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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Well they can apply to the court to reduce the transactions in the same way as the creditors currently sitting on their hands watching could apply to the court to stop the transaction before it takes place.

Out of interest, which part of "the assets have been up for sale for at least four months and this is the highest offer" are people struggling with?

I'm not struggling with that part. I'm struggling with the part which involved no compulsory redundancies in either playing, or non-playing staff, by administrators at a business bleeding cash left, right, and centre - who entered seemingly endless negotiations with senior players, which only resulted in a deferral of the problem. Negotiations? Naismith, McGregor & Co being given time to think things over? Repeatedly too. 10 minutes in the door, H&D should have been saying - you, you and you, along with him, him, and him - thanks for the service, cheery-bye. Harsh? Maybe, but have a look at Portsmouth FCs administration. Knocking back the WBA bid for an injured Naismith? Keeping David Healey on the payroll? Still having Fat Sally, Kenny Mac, Durranty, a keeper coach? Staying in hotels for games an hour's drive away? Sandy fcuking Jardine for F sake.

Fcuk sake? Am I missing something?

Edit: Sincere apologies for all the swearing!

Edited by pozbaird
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I was wondering why you red dotted that.

I am talking about the Rangers support...The people who actually follow the club and not some neddy wee fuckwit that buys a Rangers top and has a bottle of Buckie permanently gllued to his hand.

I honestly cannot remember the last time there was any real trouble with Rangers travelling support domestically. Times have changed Claymores..I am not sure the last time you went to see an SPL game but at almost every game i have been to recently i have sat before and after with the home support. Not at Aberdeen for obvious reasons and that has nothing to do with our support. They hate us with a passion and would not put my son at risk..Not all of them of course as a well known Aberdeen supporter on here gave me Travelling/ parking instructions that were much appreciated for our last visit north...I wont out him here though incase he receives a backlash from his own support ;)

I appreciate yer a decent bloke occasionally - I can't believe you think Kircaldy or Methil wishes visiting Huns - we sinply dont need you

I did go to Aberdeen - EFFC knocked them oots the Cup so I suppose that was my last time at an SPL ground!!!!!!!!

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Indeed. But equally it's worth bearing in mind that D&P are a massive global business operating in a tightly regulated profession which demands the highest standards of probity. D&P themselves could buy Rangers and clear all their debts from one years net profit. Taking that into account it's difficult to see why they would leave themselves open to genuine accusations of wrong-doing.

I'm sure it will all come out in the wash but there are genuine experts watching the process from interested parties (not least HMRC) and they've not uttered a peep of criticism. Meanwhile fans all over the country are pissing themselves at how shite and/or corrupt the administrators are. On balance, I reckon most or all of the accusations are misplaced.

Is it, mibbe, a measure of how badly fecked the books were at Ibrox and evidenced by the "sh1t aff a shiny shovel" move made by Bill Miller? And they have actually been doing a good and proper job?

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Indeed. But equally it's worth bearing in mind that D&P are a massive global business operating in a tightly regulated profession which demands the highest standards of probity. D&P themselves could buy

I believe the same was said of Arthur Andersen before Enron.

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This thread should be two things.

One is a voice for supporters to tell the Scottish footballing authorities and the other SPL clubs that they should be doing the right thing in relation to Rangers and the newco. I'm sure you would agree there's a fairly wide degree of consensus as to what that right thing is.

The second is a celebration that a club that, unfortunately, has a history of bigottry is getting its comeuppance.

There are certain posters on this thread, and you're a prime example, who have been negative about this issue from day 1.

Some people said the SFA would not impose meaningful sanctions - they did.

Some people said the appelate tribunal would reduce the sanction - they didn't.

Some people said the CVA would definitely be accepted - it wasn't.

I was optimistic about all these things and will remain optimistic about the newco being refused entry to the SPL. I ask my fellow diddys to join me.

I am that diddy, I AM SPARE-TICKETUS

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I was wondering why you red dotted that.

