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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Gentlemen, yesterday we had our very own version of the Gettysburg address and, to my eternal shame, I failed to recognise it. It speaks of rights and of freedom. It echoes with the Scottish psyche. We are a small country, fair-minded and generally tolerant, with a desire to eliminate bigotry and racism. We eschew bullying, we object to the “Might Is Right” philosophy whether on a local level or on an international level and our sons have fought and died on the world stage to protect the rights of the weak. On a smaller scale, we here have become aware of the bullying which has taken place in our national game, but the worm has turned and we are united in our determination to see justice done, to see the wrongs which have been perpetrated on the beautiful game righted.

As an act of contrition for my lack of awareness yesterday, I give you my spiritual essence in a poem which should now be rightfully returned to its native land, which crystalises the determination of the Scottish football fan to see the rules and regulations of the game applied without fear or favour.

Legend has it that on the eve of the first true battle by a united Scots army, King Alexander’s Scots against an invading Viking force under King Haakon at the Battle of Largs, King Alexander was approached by his poet laureate. He suggested that a warning he had written in poetic form would be enough to dissuade the Vikings from attacking, and thus prevent bloodshed. Alexander was not impressed by this effete approach to warfare and became extremely angry, warning his poet to “bugger-off sharpish, or he’d have his balls for sporran-tassels”. So great was his fear of the king’s wrath that he immediately jumped into a small rowing boat lying on the beach, crewed by his best pal, Jinky, and set sail for foreign parts, never to return to his native land. Eventually he reached the land of the great white cloud, and offered his poem to the King of the Maori. The King of the Maori was much more amenable to the poet’s suggestion, as he preferred poetry to war, was also keen on ballet and macramé, and longed for the day when his country would have more sheep than humans (he was originally from Aberdeen), but that’s another story. The poem was adopted by the Maori and in now world-renowned as the Hakka.

Few would believe the origins of this mighty war song, but the truth has recently come to light. An archaeological excavation in Largs has discovered the original poem buried in ancient ruins under Nardini’s café where it fell from the poet’s hand as he fled his enraged king. It is my honour and privilege set the record straight, and to restore this mighty poem to its rightful place in history.

The Macka

So ye came here fur a rammy

Well dinnae go sae fast

Gie me jist five minutes

Till I tell ye o’ oor past

We are weans fae tenement closes

Holes in oor troosers an’ snottery noses

We are chiels fae heilan’ glens

Boys fae ferms n buts’n’bens

Some o’ us are travellers,

Born in foreign parts

Strangers by oor accents

But Scottish in oor hearts

But nae maiter whaur we come fae,

Us boys we’re the berries

We’ll tan the English,

the Spaniards and the Gerries

Mind listen awfy canny

We can come oot stormin’

We’ll gie you a world o’ pain

Take this as a warnin’

Were no makin’ idle threats

Don’t you think we’re foolin’

We’ll dae it at the rugby,

The fitba’ and the boolin’

Whitever yir game is

We’re no’ easy beat

So jist you turn and run awa’

And gie yirsel a treat

And finally oor war cry

That’s feared by yin and a’

Sae much it scared the Romans

They built a great big wa’

When written doon in Latin

It’s “ nemo me impune lacessit”

But strikes fear and apprehension

When in tae Scots translatit

As …… “Watch who yir shovin’, Pal”

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SFA said that only match fixing was more serious. SPL say Rangers have a prima facie case to answer in respect of illegal double payments. A series of cheats and crooks have cheated their way to much success, before eventually liquidating the business and looking for other clubs to save their corrupt cheating arses in zombie guise.... and we are even discussing the fact that those other club chairmen might indeed collude to let this happen?

Take a step back and think about this cooly and calmly. It's disgusting that there's even a chance it could be a 'yes' vote.

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You need to check the attendance.The whole ground was not a sell out.Maybe you shouldn't be making an arse of yourself.Again, Rangers haven't sold out an allocation in years.

Info from Killiefc.com

Kilmarnock 1 Rangers 5

SPL Match 38, Rugby Park, May 15th 2011Attendance:16,173 Gers Goals: Lafferty 1,7,53, Naismith 5, Jelavic 49 mins

Never mind the crowd, I'd be much more concerned about how that was allowed to happen.

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Rangers are in the shitter. They deserve to be hammered within the laws of the game, written down when the SPL was formed. To start making up punishments to cover up what a shit organisation the SPL is, only shows what the rest of the clubs are after.

Yes, I agree that there should be a fair share of the cash available in regards to TV money. If your on the telly, you get paid. If your not then why the f**k should you expect anything?

How are other clubs throwing a sirloin? It's a double edged sword. Other clubs benefited from transfer money when they were in dire need, so who had the sirloin?

Rangers did nothing but drive down the price of players in Scotland for years, unsettle them, try to attain them at the lowest price, it wasnt sirloin Rangers were dishing out, it was beef ham, and it had gone off.

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John MacMillan from the Rangers Supporters Association stating the obvious:

“I think the fans would be angry if any trophies were taken away."


