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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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What about 'Car Park'? It could be used as part of a Park & Ride scheme; quite popular in Glasgow. :rolleyes:

In the interests of proving they will no longer be a sectarian club, how about 'The Maurice Johnston Academy' - also quite popular in Glasgow?

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They can bleat about Lord Glennie's decision all they like .. it matters not a jot to the SFA since he has nothing to do with them .. if they do then expel them .. end of problem

But Glennie referred the matter back to the SFA Appellate Panel. Its possible that Rangers could appeal that and ask him to refer it back to the original Tribunal, which would give them another shot at appealing to the Appellate panel if they didnt like the decision.

By waiting 21 days, the SFA takes that possibility out of the equation and then whatever the Appellate Panel decide becomes "final"

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It looks as if it is finally sinking in with a few people. I personally believe the EBTs were used to top up earnings but proving that and having the 2nd contracts to hand is something totally different. Without those contracts there simply is no case to answer.

What, have the 2nd contracts been destroyed or something ?

I think statements from the likes of Doddsy, Sou-Ness, and the foreign player (was it Wetterhaus) who questioned the double-contract will be ample evidence.

Why don't yooz just admit all the wrongdoings and take your punishment and which would maybe give yourselves a chance of survival ?

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But Glennie referred the matter back to the SFA Appellate Panel. Its possible that Rangers could appeal that and ask him to refer it back to the original Tribunal, which would give them another shot at appealing to the Appellate panel if they didnt like the decision.

By waiting 21 days, the SFA takes that possibility out of the equation and then whatever the Appellate Panel decide becomes "final"

Well, ony final in that Rangers would then appeal the new AP decision back to CoS (because it's bound to be "no fair"), then to the High Court, then to The European Court of Human Rights, then CaS..........

BTW does anyone know whether Green did actually take control yesterday or whether it really was just one huge cock-up on the dates on the documentation and it was meant to be the 14th?

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The article says the 18th.

Is this a new development, or is it just bad wording of the fact that the next SPL board meeting is due then, where cockwomble has already said the evidence from the lawyers will be presented?

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That might carry some weight if it wasn't days old and Charles Green has totally rubbished that story.

Anyway any chance you can answer the question from last night? How does Regan KNOW what sanctions , if any, the independent panel will hand out?

Becasue the sanctions are limited to fine + expulsion / suspension / cup ban

ie those specifically in the rules they cannot be lenient and imaginative and offer say a registration embargo when you are already unable to sign anybody as you are in Administration and if you come out of it will be too skint to buy or owed by a new crook that isn't going to spend anything anyway. The court case ensured this. I vote for suspension

Edited by MEADOWXI
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I am sick of all this piss now . I don't want any more pessimists telling us they will get off scot free , no more super optimists telling us they are fucked and no amateur tax experts telling us what will happen. I just want real news of what is going to happen.

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You gotta love the good old Rangers fans. Walking about in work just now, chests sticking out,declaring how everything is ok,how their gonna be back good as new, how they fucked the SFA in the courts. Nobody fucks wae The Rangers etc.Blah! Blah! Blah! Even now their arrogance is only outdone by their failure to comprehend that their fucked one way or another. Talking about re -naming Murray Park and going to Germany pre season. WTF Its not happening ya fucktards :lol:

Maybe a German tour is the forerunner for a Bundesliga application? :D

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Well, ony final in that Rangers would then appeal the new AP decision back to CoS (because it's bound to be "no fair"), then to the High Court, then to The European Court of Human Rights, then CaS..........

Thats why final was in quotation marks ;)

For what its worth, I dont think they could back to the CoS to appeal the penalty, as long as it was seen to be within the powers of the AP. They got off with any further punishment because they went to court to challenge that the original penalty was outside of the rules of the SFA, rather than the penalty itself. Going back to the CoS to challenge the actual decision would be a very different matter and one they, almost certainly, would get hammered for.

BTW does anyone know whether Green did actually take control yesterday or whether it really was just one huge cock-up on the dates on the documentation and it was meant to be the 14th?

He was never due to "take control". He was due to start "assisting" H&D in an unpaid role. No idea if it happened or not

Rangers cannot risk going back to the courts, they have been told it's out of bounds by FIFA, they will not risk it again and not for reasons dreamed up whilst smoking crack ....

As I said above, I dont see them going back to the CoS to challenge any new penalty, unless on the same grounds as before. However, would FIFA care if they appealed the current decision? They are entitled to, by law, and as its the same case, I dont think FIFA, or the SFA, would do anything.

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It looks as if it is finally sinking in with a few people. I personally believe the EBTs were used to top up earnings but proving that and having the 2nd contracts to hand is something totally different. Without those contracts there simply is no case to answer.