I am talking about the Rangers support...The people who actually follow the club and not some neddy wee fuckwit that buys a Rangers top and has a bottle of Buckie permanently gllued to his hand.

I honestly cannot remember the last time there was any real trouble with Rangers travelling support domestically. Times have changed Claymores..I am not sure the last time you went to see an SPL game but at almost every game i have been to recently i have sat before and after with the home support. Not at Aberdeen for obvious reasons and that has nothing to do with our support. They hate us with a passion and would not put my son at risk..Not all of them of course as a well known Aberdeen supporter on here gave me Travelling/ parking instructions that were much appreciated for our last visit north...I wont out him here though incase he receives a backlash from his own support ;)

Out the bun b*****d



No seriously...

Edited by Guest
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Jack Irvine's Skunkworks moves into top gear on the PR front.

Sky threaten to pull plug on SPL deal

The turmoil at Rangers has taken a dramatic new twist with a report claiming that Sky Sports could keep the club in the top flight.

Eurosport – 1 hour 59 minutes ago

The Glasgow giants face being thrown into Scotland's Third Division if they head into liquidation and re-form as a new club.

But Sky has a financial gun to the head of the SPL: the Daily Record claims that the broadcaster will pull the plug on its £110 million deal to show Scottish football if Rangers head into the fourth tier.

Sky's deal only makes financial sense because of the immense commercial value of the four Old Firm derbies each season - and it is not prepared to keep the agreement in place for the minimum three seasons it would take Rangers to win promotion back to the SPL.

"No Rangers equals no Sky, unless Gers are back very soon," a source at the broadcaster told the Daily Record. "It's just not going to be commercially worth it if it's going to be any longer than 12 months with no Old Firm league games."

The threat leaves SPL club chiefs in a dilemma: the TV deal is the financial lifeblood of Scottish football, yet the clubs - and particularly their fans - want to see Rangers punished for their woeful mismanagement.

Only eight of the 12 SPL clubs need to vote for relegation to throw Rangers down the leagues, and fans are threatening to boycott their clubs if their chairmen dole out too soft a punishment. Yet the Daily Record claims half of the clubs in the SPL would go out of business without the TV cash.

A date for the SPL's debate, and vote on Rangers' relegation, is set to be scheduled for the next few days with the matter due to be settled by mid-July - and a compromise of a one-division (and therefore probably one-year) relegation looks like the preferred option.


The bombardment from the MSM continues.

Scottish journalism ? No thanks.

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Looks like Admin is going to last another 8-10 weeks.

James Cook@BBCJamesCook Meeting closed to boos and whistles from shareholders. "How do you sleep at night?" shouted. #Rangers #RFC

James Cook@BBCJamesCook PaulClark replies administration will last 8-10 more weeks. "Soundly....on a huge pile of money." #Rangers #RFC

Fixed that...... cool.gif

Edited by Dirty_Arab
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I was wondering why you red dotted that.

I am talking about the Rangers support...The people who actually follow the club and not some neddy wee fuckwit that buys a Rangers top and has a bottle of Buckie permanently gllued to his hand.

I honestly cannot remember the last time there was any real trouble with Rangers travelling support domestically. Times have changed Claymores..I am not sure the last time you went to see an SPL game but at almost every game i have been to recently i have sat before and after with the home support. Not at Aberdeen for obvious reasons and that has nothing to do with our support. They hate us with a passion and would not put my son at risk..Not all of them of course as a well known Aberdeen supporter on here gave me Travelling/ parking instructions that were much appreciated for our last visit north...I wont out him here though incase he receives a backlash from his own support ;)

No8, I think you're kidding yourself. You should have been on the Edinburgh to Glasgow train on the afternoon of Saturday 2nd (?) October 2010 to witness what I in all my 60 years have never before experienced. Non stop bile and evil religious singing from a group of fans who had attended the game at Tynecastle that lunchtime. This was a train after 3pm which I thought might be a safe haven for my wife and I. Aside from the usual FTP and the Virgin Mary lyrics we were subjected to songs about the Munich air disaster and the fact that MUFC couldn't field a 5 a side team then others about the death of Tommy Burns. This was "no one likes us, we don't care" in all it's angry ugliness!

