! And dont get me started on Eggs Benedict!!

Face it, No 2, you are the so called biggest club in this country because you are a bigoted club that has cheated its way through the last 20 odd years....FACT!!

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Apologies if already posted, but `Doncaster Cockwomble` now number one in google images. Good work everyone.

Now, let's get #cockwomble trending on Twitter.

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I'm going on holiday tomorrow, so it appears that I will miss the real excrement hitting the Ibrox air conditioning system.

From what I'm reading, only the tip of the wrong-doing iceberg has been revealed, and the news to come could be explosive. I'm getting the hints that a 'far too cosy' relationship between the BoS and Sir Minty is going to be revealed? Rangers cash will run out while I'm away, the transfer window opens, and the Rangers squad's wages shoot back to pre-Haudit & Daudit levels. HMRC might pipe up, the SFA must surely act before FIFA / UEFA do, and the SPL (surely to Christ!) must make a decision on something over the two week period that I'm out of the country. They must reach a conclusion to their EBT investigation, no? The BBC will leak more information out, and Hughie Green will disappear up his own arse in a puff of smoke. H&D will liquidate... Anything else I might miss?

If this all happens when I'm away, it will be a scunner on two fronts. One, I'll miss all the fun, and Two, it'll hamper Ally's efforts in reaching the group stages of the Champions League.

See you in two weeks. Keep some jelly & ice cream for me.

Is there no t'internet in Largs then ?

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Let's investigate football teams cheating by avoiding tax liabilities, thereby enabling them to sign better/more players than they could otherwise and gaining a massive sporting advantage over tax-paying rival clubs, resulting in more success, TV revenue, merchandise sales and prizemoney as a result.

Let's investigate David Murray's bank dealings in the past to find out if there has been any corruption there.

Let's investigate Duff & Phelps conflict of interest in suing Collyer Bristow over a takeover deal one of their partners was involved in to find out if they are really acting in the best interests of creditors many of whom, lest we forget, are footballing creditors.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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When the transfer window opens will they not just punt a couple of players to keep the admin fees coming? Sell McGregor and Davis for a couple of million each and hey presto duff and phelps can keep the scam running for another month?

I've asked about this point before tho - wouldn't that represent disposing of assets to pay the running costs of an irrevocably insolvent business? Surely Administrators shouldn't be allowed to do that but should be obliged to wind the business-up once the pot is well and truly empty

Atho not a great analogy, it's like an insolvent window cleaner selling off one of the ladders, buckets and the van to keep himself on going for a month rather than face the music (and his creditors)

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Not my fault you have no sense of humour...Some anonymous internet blogger gives his seal of approval and he takes it as Kosher?? :lol:

All i did the other day was tell the diddies a few cold hard facts...They know it to be true and that is why they are so frustrated and angry. Personally i don't blame them.

This thread should be used in future studies of mob rule...It started of fine with a few decent posters making relevant points and looking for fair and just action to be taken. It moved on a little to supporting Rangers relegation to the 3rd and when most fair minded Rangers posters agreed more radical diddies appeared and took over. It is now an utter travesty of a thread with the same 20 -30 diddies claiming to represent Scottish football as a whole...Scream of Kill them off....Bury the bastrads!! They don't want to uphold the corinthian spirit of fair play..They could not care less about Sporting Integrity. They see the chance to kill off the biggest and most successful club in the country and they don't care how they do it.

If you want to look at Sporting Integrity then lets investigate players who have been tapped up.

Lets investigate Agents getting backhanders.

Lets look at Managers taking payments to sell or buy players

Lets look at players being given back handers to sign extensions on their contracts.

Let he without sin cast the first stone

Let's just watch Eurovision tonight and laugh at someone other than Rangers for 3 hours or so for a change.

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It is a disgrace that scum such as Goram asre given air time by the BBC.

I take it that if there was a piece from him speaking as pro Rangers there was also a piece from an anti Rangers supporter given that the BBC are the self proclaimed global leader in balanced reporting?

This bampot is the guest speaker at my amateur teams 20th anniversary bash on 8th June . Wonder if he will turn up !--------In this very unbalanced tabloid reporting of the *** saga, we have had a long list of guest *** sympathiser types and ex players like Goram giving us their claptrap. I have seen NO guest dissenters since the start . Anyone visiting this peculiar little country and reading its papers would think everyone is sympathetic to their plight . The Sun has had some belters of editorials about saving Rangers being vital to the well - being of Scotland . These things have made me want to puke .------Its heartening for me to read these opinions . I , like you , have seen glory hunters and bigots from my town profess allegiance to der bosch . I think we are seeing the ultimate karma and things might never be the same again.

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Sorry if mentioned, bit I notice HMRC lost their case to remove the football creditors rule in England and Wales.

Wonder who they'll take their wrath out on?

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Just wondering.....

Now that the currants are about to join the choir invisible....

Any of the green Sisters....

You do realise we're coming for you next, don't you?:)

Pretty unfair when there's no indication that Celtic have been guilty of years of financial irregularity.

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If you want to look at Sporting Integrity then lets investigate players who have been tapped up.

Lets investigate Agents getting backhanders.

Lets look at Managers taking payments to sell or buy players

Lets look at players being given back handers to sign extensions on their contracts.

Let he without sin cast the first stone

Point 1 - Im sure Sally tried that with Sandaza in January

Point 2 - Im sure this will be in 90% that is still to come out. A lot of people have made a lot of money out of Rangers

Point 3 - Im sure this will also be in the 90%

Point 4 - Was that not what EBT's were meant to be used for if you were driving the bus correctly. :huh:

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Pretty unfair when there's no indication that Celtic have been guilty of years of financial irregularity.

Especially when its not that long ago he was done with Scottish football and even Killie :o

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