I would suggest there is enough evidence of a prima facie case against Rangers on the EBTs. I would also suggest the onus would be on Rangers to prove that the payments were not loans which would be difficult as in the case of Billy Dodds who has already publicy stated that his money was not a loan but a payment of outstanding wages. The SPL is not a court of Law so do not have the same jurisdiction that a Court would look for. Enough prima facie evidence and the onus is on Rangers to prove otherwise.

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And Suspension was deemed to harsh. And there ain't nothing in the middle apparently (which is why they then made one up that DID supposedly fit the crime).

Thought it was expulsion that was deemed too harsh.

So if that's too harsh, and Cup ban nae harsh enough, looks helluva like a suspension?

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Thought it was expulsion that was deemed too harsh.

So if that's too harsh, and Cup ban nae harsh enough, looks helluva like a suspension?

Looks like suspension to me as well, but what form it would take is still in the air.

Didn't like Regan's comments yesterday as follows:

Regan said: “It’s not a positive place for Scottish football to be when we’re forced into dialogue with FIFA, and it’s disappointing to see our dirty washing hung out in a civil court.

“That doesn’t put Scottish football in a positive place and clubs who want to be part of the SFA will have to abide by the organisation’s rules in future.”

Why 'in future'? Surely clubs should always have to abide by an organisations rules.

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Thought it was expulsion that was deemed too harsh.

So if that's too harsh, and Cup ban nae harsh enough, looks helluva like a suspension?

According to the Herald its suspension AND expulsion.

http://www.heraldscotland.com/mobile/sport/football/rangers-confident-fifa-will-not-come-calling-after-court-overrules-transfer-ban.17737010 edit for link

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None of that matters, they are a laughing stock, they have been recently and will be for a very long time the butt of all sorts of jokes. They have been seen as cheats and liars and now their reputation is irrevocably tarnished or 'tainted' if you like to use last month's buzz words. From trying to sell themselves as 'the most successful club in the world' they have gained the reputation as frauds and charlatans.

I get what you mean but I don't think that will matter tbh. They are already a laughing stock here. People expect Rangers to get properly hammered, possibly to the point of extinction. Anything less than that will probably see a meltdown of quite epic proportions. And if they did win the BTC? P&B Could be quite something to behold.

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SFA's independent judicial panel is robust - Stewart Regan

Stewart Regan has rejected the notion that a recent Court of Session ruling on Rangers' transfer banhas undermined the Scottish FA's judicial panel.

Lord Glennie ruled at the civil court that the ban imposed on Rangers by the SFA's independent tribunal was unlawful and outwith the organisation's powers.

"I think the judicial panel has been proved to be robust," said SFA chief executive Regan.

"Different legal brains have different interpretations."

Continue reading the main story

“Fifa are very happy with the fact that the Scottish FA are managing this process”

Stewart ReganSFA chief executiveThe judicial panel served Rangers with a fine of £160,000 and banned the club from signing players over the age of 18 for a year.

When Rangers' appeal was rejected by the appellate tribunal chaired by Lord Carloway the club chose to take the matter to the Court of Session in Edinburgh.

On that occasion, Rangers were successful and Lord Glennie decided the matter should be returned to the appellate tribunal for them to decide on an appropriate punishment for bringing the game into disrepute.

Regan dismissed the suggestion that a "deal" could be struck between the club and the SFA.

He said: "As a board, we recognise the independence of the process and we will not interfere.

"There won't be and can't be any deals, as has been highlighted in the press recently.

Rangers transfer ban timeline

  • 24 April: SFA ban Rangers from signing players over 18 for 12 months
  • 16 May: Appellate tribunal upholds decision
  • 28 May: Rangers challenge decision at Court of Session
  • 29 May Lord Glennie rules the SFA acted beyond its powers in imposing the ban
  • 31 May: SFA decide not to contest Court of Session ruling

"There is no need for guidance as such. In terms of the appellate tribunal themselves, they will deal with the matter as they see fit.

"It is an independent tribunal.

"Our view is that football will govern football disciplinary matters. We will not go any further in the process.

"We will follow Lord Glennie's decision."

Regan says the SFA will not consider additional sanctions against Rangers for taking their case to the civil court, and not to the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

"There is a consideration that we have within our articles where going outside of the Scottish FA's articles and going to a civil court technically could have breached the Scottish FA's articles," he said.

"However, in light of Lord Glennie's comments and having discussed the matter with Fifa, it is not our intention to take any action.

"We are aware of the reasons why Rangers did what they did and we will not be pursuing them for that."

And on the involvement of FIFA, Regan added: "We have had communication with Fifa over the last week.

"As of this morning, we have received a fax back from Fifa confirming that the Scottish FA are not in breach of Fifa statute 64.3.

"They are very happy with the fact that the Scottish FA are managing this process.

"We have kept them in the loop right from the outset and they have got no further action that they are intending to take."

Hmm....I thought even taking a footballing issue to a Civil Court was punishable ?

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