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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The SFA are a fucking joke

The SPL are driven by short term, self interest

What this story is missing is someone who will actually do the deed and kill Rangers. Neither the SPL or the SFL will and even if HMRC/other creditors do pull the plug then the SFL will be on hand to revive the corpse.

Rangers in the SPL next season. Business as usual. The only small hope is to extract a change in the voting system but I wouldn't even hold out hope for that

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Hopefully this will fresh in the minds of the SPL Chairmen tomorrow, when they meet to discuss the proposed sanctions.

They must realise that Rangers are dragging the name of all of Scottish football through the mud.

They have a chance to stand up and the bully and deal with this mess.

I know what I want them to do, but even after today I fear what they will do tomorrow.

while rangers havent exactly been a shining light, it isnt the clubs fault that the SFA rulebook, which was re-written only a year ago, is still a fucking shambles

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I hope they do and hammer the SFA for bringing the game into disrepute.

Rangers were left with no option but to go to the court of session to finally get justice after they lost their appeal to the SFA and were blocked from going to the Court of Arbitration

They had the option to go to CAS. But you knew that, right?

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while rangers havent exactly been a shining light, it isnt the clubs fault that the SFA rulebook, which was re-written only a year ago, is still a fucking shambles

Bit of an understatement that

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1338305516[/url]' post='6284012']

I thought 1 maybe 2 of the SFA panel that made the decision were law lords or such therefore the decision was watertight?

They should not have anything to do with the SFA again and any fee they charged for sitting on the panel should be reimbursed to the SFA.

That's grossly unfair. Thy were applying rules which didn't have the flexibility necessary to hanle this situation nd did a very good job of explaining why there was discretion and it was neccessary to apply this discretion given the ultimate penalty was too harsh and others far too lenient. The COS just happened to apply the rules more akin to a criminal statute than a contractual relationship. Smart judgements by smart judges get overturned all the time. It's the way the law works.

The fact the Orcs seem to think this means a court has found them innocent of wrongdoing is unedifying.

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I don't get how people on here keep going on about how FIFA/UEFA will do this, that or the next thing. They have done and will do absolutely nothing. Think they are far more interested in what is going on in Italy and our little league is a mere sideshow no one outside the West of Scotland really cares about. SFA will back down, Rangers will come out a hell of a lot stronger than when they went in and a hell of a lot more of the big time charlie for it. NO ONE in the league will stand up against Rangers once this all dies down and they will dominate for decades to come with our diddy chairmen happy to keep taking the crumbs and the occasional slap down from the old firm when we ask for more.

I for one have given up completely on this pish and will now concentrate fully on womens beach volleyball.

FIFA/UEFA will because it sets a dangerous European precedent for clubs to run roughshod over Article 64.

You could have a major club having a Champions League match to court to have the result annulled because there was an offside goal given to some minor club that cost them progression to the next stages and ultimately revenue.

That's the reason why they have the ban on going to civil courts and insist on the COS as being the final arbeiters of disputes, to stop clubs in corrupt countries using civil courts where they have leverage over the judiciary.

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while rangers havent exactly been a shining light, it isnt the clubs fault that the SFA rulebook, which was re-written only a year ago, is still a fucking shambles

Which your club signed up for and didn't have any problems with. Only issue is that the SFA will completely shit it and cave in. Worst case scenario Scottish Cup ban for a year. Rangers legal team must be pissing themselves and giving the SFA delegates the finger on leaving the court of session.

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I hope they do and hammer the SFA for bringing the game into disrepute.

Rangers were left with no option but to go to the court of session to finally get justice after they lost their appeal to the SFA and were blocked from going to the Court of Arbitration


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I hope they do and hammer the SFA for bringing the game into disrepute.

Rangers were left with no option but to go to the court of session to finally get justice after they lost their appeal to the SFA and were blocked from going to the Court of Arbitration

5.1 All members shall:


© recognise and submit to the jurisdiction of the Court of Arbitration for Sport as specified in the relevant provisions of the FIFA Statutes and the UEFA Statutes;


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FIFA/UEFA will because it sets a dangerous European precedent for clubs to run roughshod over Article 64.

You could have a major club having a Champions League match to court to have the result annulled because there was an offside goal given to some minor club that cost them progression to the next stages and ultimately revenue.

That's the reason why they have the ban on going to civil courts and insist on the COS as being the final arbeiters of disputes, to stop clubs in corrupt countries using civil courts where they have leverage over the judiciary.

and so far their response to Rangers just doing exactly what you said they can't......silence...so as I said they will/are do nothing

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Can't the SFA appeal the CoS result? It would mean even more money for lawyers so they surely could.

As a little sideshow, we are again seeing what a farce the legal system is. Solicitors are right up there with MP's and bankers as corrupt b*****ds.

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Hopefully this will fresh in the minds of the SPL Chairmen tomorrow, when they meet to discuss the proposed sanctions.

They must realise that Rangers are dragging the name of all of Scottish football through the mud.

They have a chance to stand up and the bully and deal with this mess.

I know what I want them to do, but even after today I fear what they will do tomorrow.

I think sanctions against newcos are now less relevant.....I think the likelihood of a CVA went up today now we know that Green has committed to buy the assets for £5.3m if CVA is unsuccessful. The telling part of the way H&D have done it is:

Estimated Funds Available for Unsecured Creditors through CVA £4,967,284

Estimated Funds Available for Unsecured Creditors through Newco £953,284

Estimated Funds Available for Unsecured Creditors through liquidation £Nil

Edited by Claymores
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We appealed the punishment ya fucking space cadet...If you hadn't noticed the Judge today agreed the punishment was unjust :1eye

No he didn't say it was unjust.

He said it wasn't available and "recommended" it be sent back to the appeal tribunal.

It is not a legally binding decision. it is a review.

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