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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If the CVA doesn't get accepted then most of those fees don't occur, but regardless.

It is a simple fact.

Paul Clark is correct and the BBC are wrong, the administration fees have not increased tenfold over the £500K limit proposed by Craig Whyte.

Yes, the BBC are wrong. Is this some sort of startling revelation to you? That the BBC are in fact fallible? You seem very excited by it.

Far more so than the fact that D&P have run up a bill 7 times what they claimed they would on 11th February 2012

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For Cardinal Richelieu's game, adapted by Thistle_do_nicely, to Easy, Normal and Hard Mode, I nominate Jimmy Bell, the Rangers Kit Controller for HARDMODE.

He's the guy who wouldn't join in for the minute's applause for Jimmy Johnstone, and who gave David Weir a specially produced jersey to wear at the tail end of last season (May 2011) commemorating William and Kate getting married. He wouldn't set out Mo Johnston's gear as he was 'one of them' (nor would he give him chocolate bars designated for the players).

Here he pays tribute to Jinky:

perhaps he has a personal problem with men who beat their wifes?

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Yes, the BBC are wrong. Is this some sort of startling revelation to you? That the BBC are in fact fallible? You seem very excited by it.

Far more so than the fact that D&P have run up a bill 7 times what they claimed they would on 11th February 2012


whyte told them that would be all over in a matter of weeks. D&P agreed that if either of whyte's two schemes worked then the price was set.

unsuprisingly whyte was talking pish and the costs have spiralled.

what is your issue with that?

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If the CVA doesn't get accepted then most of those fees don't occur, but regardless.

It is a simple fact.

Paul Clark is correct and the BBC are wrong, the administration fees have not increased tenfold over the £500K limit proposed by Craig Whyte.

Not according to the cva. Charges and fees are £5.5m (so far).

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Yes, the BBC are wrong. Is this some sort of startling revelation to you? That the BBC are in fact fallible? You seem very excited by it.

Far more so than the fact that D&P have run up a bill 7 times what they claimed they would on 11th February 2012

maybe we could just go with "multiple quantums" above the original

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Naw, dead easy :

1. transferred to RFC from Calais

2. Calais is in France

3. Charlemagne was French

4. Charlemagne was given the title of "Holy Roman Emperor" BY THE POPE!!!!!

How much more tarrier do you want?

Na easy mode that one

Anagram of Reams La Kirk ....so clearly of French descent who hates the Proddie Church.

ach well thats me telt laugh.gif

whos next?nnnnn

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You know, I think someone mentioned it on here a long time ago, but we dont know who these trustees are. Surely, this information should be transparent and available to the public? Why has no-one in the MSM asked to speak to them?

I'd love to know why no one appears to have asked Graeme Souness why he was getting £30k from Rangers ten years after he stopped working for them (and the alleged rest).

If a person left a job and became an MP, then ten yesrs later got a payment from his former employer, the press would all over it and would hound the MP until they resigned.gave answers.

Yet the press don't seem awfully keen to chase up most of the stories that fall out of this story.

Edited by qpsnapper
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For Cardinal Richelieu's game, adapted by Thistle_do_nicely, to Easy, Normal and Hard Mode, I nominate Jimmy Bell, the Rangers Kit Controller for HARDMODE.

He's the guy who wouldn't join in for the minute's applause for Jimmy Johnstone, and who gave David Weir a specially produced jersey to wear at the tail end of last season (May 2011) commemorating William and Kate getting married. He wouldn't set out Mo Johnston's gear as he was 'one of them' (nor would he give him chocolate bars designated for the players).

Here he pays tribute to Jinky:


the guy next to him looks shockedlaugh.gif

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EASY MODE: Mo Jo/Kenny Miller

NORMAL MODE: Barry Ferguson

HARD MODE: Walter Smith

1. Walter Smith managed Rangers.

2. Rangers other cheek is Celtic.

Got it in two. Same with Barry whatever and all the rest of the erses.

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For Cardinal Richelieu's game, adapted by Thistle_do_nicely, to Easy, Normal and Hard Mode, I nominate Jimmy Bell, the Rangers Kit Controller for HARDMODE.

He's the guy who wouldn't join in for the minute's applause for Jimmy Johnstone, and who gave David Weir a specially produced jersey to wear at the tail end of last season (May 2011) commemorating William and Kate getting married. He wouldn't set out Mo Johnston's gear as he was 'one of them' (nor would he give him chocolate bars designated for the players).

Here he pays tribute to Jinky:


Tiny little fellow too by the looks of it. No wonder he's a blue bigot....Ahm no really small. Ah canny be cos ahm wan o ra peeple.

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For Cardinal Richelieu's game, adapted by Thistle_do_nicely, to Easy, Normal and Hard Mode, I nominate Jimmy Bell, the Rangers Kit Controller for HARDMODE.

He's the guy who wouldn't join in for the minute's applause for Jimmy Johnstone, and who gave David Weir a specially produced jersey to wear at the tail end of last season (May 2011) commemorating William and Kate getting married. He wouldn't set out Mo Johnston's gear as he was 'one of them' (nor would he give him chocolate bars designated for the players).

Here he pays tribute to Jinky:


1. Jimmy Bell, birth name James Bell

2. Shares his name with Jamie (James) Bell, who played the title chracter in Billy Elliot

3. Billy's father was played by Scots (Weegie) actor Gary Lewis

4. Gary Lewis was born in Easterhouse.

I rest my case.

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We should have a list of people in here that actually know what they're talking about so we can move straight to their posts and discount those who are speculating, bringing emotion into the process and those who claim to have an "understanding" but probably don't.

Which category do you fit in.....hhmmmm, let me guess?

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For Cardinal Richelieu's game, adapted by Thistle_do_nicely, to Easy, Normal and Hard Mode, I nominate Jimmy Bell, the Rangers Kit Controller for HARDMODE.

He's the guy who wouldn't join in for the minute's applause for Jimmy Johnstone, and who gave David Weir a specially produced jersey to wear at the tail end of last season (May 2011) commemorating William and Kate getting married. He wouldn't set out Mo Johnston's gear as he was 'one of them' (nor would he give him chocolate bars designated for the players).

Here he pays tribute to Jinky:


Anyone else got a favourite Jimmy Bell anecdote? Possibly my favourite part of this sorry saga would be that utter cretin getting his jotters.

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For Cardinal Richelieu's game, adapted by Thistle_do_nicely, to Easy, Normal and Hard Mode, I nominate Jimmy Bell, the Rangers Kit Controller for HARDMODE.

He's the guy who wouldn't join in for the minute's applause for Jimmy Johnstone, and who gave David Weir a specially produced jersey to wear at the tail end of last season (May 2011) commemorating William and Kate getting married. He wouldn't set out Mo Johnston's gear as he was 'one of them' (nor would he give him chocolate bars designated for the players).

Here he pays tribute to Jinky:

Jimmy Bell shares the same surname as the famous Alexander Graham Bell, and also Alexander Graham Bell's cousin Chichester Bell. Chichester was founded as Noviomagus Reginorum in the Roman Empire. Obvious tarrier.

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