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Chris McLaughlin@BBCchrismclaugCharles Green says he wants #SPL clubs to make a business decision when voting on Newco next month. #Rangers

they have to make a business decision as if it was down to one based on CHEATING they would never get in.

Rangers fans keep saying "ah but it wiznae us that got the club in all this malarky - you shouldnt punish US because of SDM and Whyte"

Well they were supposed to be rangers fans, the old board has been choked with rangers fans through the years so they were all rangers men who tried to cheat and spend what they didnt have to ensure rangers won things they may not have had they not used these tactics.

pretty simple to me, your club is everything, the owner, the fans, the strip, the stadium, if any aspect of it is rotten then its THE CLUB that has to pay for it.

also - the fans werent punished enough i dont feel for their standard ramp through europe causing havoc everywhere they went, they always say "thats not the real fans"

well to get tickets for away europe matches you have to be a season ticket holder, do you not?

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He maybe did know that the CVA would be rejected but had to make it look he tried to get it through for the supporters.

And he wants to punts the players but by saying that they have to TUPE across, if any leave then it's their choice and not his.

Please everyone remember what the acronym TUPE stands for - Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment)

It doesn't mean they're obliged to go to Cevco, it's a safety-net for those who might otherwise left out in the cold...........there's no obligation to TUPE - PROTECTION for the likes of the Rangers players/staff who nobody wants in the new company.

So they get suitable redundancy terms instead of being unpaid notice in the case of an Ibrox tea lady

Sally will have to hope TUPE applies

Edited by Claymores
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This would have been my 27th year as a ST holder and thats never been the process for me.

I get my renewal letter and have to actively do the renewal before the closing date. If I do nothing, its effectively canceled. They have no way to take my money.

Moot point for me to be fair. Going to Ibrox hasn't been a pleasant experience for me for years, I only kept it up because it was one of the few things I did with my Dad since I was a boy (as it turns out, he's only kept it up for the same reason). I could just about handle sitting for 90 minutes and watching the football, putting all the other bawbaggery that goes with going to Ibrox aside (with the "Quintessentially British" pish and all the generally Neanderthal ways of your average vociferous Rangers fan). But finding out that the club has been cheating for nearly the entire time I have been watching them coupled with the fact that the club I watched all those years is now dead (I don't buy the continuation nonsense. They're dead, new club, new everything) I wouldn't have renewed in any case.

And before anyone clever jumps in: I can think for myself, so you're bloody right I can walk away and I never at and stage jumped on that moronic bandwagon!

The forms have had the "renew unless you say otherwise" on them for the last few seasons. I've always sent mine in, but if you did nothing they would attempt to renew with the previous years details. It's pretty much the first thing on the form.

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You're not falling for it are you? The guy is as cunning as a fox who's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University. He knows exactly what hes doing

I have to say i think this is spot on.

I said it before,but i think we are underestimating Mr Green.His intentions have been good,but his plans of execution have looked poor....he seems to be forcing the negative decisions....why you may ask? He isn't wanting the club,just the assets...and will be sold up and gone before the new season starts,or will take the year suspension willingly.This gives him more time to let Ibrox fall badly into disrepair,gets the listed building protection quashed due to the cost to repair it,knocks it down,and sells it through his property developing friends companies for a hefty profit.

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Chris McLaughlin@BBCchrismclaugCharles Green says he wants #SPL clubs to make a business decision when voting on Newco next month. #Rangers

So...............not an ethical one, then? Maybe the business decision that suits the diddies won't be the bsusiness decision that suits The New Rangers.

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Come on, you must have been in awe of our magnificent response to the savage, world-record -25 penalty. A last minute winner against Partick at Dens is a sweet memory.

We had one of our best seasons ever thanks to your chairman and his ilk. And no one can ever take that away from us.

And your ground is the bleakest hole I've ever visited, on a par with Cowden, and much worse than Albion Rovers.

Savage penalty? No, more than warrantied. Oh and ofcourse you still managed to fiddle with the rules regarding players.

Dens Park is the Susan Boyle of scottish football.

And after having been in a pub in edinburgh where Dungdee players had their xmas night out I can tell you that a more disgusting bunch of guys it would be hard to find. Although it was funny watching them trying to get into every girls pants with the line "I'm a footballer."

