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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Excuse me just a second. Unless I have missed something incredibly obvious somewhere, Green does not yet own Rangers. In fact, he owns absolutly hee haw to do with that club. He probably doesn't even have one of them pishy new replica tops hanging in the cupboard. Granted, he has bunged D&P a few quid but thats worth approx f**k all at the present time, no?

So why then is he making decisions about what Rangers do next? As far as I can tell I have about as much authority as Green in the say so of Rangers. Why is he being invited to Hampden, SPL meetings and presumably various lodge meetings?

He can still walk away can't he? Why is he getting any sort of say so in any decisions anywhere?

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Excuse me just a second. Unless I have missed something incredibly obvious somewhere, Green does not yet own Rangers. In fact, he owns absolutly hee haw to do with that club. He probably doesn't even have one of them pishy new replica tops hanging in the cupboard. Granted, he has bunged D&P a few quid but thats worth approx f**k all at the present time, no?

So why then is he making decisions about what Rangers do next? As far as I can tell I have about as much authority as Green in the say so of Rangers. Why is he being invited to Hampden, SPL meetings and presumably various lodge meetings?

He can still walk away can't he? Why is he getting any sort of say so in any decisions anywhere?

Glad someone asked this, as I have been wondering exactly that ever since this chancer got involved.

Have the neccesary checks even been made on Green to confirm he is a even a fit and proper person to run a Football Club?

You know, the same checks that weren't done with Whyte!

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I've just had a warming thought, if Rangers do completely die, can we start to pursue the return of alcohol at the games? The vile bigot brothers are off course the reason we don't get booze at the games anymore, and perhaps if we lost one it would be safe to bring it back. This would also help increase revenue at clubs.

Pie in the sky perhaps? We can but hope.

Celtic fans couldn't be trusted.

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TV isn't helping clubs really because in the end it will ruin the fanbase to armchair supporters "ach it's oan TV so I'll crack open a few beers and get pished".Meaning eventually less money into the club and being dependent on TV income.IMO.

I'm one of those armchair supporters but I'd given up watching United in the late 80s when I moved away from Dundee, long before I subscribed to Sky Sports. Never got back into the habit of going. I'm not all that mobile these days - I have the cash again but getting up to Tannadice would be a pain in the butt, public transport being what it is. I'm not making excuses - I'm a lazy barsteward and there are other competitors for my time and money. If it was handed to me on a plate, I'd go.

I'm not sure whether I'm at all representative but, where I work, there are a lot of early-middle-aged guys in the same position - used to go, moved away and never got back to it. But we still talk football. The fanbase is there if cultivated properly.

I'd love to be able to support United via my TV viewing - possibly a non-sky PPV option on TV or online. £10-20 per match with half or most of it going to the club? Or a fiver to watch extended highlights on a Saturday evening. Each club must have thousands of lost fans and could see £20-30K added every fortnight. I'd love to see Sky trying to compete with that. The only reason I have Murdoch TV is for the football and a bit of cricket in the summer. Costs me nearly £50 pm - I'd much prefer to cut that back to a basic free-to-view and spend the savings supporting United from my armchair.

Sorry for the ramblings. Half-formed thoughts and all.

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I've just had a warming thought, if Rangers do completely die, can we start to pursue the return of alcohol at the games? The vile bigot brothers are off course the reason we don't get booze at the games anymore, and perhaps if we lost one it would be safe to bring it back. This would also help increase revenue at clubs.

Pie in the sky perhaps? We can but hope.

look at the value of a pie at some grounds , imagine the cost of a pint it'd be on a par with the O2

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Excuse me just a second. Unless I have missed something incredibly obvious somewhere, Green does not yet own Rangers. In fact, he owns absolutly hee haw to do with that club. He probably doesn't even have one of them pishy new replica tops hanging in the cupboard. Granted, he has bunged D&P a few quid but thats worth approx f**k all at the present time, no?

So why then is he making decisions about what Rangers do next? As far as I can tell I have about as much authority as Green in the say so of Rangers. Why is he being invited to Hampden, SPL meetings and presumably various lodge meetings?

