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So when will Fat Sal get his 'marching orders' now from Green.........thought Sal was just hanging around to pass the Ranjurs cardie back over to Wattie.

Has anyone suggested to the SPL that The Ranjurs punishment over double-contracts should be that Green is made to give the pieman a new 5 year contract?!?!

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Which gives more weight to my post yesterday that all Green has is three pieces of real estate. No team, no credibility with fans, no ticket sales, no money therefore back to "no team" again. Looks like it's going to be suicide rather than euthanasia after all.

I can't believe he picked that all up for maybe £10m (inc legal fees), he'll make a killing when he strips everything out for resale, and will be left with some valuable land.

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So Hughie Green is a property developer, nothing more, nothing less. PLEASING!!

So, we're back to the sweepstake on when Hughie decides to put a padlock on Ibrox and contact Knight and Frank. I still say Friday 22nd at 15:35.

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So when will Fat Sal get his 'marching orders' now from Green.........thought Sal was just hanging around to pass the Ranjurs cardie back over to Wattie.

Has anyone suggested to the SPL that The Ranjurs punishment over double-contracts should be that Green is made to give the pieman a new 5 year contract?!?!

Did anyone else notice how it got awfy quiet on here around 12:30, then this all kicks off? Almost makes me question my atheism at times.

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So when will Fat Sal get his 'marching orders' now from Green.........thought Sal was just hanging around to pass the Ranjurs cardie back over to Wattie.

Has anyone suggested to the SPL that The Ranjurs punishment over double-contracts should be that Green is made to give the pieman a new 5 year contract?!?!

Well, he'll have to march away, 'cos he doesn't do walking away. (That's gonnae be a long, lonely march....unless he's marching in Glasgow on the 7th)

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So Hughie Green is a property developer, nothing more, nothing less. PLEASING!!

Unless i missed something,is Malcolm Murray the only name been linked to the club now with Green,if so then it also makes you wonder why they haven't yet tried to strengthen the new clubs board.Unless he has no intention of running the company as a football team.

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1340113207[/url]' post='6351403']

No easy to sell ST's when you dont know the price structure. Div 3 prices will be a lot less than SPL.

Indeed. It's a good thing that I can't believe it's not Rangers don't need that money to fund the club during the close season. Oh.

Edited by Araminta Moonbeam QC
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It's a nice time to remind people of exactly who they've stiffed. The only ones missing are their own fans.

When I first saw C4s Graphic, I questioned it too. However, your assertions are equally bollox on the other end since the use of EBTs covered the priod 2001-2010 and the footballing authority's interest (and the stripping of titles/trophies) relates to seasons 2001/02 to 2010/11

Read his post,he states "exactly who the club stiffed",then shows a graphic going back to 1988/89 season,which is a nonsense. As for the EBTs they were stopped in 2009/10 season,the investigation is from 2001/02season -2009/10 season,if i'm a few months out so be it but his graphic is inferring a policy of cheating go back to 188/89 which as i said is totally wrong.

Edited by youngsy
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Today's Walter Smith statement:

"Members of our consortium met with Charles Green and Zeus Capital prior to the CVA meeting and it had been agreed that we would be provided with significant information which would give us comfort as to the identity of the consortium members, their strategy and their funding capacity. This information had not been forthcoming by the date of our offer. We are therefore withdrawing completely from the process to enable Charles Green and his consortium to move forward. We wish the new Rangers Football Club good fortune."

And to rub salt into their gaping wounds Watty "the saviour" (not) has enraged the Orcs by incuding three glorious little letters NEW in his statement thus acknowledging that "The Rangers" are indeed dead and buried. A glorious day in more ways than one.

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Indeed. It's a good thing that I can't believe it's not Rangers don't need that money to fund the club during the close season. Oh.

AFAIK the season tickets are direct debit.

Unless they are cancelled £300 will be whipped out the knuckle draggers accounts to watch 3rd division football.

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