The laughable thing is they seem to think they are the only people who have a right to be angry.

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SFA said that only match fixing was more serious. SPL say Rangers have a prima facie case to answer in respect of illegal double payments. A series of cheats and crooks have cheated their way to much success, before eventually liquidating the business and looking for other clubs to save their corrupt cheating arses in zombie guise.... and we are even discussing the fact that those other club chairmen might indeed collude to let this happen?

Take a step back and think about this cooly and calmly. It's disgusting that there's even a chance it could be a 'yes' vote.

Have a "greenie" my fellow Bud

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I know it's a bit past the starting gun now, but was Traynor on a damage limitation exercise last night? Saying that The Rangers should play in Div 1 next season, so he's not campaigning now for entry to the SPL. Methinks he sees the writing on the wall and it says "F*ck off, please".

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I don't understand the argument for letting rangers back in

1.) if they get in they will get sanctions (rangers fans away boycott)

2.) Celtic/Aberdeen/Hibs fans should not go to any ground that let them in (boycott)

Are SPL chairman really as stupid and pig headed as to ignore 95% of the fans in scotland.

A fair percentage of Rangers fans even want to go to the 3rd.

Honestly if Petrie was even close to voting them back in I think Hibs fans would force him

from the club.

Can I ask fans of other diddy clubs would your BOD survive a yes vote.

The Well society and the st mirren buy outs would they survive a yes vote.

(massive percentage of fans putting money in the club each month

all wanting 'No' vote but the board vote 'yes')

This is really new levels of stupid even for the SPL,

There is even some people suggesting celtic will vote them back in,

WTF voting back in a club who as a support like to try and make bombs to send to

members of staff as a hobby.

Jim Traynor and chick young will prob do some kind of dance celebration live

on telly if rangers get voted back in. The killie chairman will be in the

paper holding up bundles of cash and I think Rod Petries head will explode.

Let me remind you, and I know it wasn't the chairmen per se, how many fans wanted an expanded league setup with 14 or 16 teams? Around 95%.

What is the league setup? 12 teams which was wanted to go to 10.

The point I am making is that none of those in 'authority' be they chairmen, Cockwomble or SPL members really five a flying fornication for what the fans think.

This worries me as I am getting jittery about Zombie FC waltzing back into the SPL because they have 'suffered enough'.

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The laughable thing is they seem to think they are the only people who have a right to be angry.

The only people the orcs have any right to be angry with are SDM, Craig Whyte, Charles Green, every member of the board at Ibrokes for the last 25 years or more and the idolised players and staff who agreed to receive payments through questionable means.

All decent, straight thinking Scottish football fans are the ones who have the right to be angry with those whom the orcs are mis-directing their anger at for allowing this shambles to happen in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!mad.gif

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bugger it, went on zombieRangersMedia this morning.

regarding stripped titles.

#7 user_green.pngcorkinator

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Posted Today, 07:07 AM

Where is the president for this, are they just casting up arbatrary punishments at will now? why not strip EVERY title back to 1988. also who gives a f**k about what the sun says?

probably in the white house.. in america

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SFA said that only match fixing was more serious. SPL say Rangers have a prima facie case to answer in respect of illegal double payments. A series of cheats and crooks have cheated their way to much success, before eventually liquidating the business and looking for other clubs to save their corrupt cheating arses in zombie guise.... and we are even discussing the fact that those other club chairmen might indeed collude to let this happen?

Take a step back and think about this cooly and calmly. It's disgusting that there's even a chance it could be a 'yes' vote.


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Right, Rangers are dead and all the history is dead with it.

Yes stone dead, no more, ex-living, expired, etc.

The SFA want to punish Rangers for "cheating" and WILL impose sanctions against them.

"The" Rangers are after a place in the top flight of Scottish football without any rights to be there, newco etc etc etc.

The Newco has no rights to be in the SPL/SFL. It's not even a club, it's a nebulous concept with a football ground and some angry twats who like blue and hate everything else.

So are we dead

Yes 'you' are dead

or are we just fudging about on the real issue that the SPL will not survive without the money, after all that's what everyone is after.

Football chairmen like money, we'll find out soon enough if they like money so much that they'd be willing to poison what's left of the well.

Edited by Broccoli Dog
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From some of the sound-bites being thrown around, it sounds to me like a demotion to the first entering a newco in Div 1 is the new plan.

  • Sky have said that the TV deal is OK, at least for a season
  • SPL and SFL are being merged. Cue an expanded 2nd tier needing teams to put in it
  • Not letting the newco into the SPL will appease the fans calling for them not to be let back in

I guess the EBT stuff is a separate issue. My own thought is that they lose their history, then the EBT is void. They want to hang on to their trophies, then they should be investigated.

*I can't be arsed looking up all the info, just stuff I remember reading, so it might not be 100%.

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Page 1937.... The year Hitler invaded Poland and it all kicked off....

Very apt for a thread about Rangers.....

My God, but you are really thick, aren't you? Stereotypical whataboutery forum for this pish....

ETA: Just noticed the "salutes" in your avatar as well....:lol:

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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