He can still walk away can't he? Why is he getting any sort of say so in any decisions anywhere?

According to D&P they will be handing over the running of the club to him tomorrow. Im guessing they see that as a formal process and he has, in effect, been running the club since he got exclusive bidder status.

Anyone appointed by the club could attend meetings though.

Glad someone asked this, as I have been wondering exactly that ever since this chancer got involved.

Have the neccesary checks even been made on Green to confirm he is a even a fit and proper person to run a Football Club?

You know, the same checks that weren't done with Whyte!

The fit and proper person checks are a bit of a nonsense really. The only things in the current rules that prevent someone running a football club are things like are they currently under a mental health order, or currently banned from being a director of a company.

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Excuse me just a second. Unless I have missed something incredibly obvious somewhere, Green does not yet own Rangers. In fact, he owns absolutly hee haw to do with that club. He probably doesn't even have one of them pishy new replica tops hanging in the cupboard. Granted, he has bunged D&P a few quid but thats worth approx f**k all at the present time, no?

So why then is he making decisions about what Rangers do next? As far as I can tell I have about as much authority as Green in the say so of Rangers. Why is he being invited to Hampden, SPL meetings and presumably various lodge meetings?

He can still walk away can't he? Why is he getting any sort of say so in any decisions anywhere?

In short, Green and his as yet undisclosed cronies stand to make a fortune out of either the demise or continuation of Rangers in whatever form. The boy is playing a blinder so far, got to give him credit for that at least. The SFA have been shambling along like a pensioner with St. Vitus dance, the SPL are blinded by money and every Shyster under the sun is queuing up to get a piece of the action.

The good news, Rangers are dead no matter what happens, they'll never be the club they once were should they survive. Should they survive Scottish football will be an even bigger joke however and so, for the long term benefit of the game in this country, it'd be better if they were expelled from the game here but it's just a pity we couldn't get rid of Celtic as well .

This farce will continue on for ages yet, decisions, appeals, riots etc. so anyone expecting a speedy resolution is going to be disappointed.

Charles Green will also make a mockery of the game here should he take ownership of Rangers and run it as a football club, although the chances of him actually doing that are slim, he's a get rich quick and to hell with the consequences type of guy.

Rangers fans should actually be hoping that the club gets expelled and has to start again, it'd be better than what Green and Co will do to the club.

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Traytor back in the Record the day spouting the same old bullshit (cannae find a link to it) Basically going over old ground. Yes they must be punished, but Scottish football is dead if the punishment is too hard and an agreeable punishment would be a Scottish Cup ban. Agreeable to who????

Top journalism......bit like this from a year or so back and note....IT IS A JIM TRAYTOR EXCLUSIVE!!!


Edited by Sting777
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Traytor back in the Record the day spouting the same old bullshit (cannae find a link to it) Basically going over old ground. Yes they must be punished, but Scottish football is dead if the punishment is too hard and an agreeable punishment would be a Scottish Cup ban. Agreeable to who????

Top journalism......bit like this from a year or so back and note....IT IS A JIM TRAYTOR EXCLUSIVE!!!


Cheers Ewing. What'd you write?

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Traytor back in the Record the day spouting the same old bullshit (cannae find a link to it) Basically going over old ground. Yes they must be punished, but Scottish football is dead if the punishment is too hard and an agreeable punishment would be a Scottish Cup ban. Agreeable to who????

Top journalism......bit like this from a year or so back and note....IT IS A JIM TRAYTOR EXCLUSIVE!!!


Heres the link

Utter, utter nonsense

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good to see jim traynor is scared

this can only mean he has heard (what we would see as) good sounds comming from someone he has spoke too

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Heres the link

Utter, utter nonsense

Typical Traynor. Still writing pish, still about a week behind fans forums. The knuckledraggers must lap up his drivel like mother's milk.

Edit :- And speaking of pish, our house crackhead Leggo is now considering the prospects of a Celtic Trust plot within Lloyds / HBOS at the time of their dealings with Sir Minty.


Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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