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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Alasdair Lamont or Mr. Mackey look-a-like Chris McLaughlin usually tweet around lunchtime. If you're bored, get onto iPlayer and listen to Stuart Cosgrove's excoriation of the blazers on Saturday's Off The Ball.

I heard it on Saturday. Might give it another wee listen to see me through.

And, yes, saw Chris McL for the first time on TV last night - mmmkay? laugh.gif Surprised he didn't have a puppet to help him explain things to ra Berrrzzzz.

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Where is T_S_A_R recently? I don't think I've seen him post since No8 outed him as a follow follow regular.

I've been offline for the best part of two weeks, so you could have knocked me down with a feather when I heard this shocking revelation...

Sorry to have missed the wake, but I'm content to dance all over their grave now.


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I'm a rest day today. Had my Summer Leave last week and the one before (Thanks, Governor!), and thought I'd be in for the end. They've dragged it out, but every day heaps more shite onto the pile,and I really can't see them burrowing out from under now. We're now in a position to observe the death throes of a monster, as its (follow) followers stagger round in a daze, wondering what is going on, what is going to happen, how to fill their lives without ra berrz, and most importantly.....

What IS that brick going to turn into?:lol:

Dust .................or road bottoming (they're no' allowed to cart the crap away to land fill anymore)

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Another year, another movie; 1974 was the year Blazing Saddles came out and IMO was the funniest thing I had ever seen in any form of media...until this thread came along.

"badges, we don't need no steenking badges"

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I've only seen a few post on the Killie Kickback that have renewed.

I've seen lots who haven't.

Worth noting that the normal advert sign board for seasons hasn't appeared in the Asda car park yet.

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From the Daily Retard article above. A made up quote if ever I read one.

Just incredible how the future of not only Scottish football but Scotland itself is dependent on the biggest team in the world getting out of this free from sanctions and loaded with cash to buy players and refs, and yet no bvgger can be bothered cutting his holiday short. :)

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I've been offline for the best part of two weeks, so you could have knocked me down with a feather when I heard this shocking revelation...

Sorry to have missed the wake, but I'm content to dance all over their grave now.


I think the funniest was when no8. defended T_S_A_R for being 'sensible' - then noticed that T_S_A_R wasn't really a neutral-minded Motherwell fan looking for fairness but a raging HVn on FF when no8. logged into FF and looked.

Their still not deid yet

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re ST sales - you can go on the Celtic site and check total and availability by section. Someone on CQN done this a while back (a few days after renewal deadline mid-May) and totted up sales of the plebian sections to 39,000 or thereabouts.

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I dont believe he did. Although, did he not say he would name them when the CVA was approved. As it wasnt, I guess this just goes to show that Green is indeed a man of his word.

Even CevcoMedia punters not happy on this topic not happy Mr x - follow the link of 'investor' questions:


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1981, the year my oldest son was born via wife number 1.

He was at the semi-final with me.

2 pages to second son and the final.

1st boy is a rugby man,

Damn, too quick with that!

Edited by DuntoiRab
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"badges, we don't need no steenking badges"

That was originally from "Treasure of the Sierra Madre".

Thta reminds, me....... bhajis and the Ibrox crowd's favourite curry...........lamb karahi

All together now...........................the karahi was .......................no surrender...............

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Hi lads, long time viewer first time poster.

Just wondering what the situation is at present with the Rangers players and staff in regards to who is actually paying them just now and with what money?

They are not in liquidation quite yet so i'm assuming that they are being paid from the £5.5m that Green has invested in them?

It was said in the press that when the players went back to their full pay on 1st June that they would only have funds to last a month before all the cash dried up and with Duff and Phelps fee being, surprise, approximately what the purchase price was where is the cash coming from, if indeed it is?

It has been well publicised that the business runs at a Million loss approximately and that was WITH crowds and season ticket income, so how is this getting paid WITHOUT these income streams?

Also, is there a cut off date that the players must decide when to jump across to THE GLASGOW RANGERS OF IBROX or whaever nonsence name they are going to have to make up etc?

Do all the sponsor deals and catering deals etc and the creditors who are due cash from extinct Rangers, do their contracts get torn up or are they obliged to provide further services to Rangers for contracts that the old regime couldnt keep up or DOES EVERYTHING have to be renegotiated?

I just cant see how Rangers, in any way shape or form can be ready to compete even in the third division next year with only about 6 weeks til the first round of fixtures?

cheers lads. bit of a long one but keen to know whats what here.


The press seem on an anti Green drive since Wattie came in, now he has gone does this meant he proposed boycott of sales will be lifted and youll all go to Ibrox if its ready next season?

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Right,thats me...i think i have caught up now.

Jimmy Carr has got into some soapy bubble for tax evasion...but is reforming as a newcarr,and will change his name to The Jimmy Carr

Walt has walked away,seems his sun tan is more important.

Green is still here,but not talking to the players,and dipping Rangers fans bank accounts.

SFA said that the dead Rangers crime was the second worst possible,only behind match fixing...and then out comes a story that they have apparently back handered a couple of referees,so now it is match fixing.

The appeal deadline is today,and so far not a word from the newco sevco whateverco Them :D

and i thought yesterday was interesting...looks like today might just be about to beat it.

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Now I know I shouldn't have done this, cos' I really can't stand Chick Young and his sycophantic slaverings but I just had to check out his Twitter. Am I the only one who thinks this has been hacked or does the idiotic Chick just get pished and then insult folk via tweets ? Very bizarre.


That has just made my day. Pissing myself with laughter. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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