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Chris McLaughlin@BBCchrismclaug CG: it's not about passion, it's not about commitment to a cause, it's purely about doing what's right financially as there's no money.

It's just a business afterall! Eh that would be a no. If that is the case do you want to do business with a company that is morally and financially bankrupt.

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The forms have had the "renew unless you say otherwise" on them for the last few seasons. I've always sent mine in, but if you did nothing they would attempt to renew with the previous years details. It's pretty much the first thing on the form.

Looks like they have different sytems for different people then. I'm looking at mine now and dont see that. And I would never, ever give them permission or details to auto renew (for the same reason I never signed up for teh continious credit scheme).

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1987 - First time I ever saw Raith Rovers achieve anything. Promotion to the First Division on the last day of the season with an improbable set of results. Little did I know that Frank Connor was laying the foundations of a team that would go on to achieve even greater things :D

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The first British team to win in Spain - 1966. Then the next team to win in Spain since in 1987

Though nothing makes my cry with pride than this vid................

"The night of Glory is completed!!!!"
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The first British team to win in Spain - 1966. Then the next team to win in Spain since in 1987

Motherwell won the Copa del Rey in the late 1920s. I'm sure T_S_A_R will confirm as he's no doubt seen it in the Fir Park boardroom where, until recently, it was used as a very tall ashtray.

Strange but true.

PS: Didn't T_S_A_R's real team win in Spain in 1972?

Edited by Sam Leitch Loyal
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The first British team to win in Spain - 1966. Then the next team to win in Spain since in 1987

Though nothing makes my cry with pride than this vid................

"The night of Glory is completed!!!!"

I'll not bother, thanks. Why on this thread? Go and do it elsewhere

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Apparently the SFA have written to UEFA regarding the (former) Rangers players' contracts and want clarification if UK employment legislation will prevail.

TUPE or not TUPE - that is the question. :lol:

UK law over-rides anything UEFA say.

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This is getting a bit distracting with photographs of Jim Leighton or Davie Dodds getting some of us excited. :huh:

What gets me is that Rangers have a fan base of thousands dotted across the world. Passionate in a uniquely Rangers way :o They didn't want to see their club go under. They want success, and I suspect most are appalled at how their club has been abused and is continuing to be abused by a whole raft of dodgy characters. Who can tell the difference between Murray 1, Murray2, Whyte, Green, King, Bain, Murray3, Miller, Ng etc? And it is the average Rangers punter who have financially supported these chancers.

Those supporters include many people with spare money, many with businesses, many who head up large corporations and yet they sit back waiting for another sugar daddy. The last sugar daddy - Murray 1 screwed the club behind their backs. Green is wanting to do it to their faces.

The chances of GreenCo getting into the SPL must be remote. The possibility of GreenCo being excluded from all competition I would say is high. So the best they can hope for is start again in Div 3. That I think would be a good result for them based on where we are today.

You don't need a sugar daddy to run a club in division 3, or 2 for that matter.

Less than a mile way is the ground of Benburb juniors. Why can a group of supporters not raise a quarter of a million, take out a 5 year lease on the Benburb ground and apply to get a team in Div 3 as a Newco? I am sure Benburb would be easy to deal with. And I am sure the SFA/SFL would bend over backwards to help if it were supporter led and honest. The rangers Newco could spend a couple of hundred thousaand on doing up the ground at Benburb, and they are off and running. Supposedly the largest terracing in any Scottish ground, with another unused Council pitch beside the main ground.

Then they can ignore and eyeball Green in turn as he tries to work out what to do with Ibrox and Murray Park. Green will not be there for the long term, especially if there is no money coming in. So should becomes a buyer's market before too long. And the power of the more excitable end of the Rangers support is a group you upset at your personal peril. :o A good negotiation tactic to have in your bag. :rolleyes:

It would seem (to me) such an obvious approach. One if done properly would bring support to Rangers as they faced up to the reality of where they have found themselves. With the size of their support there is little doubt they would flourish. But the only way they can achieve that is by keeping the crooks and vultures away from their club.

The longer the supporters do nothing for themselves the greater the chance they will end up again with something they cannot stomach.

(Btw I have nothing to do with Benburb)

Edited by thelegendthatis
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