I engaged one of the number to remonstrate with him, noly to be asked if I suupported the British Army etc etc.

I was on the train as were several other people visiting our fair country. For me and them, that was "real trouble with Rangers travelling support domestically"

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I'm hoping the SFA sees sense and jumps in with a £4M bid for Murray Park it would be a whole lot better than spending double that building their own. Rangers will, in their death, be doing more for Scottish football than they have done in their short 140 year lives.

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I'm not struggling with that part. I'm struggling with the part which involved no compulsory redundancies in either playing, or non-playing staff, by administrators at a business bleeding cash left, right, and centre - who entered seemingly endless negotiations with senior players, which only resulted in a deferral of the problem. Negotiations? Naismith, McGregor & Co being given time to think things over? Repeatedly too. 10 minutes in the door, H&D should have been saying - you, you and you, along with him, him, and him - thanks for the service, cheery-bye. Harsh? Maybe, but have a look at Portsmouth FCs administration. Knocking back the WBA bid for an injured Naismith? Keeping David Healey on the payroll? Still having Fat Sally, Kenny Mac, Durranty, a keeper coach? Staying in hotels for games an hour's drive away? Sandy fcuking Jardine for F sake.

Fcuk sake? Am I missing something?

Edit: Sincere apologies for all the swearing!

Nope this get's me too :angry: UBC had millions of pounds of contracts live and in the background ready to go live and they got snuffed oot like a candle and burried just like the ROk group did. This hole gers thing is utter pish and stinks of dodgy dealings, back handers and piss takes! Arse holes the lot of them :angry:

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Is it, mibbe, a measure of how badly fecked the books were at Ibrox and evidenced by the "sh1t aff a shiny shovel" move made by Bill Miller? And they have actually been doing a good and proper job?

Nae idea. I just think people are being a little hasty in throwing around accusations about a subject which they really know little about.

D&P could be doing a good job in difficult circumstances or they could be doing a relatively poor job in difficult circumstances but I haven't seen any evidence to suggest they are doing a terrible job or, worse, are bent.

Edited by Pull My Strings
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Jack Irvine's Skunkworks moves into top gear on the PR front.

Sky threaten to pull plug on SPL deal

The turmoil at Rangers has taken a dramatic new twist with a report claiming that Sky Sports could keep the club in the top flight.

Eurosport – 1 hour 59 minutes ago

The Glasgow giants face being thrown into Scotland's Third Division if they head into liquidation and re-form as a new club.

But Sky has a financial gun to the head of the SPL: the Daily Record claims that the broadcaster will pull the plug on its £110 million deal to show Scottish football if Rangers head into the fourth tier.

Sky's deal only makes financial sense because of the immense commercial value of the four Old Firm derbies each season - and it is not prepared to keep the agreement in place for the minimum three seasons it would take Rangers to win promotion back to the SPL.

"No Rangers equals no Sky, unless Gers are back very soon," a source at the broadcaster told the Daily Record. "It's just not going to be commercially worth it if it's going to be any longer than 12 months with no Old Firm league games."

The threat leaves SPL club chiefs in a dilemma: the TV deal is the financial lifeblood of Scottish football, yet the clubs - and particularly their fans - want to see Rangers punished for their woeful mismanagement.

Only eight of the 12 SPL clubs need to vote for relegation to throw Rangers down the leagues, and fans are threatening to boycott their clubs if their chairmen dole out too soft a punishment. Yet the Daily Record claims half of the clubs in the SPL would go out of business without the TV cash.

A date for the SPL's debate, and vote on Rangers' relegation, is set to be scheduled for the next few days with the matter due to be settled by mid-July - and a compromise of a one-division (and therefore probably one-year) relegation looks like the preferred option.


The bombardment from the MSM continues.

Scottish journalism ? No thanks.

Perhaps if there was no Sky TV then folks might actually go to games.

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